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#1 WV Water Emergency

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:03 pm
by LadyTevar
This is the best article I've found so far, but it's far too long to post.

CNN report

Among the highlights:
The crisis began Thursday, when residents of Kanawha County reported a foul odor -- similar to licorice -- in the air.
The Kanawha County Fire Department and the state Department of Environmental Protection that day traced that smell to a leak from a 35,000-gallon storage tank along the Elk River.
The chemical had overflowed a containment area around the tank run by a company affiliated with the coal industry, then migrated over land and through the soil into the river. The leak happened about a mile upriver from the impacted West Virginia American Water Co. plant.
35,000 gallon. That's 132 cubic meters for those outside the US. And it's been leaking for an unknown amount of time.
Freedom (industrie's) crippled steel tank is about a mile upriver from the West Virginia American Water plant, according to McIntyre. According to Carper, the county official, it's part of a former Pennzoil refinery dating back to the 1930s or 1940s. Jones, Charleston's mayor, said he believes "the chemicals went through (holes in a retaining) wall."
1930-40s. WWII equipmnt, formerly used to store oil or gasoline, now used to store 4-methylcyclohexane methanol. Anyone else seeing a problem here?

But now, the SCARY BIT:
The Freedom Industries president downplayed the chemical's health effects, saying it has "very, very low toxicity" and opining it poses no danger to the public.
West Virginia American Water and government officials have a different take, as evidenced by the stop-use warning.
As McIntrye said, "It is not intended to be in the water (or) distribution system. ... Once it's in there, there's no more treatment for it."
And, worse, no way to know what parts-per-million is SAFE

#2 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:04 pm
by LadyTevar

Affected Counties. I'm upstream of the Elk, but on City water, so I'm up the creek with everyone else

#3 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:14 am
by frigidmagi
This is horrorible.

#4 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:08 am
by Lys
There's no way to remove it from the general water supply, however it can be removed from any specific sample of water. Given that its boiling point is nearly twice as high as that of water, double distilled water should be fine.

#5 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:56 pm
by LadyTevar
I have a flat of bottle water, and 5jugs, so I'm good. No clue if they'll close down office buildings Monday, but they should shut down IMHO. No reason to have stuinky unwashed people crammed into buildings with no water when there's also an influenza bug (and other viral infections) going around. That's just ASKING for epidemic outbreak.

The main problem so far is all the paper plates and plastic utensils have been sold out. LOL! If it weren't for Martin in the hospital, we'd be up at my Mom's.

#6 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:16 pm
by LadyTevar
BUT NOW, for the *REAL* WTF:

Freedom Industries Execs Old Comrades
CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Freedom Industries, the company whose chemical spill is responsible for the contamination of much of the Kanawha Valley's water, has existed in its current form for less than two weeks.

On the last day of 2013, Freedom Industries, which distributes chemicals used in coal mining, merged with three other companies: Etowah River Terminal, Poca Blending and Crete Technologies, a Delaware company.

Poca Blending, in Nitro, and Etowah River Terminal, in Charleston, now comprise the two branches of Freedom Industries.

The company's website says the Charleston branch, which spilled the chemical, "can process large volumes of chemical rapidly, and cost effectively."

Smells from the spill were reported early Thursday morning, but Freedom mostly stonewalled media inquiries -- releasing only a bland news release through a public relations firm -- until a 10-minute news conference Friday evening.

At the news conference, Freedom Industries President Gary Southern gave few details about the company, made several statements seemingly in conflict with what government officials have said, and was whisked away by a public relations handler with reporters still shouting questions.

Prior to the news conference, the most extensive public statement from anyone connected with the company came Friday afternoon from Kathy Stover-Kennedy, the girlfriend of Freedom Industries executive Dennis P. Farrell.

Stover-Kennedy stressed that the spill was an accident and said that Farrell has received threatening and frightening messages from people around the world.

"I'm not asking for anyone's sympathy but a little empathy wouldn't hurt. And just so you know, the boys at the plant made and drank coffee this morning! I showered and brushed my teeth this morning and I am just fine!" Stover-Kennedy wrote on her personal Facebook page.

"There has been criticism from many about how Freedom Industries is handling this," she continued. "Denny is not a spokesperson and has no desire to be. His expertise was much needed elsewhere. If he had taken the time to talk to the numerous media networks, giving statements, he would not have been able to react to the situation and perform his job accordingly. It wasn't his decision to hire a spokesperson and it isn't his job to be one."

Details are still scant about Farrell and the company's two founders, but some details about the men, Southern and Carl L. Kennedy II, are known.

