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#1 Heavy Gear: Badlands Justice OOC
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:31 pm
by Hotfoot
A continuation of the short adventure done via tabletop. If the players would please post their characters here as well as their equipment.
Suggested books for players:
Life on Terra Nova 2nd Edition
Equipment of Terra Nova
Alternatively, the Heavy Gear 3rd Edition Player's Handbook has most of the information from those two books, plus basic equipment, gears, etc.
Heavy Gear: Vehicle Compendium (3rd Edition)
Also, for mechanics, the Silhouette Core Rules (Deluxe if possible) is always a handy utility.
None of these are required, but basic familiarization with Terra Nova is useful.
When rolling for skill checks, use the following format:
Invalid dice code!
So Frigid's Small Arm's skill would be:
Invalid dice code! assuming there were no other modifiers. It may work out best if I do most of the modifiers on my end, so just give skill + stat.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:20 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
my sheet is over at FMs I think, so I will have to get it tomorrow or the next day (I have jury duty and work tomorrow though, so it will probably be tuesday)
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:20 pm
by frigidmagi
Name: Jeff
National Orgin: Western Frontier Protectorates
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Prime Stats:
Agility: 2
Influence: 0
Appearence: -1
Knowledge: 0
Build: 1
Perception: 1
Creativity: 0
Psyche: 0
Willpower: 1
Secondary Stats:
Strength: 1
Health: 1
Stamina: 35
Armed Damage: 5
Unarmed Damage: 5
Athletics: 1
Animal Handling: 1
Combat Sense: 2
Defense: 2/2
Hand to Hand: 2/2
Melee: 2/2
Small Arms: 3/2
Ground Pilot: 2
Stealth: 2
Riding: 2
Survival (desert): 2
Streetwise: 2
Indo-Arabic: 2
Interrogation: 2
Notice 2
Criminal Background -2
Honor Code -3
Acute Hearing 1
Acute Sight 1
Ambidextrous 1
Time Sense 2
11mm Riley M32 pistol
7mm Paxton R23 rifle
Paxton Hailstorm Automatic Shotgun
Paxton SIS 7mm Squad Support Weapon
Vibro Knife
Northern Guard Med Flak Suit
Leather Duster
Desert suit
3 sets Utilitarian Clothes
2 sets Plain Clothes
Standard Gear:
Flare 200m into the air
Nightvision goggles
Gas Mask
Thermal goggles
Mem Compass
Bug & tracer detectors
Sleeping Bag
Chem Sniffer
Military throat/ear commset
WFP Army Omnitool
Canteens 2
Gun Cleaning Kit + 3 extra bore brushes
Water Purification Tablets
Entrenching tool
Load Bearing Vest
Rope 100m length
Handcuffs 2
Water Condenser
Personal Hygiene Kit
Survival Rations 3 weeks worth
Personal Computer
Taser, 4 mags 30 shots per (electrical intensity 5)
11mm Riley M32, 8 mags 12 shots per
7mm Paxton R23, 12 mags 30 shots per
Shotgun Ammo
80 slugs
10 dragonflame (close combat, fire attack, intensity 4)
40 ringslugs, nonlethal
7mm Paxton SIS 2 boxes, 150 shots per
Armor Piercing 7mm rifle shot, 3 mags, 30 shots per
3 vibro knife batteries
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:00 am
by Angelod
I have my page at FM and VI's place too. Should drop by and grab it sometime soon. :)
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:08 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
Vince Kraus
Per 1
WIl 0
Health 0
UD 4
AD 4
Stamina 30
Shock 6
Athletics 1/1
combat sense 2/2
defense 2/2
hand to hand 1/1
interrogation 1/1
investigation 1/1
medicine 3/3
melee 1/1
bio 2/2
chem 2/2
physics 1/1
small arms 2/2
driving 1/1
social sciences (psych) 1/1
stealth 2/1
swimming 1/1
tinker 1/1
animal handling 1/1
notice 2
Riley Pattern m32 4 mags of ammunition, 56 boxes of ammo
military comm headset
4 first aid kits
medical belt and scanner
med kit
surgical field kit
500 doses of local anesthetics, 500 total, 100 twilight
100 doses of vaccines of various types
30 doses of antivenom
field imager
hygene kit
load bearing gear
a non-disposable lighter
2 sets of hand cuffs
suvival blanket
10 boxes of water purification tablet
canteen x2
field stove
climbing gear
10 normal flares, 10 radio flares, 10 smoke flares
gas mask
mem compass
sleeping bag
50 survival rations
water condenser
flash light
geiger counter
metal detector
200meters of rope
gun cleaning kit with extra bore brushes
entrenching tool
still camera
large chemical sniffer
night vision
500 marks worth of utilitarian clothes, and sets of scrubs
desert suit (with intgrated water condenser)
NBC suit
winter suit
leather duster
aror 30medium flak and helmet
Taser (10 mags)
Cunningham 21 11 mm submachine gun
4 mags of ammo, 21 boxes of ammo
Mrks left: 59,124
Flaws: code of honor -2
quirk misanthrope -1
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:34 pm
by Hotfoot
Given by the numbers of mags, did you buy any boxes of ammo, or just spare magazines?
Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:54 pm
by Angelod
Western Frontier Protectorate
Agi: 2
App: 0
Bld: 0
Fit: 1
Inf: 0
Kno: 1
Per: 2
Psy: 0
Str: 0
Hea: 0
Sta: 25
UD: 4
AD: 4
Animal Handling: 1
Athletics: 2
Combat Sense: 2/2
Defense: 2/2
Gunnery, Ground: 2/2
Hand-to-hand: 1
Heavy Weapons: 3/2
Melee: 1
Notice: 2
Pilot Ground: 2/2
Small Arms: 2/2
Stealth: 1
Streetwise: 2
Throwing: 2
Heavy Sleeper: -2
Beliefs: -2
Quirks: -1
Acute Sight: +1
Contacts: +2
Sense of Direction +2
Territorial Arms MNTN Automatic Grenade Launcher
Northco GU-101 Heavy Machine Gun
Riley M32 11mm Automatic Pistol
Turtle Shell
Medium Flak Vest
Leather Duster
Desert Suit
3 sets plain clothes
Standard Gear:
Sunglass style Thermal Goggles
Entrenching tool
Military Communication Device
Survival Rations - 20
Sleeping Bag
Gun cleaning kit - 2
Canteens - 2
Water Condenser
Flamer - 20 mags 10 shots per
11mm Riley M32 - 20 mags 12 shots per
HMG - 20 mags 100 shots per
AGL - See grenade list.
Taser - 20 mags 30 shots per
Concussion - 12 per box, 100 boxes
Frag - 10 per box, 100 boxes
Incendiary - 12 per box, 100 boxes
Flash - 8 per box, 100 boxes
Tear Gas - 8 per box, 100 boxes
Mrks left: 38,860
I have 6 genre points. I have 2 experience points to use at a later time.
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:09 pm
by The Village Idiot
Name: Davan
National Orgin: Western Frontier Protectorates
Age: 24
Sex: Male
AGI: 0
APP: 0
BLD: 1
CRE: 2
FIT: 1
INF: 0
KNO: 1
PER: 1
PSY: 0
WIL: 1
STR: 1
HEA: 0
STA: 30
UD: 5
AD: 5
Combat Sence 1/1
Defense 2/2
Demolisions/traps 1/1
Disguise 1/1
Etiquette/Badlands 1/1
Gunnery 1/1
Heavy Weapons 1/1
Info Warfare 2/1
Investigation 1/1
Navagation(land) 1/1
Notice 1/1
Pilot Ground 2/1
Small Arms 3/3
Stealth 2/1
Streetwist 1/1
Tech Mechan 3/2
Tech Elec 2/1
Tech Comp 2/1
Tinker 1/1
Craft(Metalworking) 2/1
Machine Touch +5
Minor Phobia(Dog) -1
Code of Honor -3
Net Gun[4 Mags]
Taser[2 Mags]
Paxton P9 Automatic Pistol[3 Mags]
S59G Suppressed[5 Mags]
DP 9mm Sniper Rifle w/Silencer
BullSpringer 15mm Sniper Rifle w/Silencer[2 Mags]
-Sniper Rifle Extras
- Opitcal Scope
- Passive Thermal Scope
- Light intensifying Scope
- Laser sight
Collins 13mm Revolver
Hailstorm Automatic Shotgun[10 Mags]
GU 101 Heavy Machine Gun[4 Mags]
M221 Support Cannon
Grenade Launcher
Paxton SIS 7mm Squad Support Weapon
Vibro Knife
Medium Flak Suit
Other Clothing
Leather Duster(non-armored)
Desert Suit with recovery system
2 sets of Utilitarian clothes
3 sets of Plain clothes
2 sets of Formal wear
Bomb suit
Field Data Glove with SPD
Ident Tags
Night vision Goggles
Scrambling Devise
Theral Goggles
Entrenching Tool
Gas Maks
Climbing Gear
Back pack
Hand cuffs x2
Gun cleaning kit
WFP Army Omnitool
Tech Rig
Metal detector
Electronic Tool kit
Mine Sensor
Chemical sniffer
Bug/Tracer Detector
Military throat/ear commset
WFP Army Knife(Maestro
Hygene kit
Bartenders Glove
Sleeping Bag
Tent(12 Man)
Load Bearing Equipment Set
Water Condensor x2
Rations x20
Demolitions Kit
Gun cleaning Kit x4
Tracers/Bugs 6
Static Netting (500 sq ft)
9mm: 500 rounds
9mm Heavy: 100 rounds
15mm Ball AP: 50
15mm Sabot: 50
25mm: 20
Gu- 101: 1000
7mm: 600
13mm: 24
Shotgun -
- Slug: 40
- Buck shot: 100
- Ring Slug: 40
- Marker: 40
- Shocker: 20
- Flare: 10
- Jamming: 10
- Concussion: 20
- Frag: 10
- Incindiary: 10
- Flash: 20
- Tear: 20
Prime Cord [100 Meters]
Vibro Knife Batteries: 2
Marks Left: 27,000
1 xp and 5 Genre Points
Edited skills and such
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:10 pm
by The Village Idiot
Am I to assume that Hot Foot has the stats and all that good stuff for our long strider. Or do one of us have to post it?
