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#1 Pirate mother's Obama mercy plea & Pirate arrives.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:30 am
by frigidmagi
The mother of a teenage alleged pirate held over the hostage-taking of a US sea captain this month has appealed to US President Barack Obama to free him.

Adar Abdurahman Hassan told the BBC her son, Abde Wale Abdul Kadhir Muse, was innocent and just 16 years old.

He was held over the seizure off Somalia of Richard Phillips, captain of the Maersk Alabama cargo ship.

While her son was allegedly negotiating on a US warship, naval snipers shot dead three pirates holding the captain.

The mother of the teenager, who is facing trial in New York, said she wanted to be present in court if the case goes ahead.


Mrs Hassan said her son had been missing for two weeks prior to the hijacking and she only realised he had been implicated when she heard his name in a radio report.

The teenager is accused of being a member of the pirate gang which boarded the container ship on 8 April and took Capt Phillips hostage in a lifeboat.

The standoff ended on the fifth day while her son was aboard a US warship allegedly demanding a ransom when US Navy marksmen killed three of the pirates.

Mrs Hassan told the BBC's Somali service: "I am requesting the American government, I am requesting President Obama to release my child. He has got nothing to do with the pirates' crime.

"He is a minor; he is under-age and he has been used for this crime. I also request from the US, if they choose to put him on trial, I want them to invite me there."

I am requesting President Obama to release my child, he has got nothing to do with the pirates' crime, he is a minor
Adar Abdurahman Hassan
Mother of alleged pirate

Somali piracy: Global overview

Her plea came as Somali pirates released a Togo-flagged cargo ship seized last week, reportedly after a $100,000 (£68,000) ransom was paid.

The 5,000-tonne Lebanese-owned MV Sea Horse - which had been heading to India to pick up food aid for Somalia - was seized on 14 April.

Capt Richard Phillips (centre) hugs his children back in America on 17 April 2009
Capt Richard Phillips has been hailed as a hero back home

But 19 foreign vessels and more than 300 sailors remain in the hands of Somali pirates, who have stepped up attacks on shipping in recent weeks.

About three million people - half the Somali population - need assistance, donors say.

On Sunday, the weak, internationally recognised Somali government said captured pirates could face the death penalty.

But the Horn of Africa nation has been without an effective administration since 1991, fuelling the lawlessness which has allowed piracy to thrive.

Shipping companies last year handed over about $80m (£54m) in ransom payments to the gangs.
Poor women, I do actually feel sympathy for her. Not enough to spare her child however.

BBC again
A Somali teenager accused of being one of the pirates who held an American sea captain hostage has been flown from Africa to the US to face trial.

Abde Wale Abdul Kadhir Muse is the first person to be tried in the US on piracy charges in more than a century, the Associated Press news agency says.

He was held over the seizure off Somalia of Richard Phillips, captain of the Maersk Alabama cargo ship.

Earlier, his mother appealed to US President Barack Obama to free him.

Adar Abdurahman Hassan told the BBC her son was innocent and just 16 years old.

While her son was allegedly negotiating on a US warship, naval snipers shot dead three pirates holding the captain.

Mrs Hasan said she wanted to be present in court if the case goes ahead.

She said her son had been missing for two weeks prior to the hijacking and she only realised he had been implicated when she heard his name in a radio report.

Under age

The teenager is accused of being a member of the pirate gang which boarded the container ship on 8 April and took Capt Phillips hostage in a lifeboat.

The standoff ended on the fifth day while her son was aboard a US warship allegedly demanding a ransom when US Navy marksmen killed three of the pirates.

Capt Richard Phillips (centre) hugs his children back in America on 17 April 2009

Somali piracy: Global overview

Mrs Hassan told the BBC's Somali service: "I am requesting the American government, I am requesting President Obama to release my child. He has got nothing to do with the pirates' crime.

"He is a minor. He is under age and he has been used for this crime. I also request from the US, if they choose to put him on trial, I want them to invite me there."

On Sunday, the weak, internationally recognised Somali government said captured pirates could face the death penalty.

But the Horn of Africa nation has been without an effective administration since 1991, fuelling the lawlessness which has allowed piracy to thrive.

Shipping companies last year handed over about $80m (£54m) in ransom payments to the gangs.
16 or not, if he is a pirate, then he needs to be punished.


Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:06 am
by The Village Idiot
I hate to say it, but in this day in age piracy of this nature cannot be tollerated. I never really like the idea of "make an example out of", but these guys are pushing it. Personally I am in favor of shooting all those that attack and capture these ships.

If you adult enough to take up arms and attack something, you are adult enough to be attacked back. And its not our fault if you happen to attack some big angry gun toting nation and get your ass blown away. You shouldn't have been fucking around in the first place.


Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:24 pm
by The Minx
"He is a minor; he is under-age and he has been used for this crime. I also request from the US, if they choose to put him on trial, I want them to invite me there."
IMHO, this request is reasonable though.


Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:44 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
I would think that there are some things complicating the issue. Namely that Somalia is a hell hole and he may well have been press-ganged into piracy. Read: He may not have had a choice. Certainly in Somalia, he may not have had any good choices...


Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:33 pm
by Mayabird
Teenagers, being stupid and full of hormones, can be both incredibly impressionable and brazen wild criminal punks, at one moment the head of the gang robbing people and the next scared shitless when the cops arrive. I see no reason to disbelieve any of the interpretations about this guy, except for the disagreements about his age since it can only be one of them.


Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:31 am
by LadyTevar
In my school, I know of a group of boys (sophomores), who bragged about walking into a store and pocketing small items throughout, and getting out the door with the shoplifted loot. They thought it made them look big and clever. I forget now if anyone ever caught them.

Now, in Somalia, where other pirates have made $$$ taking over ships, it's not hard to see why a 16yr old would join up. A little risk, a lot of money as the shipping companies pay up. "The navy ships never close enough to catch us!"

The kid's bad luck was picking a US ship, with US navy cruiser close enough to take action.