Mighty No. 9 (Kickstarter)

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#1 Mighty No. 9 (Kickstarter)

Post by rhoenix »

Apparently, the creator of the Mega Man / Rock man series lost the rights to his own creation.

So, he decided to launch a Kickstarter project to make a new version in the spirit of the Mega Man games, called Mighty No. 9. The storyline, characters, and even art are very reminiscent from those of the Mega Man games, though with names changed to protect the guilty - or copyrighted, in this case.

I fondly remember playing the Mega Man games alongside many others in my Nintendo / SNES days, and due to nostalgia, respect for a fellow creative type, and wanting to shoot stuff as a sentient robot again, I support this venture.
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#2 Re: Mighty No. 9 (Kickstarter)

Post by Dark Silver »

I still play the MegaMan Games....

I've purchased them on Nintendo Virtual Consoles on my 3DS and WiiU.

Just because I love the series that much.

I will be supporting this, and obtaining a version for WiiU when (not if) it makes it's stretch goal.
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