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#1 Iraq 'to meet charter deadline'

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:08 am
by frigidmagi
The head of a committee drawing up a new constitution for Iraq has said a new charter can be completed by a 15 August deadline.

Sheikh Humam Hammudi said the draft would be sent to parliament for a debate and vote in two weeks' time.

The committee had considered asking for an extension of up to six months.

The charter is due to be put to a national referendum on 15 October, paving the way for parliamentary elections to be held by 15 December.

The United States has been putting strong pressure on the committee to finish its work on time, fearing a delay might play in the hands of insurgent groups.

'Night and day'

Mr Hammudi said just one chapter of the constitution remained to be written and this would be completed on time, Reuters news agency reported.

New constitution to be completed by 15 August
National referendum on constitution by mid-October
Full government elections by mid-December
"We will work day and night to finish it on time. Even our Sunni brothers insist on finishing it on time," he was quoted as saying.

The committee views the constitution as the best chance to bring recalcitrant Sunni Muslims into the political process and weaken the insurgency.

Mr Hammudi said political leaders will meet on 5 August to try to resolve outstanding points of disagreement in the draft.

The main sticking points so far have been over how far power should be devolved from the centre and the role of Islam in a new state.

US pressure

The BBC's Mike Donkin in Baghdad says crucial differences between Iraq's Kurds, Shias and Sunnis still stand in the way of a deal.

The announcement amounts to a fudge, and a risky one at that, he adds. The sticking points are vital ones, summed up by the fact that the committee cannot even decide what to call their new nation.

The 71-member committee had come under intense US pressure not to seek an extension of the deadline.

Speaking after Mr Hammudi's announcement, US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad said if differences could be ironed out to ensure the constitution is completed.

"If there is good will and preparedness to compromise, then it can be arrived at. I urge the leaders to come with that spirit, " Associated Press quoted him as saying.

Last week, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld flew to Baghdad to insist the committee meet the 15 August deadline.
I will note that in a series of interviews I read in the paper Iraq politicos seem very eager to wheel and deal and come to a compromise, which is good. Not to say there aren't problems.


Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:21 am
by Ace Pace
Such as the current constitution attacking Israel....


Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:29 am
by Comrade Tortoise
We will see how this pans out. Hopefully they dont do the theocracy thing