Freedom Industries was founded in 1992 by Southern and Kennedy, according to filings with the West Virginia secretary of state.

Kennedy is still listed as "incorporator" on the secretary of state's website, but a woman who answered the phone at Freedom Industries said he left the company "years ago."

In 2005, federal prosecutors charged Kennedy with failing to pay more than $200,000 in income taxes, according to reports at the time. In 1987, he pleaded guilty to selling between 10 and 12 ounces of cocaine, according to reports.
Kennedy grew up in Montgomery and went to college there at the former West Virginia Institute of Technology, where he met Farrell, according to the reports.

Farrell is listed as Freedom Industries' president on the company's website, although he does not appear on the secretary of state filing and a woman who answered the phone at would call him only an executive.

Kennedy and Farrell became friends and eventually went into business together. In 2002, they opened a sports bar in Montgomery called The Bank Bar and Grill.

They also owned two buildings at the corner of Virginia and Capitol streets in downtown Charleston.

The secretary of state lists Farrell as the "organizer" of Etowah River Terminal, a chemical storage facility, which was founded in 2001.

It failed to file an annual report in 2005 and had its business license revoked, but re-formed in 2011.

No one answered the phone at Etowah, but its website lists its location as and shows pictures of the current site of Freedom Industries.

The site, just a few feet from the Elk River, has 13 bulk tanks and a total liquid storage capacity of 4 million gallons, according to the Etowah website.

Etowah's business license was terminated when it merged with Freedom Industries on Dec. 31 of last year.

It appears that Southern became president and Farrell became a top executive when the two companies merged.

Southern is also listed as president of Enviromine, which makes products to help remediate environmental problems from mining.

The secretary of state filing for Enviromine lists an address for Southern in Marco Island, Fla.

Mike Murphy, an Enviromine employee, confirmed that Southern is still with the company but would not provide any more information.

#7 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:31 pm
by LadyTevar
Oh, and now Ms Erin Brockovich is coming to add her support. Or should I say she's coming to take the field and beware anyone in her way?

#8 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:52 pm
by frigidmagi
This is gonna turn into a thing.

#9 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 10:37 pm
by LadyTevar
Good news came in. WV Water Co. found chemical levels dropped far enough down they can start flushing the system.

Story from WCHS TV

#10 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:27 am
by frigidmagi

#11 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:59 pm
by LadyTevar
And my Zone has been flushed, and I have completed flushing of my water lines. I HAVE WATER!!!!

But I'm not drinking it for another few days. SHower, yes. Drink, NO. It still smells like licorice

#12 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:44 am
by LadyTevar
Water still smells like licorice, so we're still drinking bottled water. I can wash with it, and there was no stinging or redness, so I call that a success. CLEAN HAIR! CLEAN BODY!!!

The Army Corp of Engineers is tracking the spill as it heads into the Ohio River, and then down to the Mississippi. So far, it's only just reached the mouth of the Kanawha at Point Pleasant and started into the Ohio River. No word on measurements yet.

Freedom Industries is under a lot of pressure, and the cracks are showing. Seems there's been a lot of shuffling of paper and ownership, mostly within a circle of friends. One gets in trouble and the business is 'sold' to another buddy, leaving the one in trouble free and clear. Same property the leak was on has exchanged hands at least once a year the last 5, but never left the circle.

The Media's been asking about Other Property where chemicals like this are being stored, and getting a very panicked run-around. The DEP is smelling blood.

#13 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:03 pm
by LadyTevar
However, there briefly was a report of licorice at the site where the company moved the chemicals for storage.
WCHS TV news
I love the quip about "Only place outside of Bhopal India where people live this close to chemical storage"

#14 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:08 pm
by Steve
All I can do at this point is sigh about human greed and stupidity.

#15 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:23 pm
by LadyTevar
I'm just waiting to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

#16 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:19 pm
by frigidmagi

#17 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:40 am
by SirNitram
Literally wrong in this case; the regulations don't apply to storage sites. But hey, modern GOPer being completely ignorant? That's a job requirement.

#18 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:55 pm
by Josh
Even if the regulations did cover the sort of sight, enforcement's been gutted for so long on shit like this that it's ridiculous.

It's morbidly amusing to me, coming as I did from a site that fell under NRC regs and inspections, which do tend to err on the side of the absurd, or they did in our case anyway. Stormwater discharge, all that shit, watched like a hawk. We had a gazillion crank wells drilled throughout the site that our enviro crew had to routinely draw samples from, etc. (And enviro crew was top-to-bottom our very best crew, too.)

