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#1 Obama == Connery. Enough Said.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:58 pm
by SirNitram

[quote]No hard news. Rendell made some characteristically colorful comments and Obama took a few jabs at John McCain.

Sen. Barack Obama attended a fundraiser at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Philadelphia. Roughly 400 people piled into a ballroom and snacked on appetizers waiting for Obama. Co-hosts for the event had to raise $10,000 and guests were asked for a maximum donation of $2,300 and a minimum of $1,000.

Mayor Michael Nutter gave a quick introduction for Sen. Bob Casey. He used the same line he repeated endlessly during the primaries when he was campaigning for Hillary Clinton. “Everyone knows the road to Pennsylvania Avenue goes right through Pennsylvnia,â€


Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:17 pm
by frigidmagi
Well he did do alot of work in Chicago and lived there for a long time. Guess he learned the Chicago way pretty good.