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#1 Lord of the Rings: Online Referrals

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:35 pm
by Hotfoot
As some of you know, I've been spending time playing Lord of the Rings Online, and I've been having a good deal of fun with it, but playing with friends is always best. The good folks at Turbine just launched a nice referral service: I plug in 5 email addresses, and the owners of each get 10 free days of playing LOTRO. If you decide to sign up for real, I get a free month.

So, anyone interested? I play on the Vilya server, and have a bevy of lower level characters for ease of play, plus a relatively badass main for twinking and such.


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:21 pm
by The Cleric
WoW >. Sorry bub :/.


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:59 pm
by Dark Silver
yeah man..sorry.

I been playing WoW....on the dragonblight server...

if you wanna join up...I could toss you a referal code...300% XP...

I'm in a decent guild of'd fit in fine there.


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:19 pm
by Mercury01
Aw. If it was Age of Conan, I'd take you up on it.


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:10 pm
by Hotfoot
Dark Silver wrote:yeah man..sorry.

I been playing WoW....on the dragonblight server...

if you wanna join up...I could toss you a referal code...300% XP...

I'm in a decent guild of'd fit in fine there.
I've done WoW, I really didn't feel the love, and I quit. I really like LOTRO though. On top of the graphics being super nice, the class dynamics are pretty interesting. My main is a Captain, which is a crazy cool jack of all trades class that fits in well with pretty much any group.


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:09 pm
by Hotfoot
For the record, I posted a brief review of the game in an older thread here. Since then, two new classes have been added, the Warden and the Rune Keeper. The Rune Keeper is basically the mage class that many people have been clamoring for and does a decent job of working flashier magic into Tolkien's world. The Warden, for a lack of a better term, is basically like a Greek Hoplite.

In addition to all that, the new expansion added legendary items from the various ages, which you can level up over time, customize, and even deconstruct to forge a weapon of your own.