#19 Re: WV Water Emergency

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:30 am
by LadyTevar
Freedom in 'death spiral,' bankruptcy judge told

A federal bankruptcy judge said a loan he tentatively approved during a hearing Tuesday would allow Freedom Industries to pay its employees and also pay to clean up a chemical leak into the Elk River earlier this month.

The coal-processing chemical known as Crude MCHM contaminated the West Virginia American Water system in Charleston and led officials to tell residents in nine counties not to drink, wash or cook with their water for days.

Freedom filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which allows companies to reorganize under bankruptcy protection, on Friday. In Tuesday's hearing, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Ronald Pearson called the case "one of the most unique Chapter 11 cases I've ever seen."

Freedom's president, Gary Southern, and chief financial officer, Terry Cline, testified at the hearing, which lasted a little more than six hours.

Southern told the judge, "Freedom Industries, from where I sit, is in a death spiral." Customers aren't buying from Freedom, he said, and suppliers aren't selling to them.

About 80 percent of Freedom's business is providing protection against freezing for coal, Southern testified Tuesday. The other 20 percent, which Southern called the chemistry business, includes the chemical that leaked into the Elk.

The company's busiest time is usually November through March, Southern said.

Cline said Freedom had already put $300,000 toward remediation of the spill, and told the judge the overall cost to the company might be $800,000. But Southern testified later that Freedom had already contributed $800,000 toward remediation costs.

Mark Freedlander, an attorney for Freedom, said company officials weren't willing Tuesday to discuss culpability for the chemical spill.

About an hour after Freedom filed for bankruptcy Friday, the company filed an emergency motion for "debtor-in-possession" (DIP) financing, which would allow it to secure a loan up to $5 million to continue to function in some capacity. The loan would, according to the filing, "provide additional liquidity to [Freedom] in order to allow it to continue as a going concern."

DIP lenders are often among the first agencies to get their money back from bankrupt companies.

Freedom's proposed DIP lender is WV Funding LLC, which was incorporated in West Virginia on Friday, the day Freedom filed bankruptcy.

WV Funding's one listed member is a company called Mountaineer Funding LLC. Mountaineer Funding also was founded Friday, according to filings with the Secretary of State's Office. There is also a space for Mountaineer Funding to sign on the DIP agreement.

Mountaineer Funding's one listed member is J. Clifford Forrest -- whom Southern said in court Tuesday is also the owner of Chemstream Holdings, Freedom Industries' parent company.

In a filing Sunday, West Virginia American Water Co. asked the judge to deny Freedom Industries' request for a loan, which the water company said "smells of collusion."

The water company called Freedom's request a "loan to own scheme."

"Freedom seeks to stampede this court into irrevocable and improvident actions which will likely result in the selective dismemberment of the Debtor's business to the permanent and immeasurable detriment of its creditors," the water company's filing states.

In its bankruptcy filing, Freedom described the DIP agreement as being negotiated between the parties "in good faith and at arms-length." But the water company notes the fact that the DIP lender that owns Freedom isn't disclosed in the bankruptcy filings.

"The terms of the DIP facility would provide the lender with a lien on all of the Debtor's assets, a superiority claim, and the ability to foreclose selectively on the assets and take away the most valuable assets from the Debtor's estate, leaving behind only the toxic facilities and huge damage claims caused by the Freedom spill," the water company's filing states.

In documents filed Sunday, West Virginia American Water says it has been sued 23 times over Freedom's chemical leak. Because of that, the water company says, it is Freedom's "largest single creditor" in the bankruptcy case.

On Tuesday, the judge tentatively approved a modified DIP agreement for $4 million. The money is to pay Freedom's 51 employees, clean up the environment and pay back "critical vendors" that agree to continue supplying Freedom with products.

Freedom owes $3.6 million to its top 20 unsecured creditors, according to bankruptcy documents.

The loan, which WVAWC agreed to, wouldn't allow the DIP lender to have priority over liens. It does, however, allow the lender priority over administrative costs, like legal fees and insurance costs, the judge said.

A bankruptcy filing puts a temporary hold on all claims for a company to pay its debts. All of the lawsuits also are put on hold. The courtroom was packed Tuesday with attorneys representing plaintiffs in civil cases filed against Freedom.

The judge also approved a motion made this week by several of those attorneys to preserve evidence at Freedom's office.

In a separate filing Monday, eight business owners in the Kanawha Valley filed an "adversary complaint," or a lawsuit within the bankruptcy, against Freedom Industries, Chemstream Holdings, Rosebud Mining Co., Gary Southern, J. Clifford Forrest and 99 unnamed individuals that acted with Freedom.