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#1 Shadowrun -Live Anywhere impressions

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:01 am
by Ace Pace
Ars Technica
"A troll, a dwarf and a human walk into a bar... " That was the first thing I heard last night when I dove into Shadowrun's online multiplayer on my 360, and it was a fitting segue into the initial testing of an interesting game. The subject of much controversy, Shadowrun has finally been released. Strangely, though, very little has been heard about the game: there are few reviews available and the impressions seem mixed. So just how is this premiere Xbox Live Anywhere title? Pretty good, so far.

I won't get too in-depth, but suffice it to say that Shadowrun, if nothing else, is an inventive shooter that mixes the popular mechanics of a few different games: the tactile feel of Halo, the magic of Oblivion, and the aiming system of Counter-Strike. It may sound strange, but it works surprisingly well. Teleporting through walls, flying high above the map on artificial wings, lobbing frags through the urban streets of Brazil: it's a strange mix that has proved delightful thus far.

I'm impressed by the masterful amount of balance between the races, spells, and tech. Just when you think that one particular aspect of the game is overpowered, you'll realize a new little caveat that rebalances the equation. For example, Trolls become damn near invincible when under heavy fire, but that can be remedied with a simple (and relatively cheap) anti-magic generator. For every possible offense, there is an equal and opposite defense; for every attack, a counter-attack. The level of refinement and tuning is sadly unprecedented in this age of post-release patches.

Equally impressive are the maps. There may only be a handful available in the game, but they are as well-crafted as the game's balance. Multiple levels of vertical movement mingle with the typical horizontal battlefields to extraordinary effect: cascading walkways and ample rooftops leave no one area safe from attack—especially when you factor in the enemy's ability to teleport.

There are some issues with the title. Shadowrun may seem like half a game—after all, there's no local multiplayer and no substantial single-player game— though there's something to be said for the sheer inventiveness and care that has been put into this title. The graphical style, as well, may not sit well with the masses. The game looks sharp, but from a technical standpoint it may not impress. Regardless, I'm anxious to continue with my play. I've only scratched the surface of this finely-tuned multiplayer shooter. We'll have more for you when our review hits; in the meantime, if you see a dwarf with a shotgun running through walls, say hi. It's me.
Good to see that it didn't turn out like a turd.