WE! DIG! GIANT ROBOTS! (M.A.V. Early Access on Steam)

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#1 WE! DIG! GIANT ROBOTS! (M.A.V. Early Access on Steam)

Post by Hotfoot »

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Also, reference for people who don't get the thread title:


(Seriously, it's from a show about a dude living in New Jersey using a custom-modded giant robot to kick ass, why WOULDN'T I love that show?)

ANYWAY, the game. I'll be honest, I've not looked into it beyond the video which immediately brought to mind the massively cool and very much underrated X360 title Chromehounds. Sure, it looks like a construction system similar to Kerbal Space Program, but that's Chromehounds, trust me.

Don't get me wrong, HAWKEN is cool for being effectively a cut-down Heavy Gear simulator (if the actual Heavy Gear simulator ever gets completed and is any good I'll come back to that instead of wanting to reinstall HG2 every once in a while), and Mechwarrior Online is....well it's playable now, but I've not been feeling it quite as much, due in part to the fact that while it's been in Beta for about as long (if not longer) than warframe, they've been focusing more on putting out shiny paid mechs than content and features (still waiting for a map as of the last time I played).

This, though, is clearly a remake of Chromehounds, made by a dude in his basement for the FUCKING PC.

Fully customizable mechs, online multiplayer, and the one thing Chromehounds severely lacked, a decent single player story.

Now if he can get the fuckballs crazy war map that Chromehounds had that allowed for persistent war seasons (play for a few weeks, winner declared, reset map, etc.), and hidden fucking megabosses that would RUIN your shit, I'd be in like you wouldn't believe.

Okay, that's maybe asking a bit much for a dude in his basement, BUT STILL.

Seriously, Chromehounds was fucking cool as hell and I'm a little disappointed in MWO for not having their war map yet. HAWKEN's alright.
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