Column: Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

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#1 Column: Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

Post by The Minx »

Editor's note: Roland S. Martin, a CNN political analyst, is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of "Listening to the Spirit Within: 50 Perspectives on Faith," and the forthcoming book, "The First: President Barack Obama's Road to the White House." He is a commentator for TV One Cable Network and host of a one-hour Sunday morning news show.

(CNN) -- Civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer made famous the phrase, "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired."

For me, I'm sick and tired of Democrats having power and being unwilling to use it. I've always respected Republicans when they had power because they were willing to use it and maybe apologize later.

Today, President Obama walked into the White House briefing room and took some questions, and one of them revolved around recess appointments.

He has watched Republicans block many of his appointments, and now he says he made it clear to them that he will "consider" making some when the U.S. Senate goes into recess.

"One senator, as you all are aware, had put a hold on every single nominee that we had put forward due to a dispute over a couple of earmarks in his state," President Obama said.

"In our meeting, I asked the congressional leadership to put a stop to these holds in which nominees for critical jobs are denied a vote for months. Surely we can set aside partisanship and do what's traditionally been done to confirm these nominations.

If the Senate does not act -- and I made this very clear -- if the Senate does not act to confirm these nominees, I will consider making several recess appointments during the upcoming recess, because we can't afford to allow politics to stand in the way of a well-functioning government."

This is where the president needs to show his toughness and just do it. Forget the threats. The actions of Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, and other Republican obstructionists will continue if President Obama allows them to run roughshod over him. When you're the top dog, you do what you have to do to govern. Allowing Republican senators to continue to deny your appointments is nonsense.

If all of them choose to support a filibuster, then you take it to the American people and show the obstructionists for what they are. You get your grass-roots movement fired up to stand up and do something. The political right used its base to go after Democrats who blocked appointments to the federal bench and other positions. So why not be just as aggressive?

If there are members of your own party who stand in the way, such as Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Nebraska, then you also blast them and make them pay for acting so foolishly.

This president got rolled by the Senate over health care. His team made some boneheaded mistakes, and now they are paying for them. Continuing to play footsie with opponents will only get him into more trouble. He should set a deadline to have his folks confirmed. If not, appoint them all during the recess and go on about your business.

Obama's critics keep blasting him for Chicago-style politics. So, fine. Channel your inner Al Capone and go gangsta against your foes. Let 'em know that if they aren't with you, they are against you, and will pay the price.

I'm not just posting this for the article itself, which is interesting enough, but mainly due to some of the comments readers have left there. Such as these:

I don't think Obama could be more Gangsta. Gangsta = A sociopathic member of the inner-city underclass, known primarily for being antisocial and uneducated.
Wow, Obama's an Ivy League graduate. But to this reader, he's from an "inner-city underclass known for being antisocial and uneducated". The commentator couldn't have made his real reason for hating Obama more obvious if he tried. I mean, he essentially comes right out and says it!

Here's another gem:
Metadojo, Bush did not plunder the economy. What Bush did was FAIL to stop the DEMs from plundering the economy. All of the Reps failed to stop the Dems. That's why we voted them out in 2006 and 2008.
That doesn't make a lick of sense. According to this person, the Democrats plundered the country and the Republicans failed to stop them, therefore the people voted the Republicans out... and therefore the Democrats in? :???: What? Even going by the crazy assumption he uses, it doesn't make any sense at all.

I'm half hoping these guys are trolling. It could be they are, but I have an uncomfortable feeling they're not. How crazy does a person have to be to not see how little sense they're making when they say stuff like this.
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#2 Re: Column: Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

Post by Steve »

The Minx wrote: That doesn't make a lick of sense. According to this person, the Democrats plundered the country and the Republicans failed to stop them, therefore the people voted the Republicans out... and therefore the Democrats in? :???: What? Even going by the crazy assumption he uses, it doesn't make any sense at all.

I'm half hoping these guys are trolling. It could be they are, but I have an uncomfortable feeling they're not. How crazy does a person have to be to not see how little sense they're making when they say stuff like this.

That's because you don't know the TRUTH, that Democrats being tax-and-spend LIBRULS are inherently out to plunder our fair country to finance their personal projects to collect votes, and the Republicans try to stop them to varying degrees of success, because the Republicans are against plundering our nation for their own benefit and stand nobly for low taxes and people enjoying the fruits of their labors. Therefore it is functionally impossible for Republicans to be bad, they can only fail to stop the Democrats from plundering....

Wait, what are you doing with those whiffle bats? Wait, no, I was only jok.....

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Post by SirNitram »

For me, I'm sick and tired of Democrats having power and being unwilling to use it.
Gosh, yea, because it's not like there's RULES here, written down and forcing people into this craptastic situation. I mean, there's just anarchy there, and a completely, 110% cooperative Democratic caucus.

Gods, he opened my eyes. I thought it was because Lieberman, Nelson, and BAucus were ego-driven sociopaths enabled by the very rules of operation of the Senate.
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#4 Re: Column: Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

Post by Dark Silver »

Steve wrote: *is bludgeoned by assorted forum-goers*

-bludgeons Steve with whiffle bat repeatedly-

What? Oh...the author is a fucking nitwit.
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#5 Re: Column: Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

Post by LadyTevar »

Steve wrote:Wait, what are you doing with those whiffle bats? Wait, no, I was only jok.....

*is bludgeoned by assorted forum-goers*
whiffle bat? what whifflebat?
*uses SCA-legal short-sword*

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Post by Steve »

Hey, you can poke someone's eye out with....

*the bludgeoning continues*
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