Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 3 announced

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Dark Silver
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#1 Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 3 announced

Post by Dark Silver »

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#2 Re: Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 3 announced

Post by Josh »

Guardedly hopeful.

The original DOW may be my most played game of all time. It had enough scale to feel mildly epic, compared to the sequel which primarily concerned itself with the micro of a few squads' abilities.

I fondly remember some epic battles from the first, a couple of which got catalogued here. But my all time faves were a couple of MPs- one where we were three on five, and my epic CHAOS PREDATOR RUSH smashed two Eldar bases in quick succession without any losses because they were focused on breaking my allies. I didn't even take any real hits until I smashed the ork base that was next in line, and by that point we were firmly on the offensive.

Another one was a 4-4 and I had guard, got the perfect bottleneck position to tie down three enemy factions. It was just a continual brutal slugfest at the entrance to my base, with my autocannons units firing continuously.

At the end, where everyone else had about a hundred kills, pretty routine for a game like that, I had seven hundred. Chaos, Eldar, and Sisters of Battle just insisted on throwing themselves at my gun line all game long.

Let this come back with an updated engine. I'm cool with swiping the advances from CoH like destructible cover, just give me my armies back.
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