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#1 Just switched browsers

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 11:11 pm
by Destructionator XV
Firefox was giving me lots of woes, being terribly slow, using huge amounts if RAM, randomly opening links in new, undecorated windows, and sometimes crashing for no good reason.

Today I decided I have had enough of it, and made a full switch to Konqueror after weighing the options.

I customized it to basically look like I had Firefox, simplistic and minimalist, and dove right in.

Thus far, I have noticed google gmail doesn't work correctly in it, but it does work, so no big deal there. It doesn't seem to remember passwords, which I will miss (unless I missed that option in the myriad of customization options it offers). Cache and render speed is far better than firefox.

edit 2: w00t!!! The sound is in sync with the video! This is amazing. I honestly don't think I will ever switch back to firefox except for trivial tasks and possibly placing online orders. This is far better.

edit: YES! In browser sound works they way I like it to work! (Windows does this for all browsers, by the way) BIG PLUS.

I love the automatic spell check in textareas. It will make my postings on boards so much better. Now if I could only get it to use an embedded vim window as it's textarea editor.....

So far, I am very happy with konqueror as a general purpose browser, and my only question is why I didn't make this switch sooner.


Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 4:06 am
by Narsil
I use either FireFox or Opera when it suits me...

Neither of them are particularly taxing upon my computer, so there's no fuss for me really.