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#1 Netanyahu seeks 'demilitarised Palestine'

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:01 pm
by frigidmagi
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced he will back a Palestinian state - but only if it is completely demilitarised.

He said a Palestinian state must accept the existence of Israel and must have no army, no control of its air space and no way of smuggling in weapons.

Mr Netanyahu's speech comes a month after US President Barack Obama urged him to accept a two-state solution.

The Israeli leader offered to talk to the Palestinians immediately.

He said he was willing to talk with no preconditions, adding: "We want to live with you in peace as good neighbours."

Mr Netanyahu also said he was willing to go to Damascus, Riyadh and Beirut in pursuit of a Middle East peace deal.
Something tells me that the Palestinians having been slapped around a bit by Israel aren't going to be tripping over themselves to take this deal.


Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:37 pm
by SirNitram
I'm not sure what changes in this deal. 'No defenses, we can come do whatever we want, you have to sit there and take it.' Urgh. I begin to see why this has dragged on for decades. Probably still will for decades.