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:06 pm
by Hotfoot
Fixing the damage:
Yes, and while I won't put up the full stats (for various reasons involving fair use and the like), I'll put up the big relevant ones for the time being.
Armor 14 (13 currently, due to damage)
Speed 8/16 (small speed hit due to same engine loaded down with extra armor)
Manuever -3
Cargo Bay (4x5x10 meters or 200m^3)
Remember that the pintle mount with the MG has a -1 due to damage IIRC.
I'll just give the character sheets a once over and then I'll start up the game thread.
Okay, since this is effectively session 2, here's how the awards for session 1 are going to work:
1. Your starting Genre Points are part of a renewable pool. When I say it's a new "session", you get them all back. Any GP's on top of that are used once and that's it. I'm going to allow for sharing of GP's between players so long as they're in the same scene or could provide help in some way. If anyone has any questions about GP effects, just ask and I'll tell you what you can use them for. Very basic uses include 1 GP for a re-roll, and 3 GP for lowering a wound from overkill to deep, or deep to light, or light to bruise (you still have to take some damage).
2. XP can be used to increase skills. DO NOT USE THE CHARACTER CREATION SPREADSHEET FOR THIS. It's a great little helper for making characters, but I have yet to make an appropriate tool for managing them, so it will have to be done the old-fashioned way. Increasing skills follows the following method. Untrained to level 1 = 1 point, level 1 to level 2, 4 points, level 2 to level 3, 9 points, and so on. Complexity works the same way, except that you always get level 1 complexity for free when you buy a skill.
When it comes time for combat, I will post the stats for the bad guys, relavant positions, and actions (as well as place in the initiative order). I'll let you make their defense rolls accordingly. Remember, it's best to make a post just for dice, then your post as to what happens. Since the dice are handled by the board, it doesn't really matter who makes the rolls for what, and for the sake of expediency, whoever happens to be available should make the dice checks. I know some of you might want to make all of your own dice rolls, but in this case, I think it best if we went with what is the fastest so we're not bogged down to a crawl when combat rolls around. If anyone is really not happy with this, just let me know and we'll come to a mutually beneficial solution.
Awards for the previous session:
6 XP 2 GP
Remember that XP can be saved to use as emergency dice (add +1 die to your roll) much in the same way GP can as a 1:1 ratio.
I'm also thinking of field testing a new house rule regarding complexity. This rule would turn complexity into a method to add dice to your skill checks if a task would involve elements from other skills. Thoughts?
Time for a threefer!
Okay, here's how this is going to go down. You guys make edits to your character sheets (please mark where you are increasing skills and when), then post that you've made your changes. Then I will start the in-game thread.
Now, the new rule I'm going to field-test will work like this:
Some skill checks are, by their very nature, more complicated than others. Whenever you are presented with a skill check that could reasonably draw on knowledge from other skills, you can gain a synergy bonus of one die per applicable skill, up to your complexity rating. Now, this doesn't mean that you can slip in a die from biology or combat sense every time you shoot someone. If you were trying to hit a vital area however, then biology could be used. These bonuses are meant to be situational, rather than something to be used in every single test. If you can come up with a good reason to use it in a given instance, it should be fine, but obviously if it's clearly being abused, then I'll just go back to the old complexity system I was using earlier.
Dice gained from use of this system can be used to nullify negatives, such as those from wounds, encumberance, lighting, weather, movement, and so on. They will never increase your bonuses, so if you are standing still at short range on a well lit day without a scratch on your body, you cannot drop dice to increase your bonuses. However, if you're attempting multiple actions, wounded, or so on, you can try to mitigate the penalties by dropping dice.
Remember, if you have a 1 complexity, this means that at most you can add one die, two dice for 2 complexity, and so on. Any questions?
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:48 pm
by The Village Idiot
I am ready for round 2. Gentalmen if you would be so kind.......
Edit: I am looking to improve our Longstrider, but it is gonna cost a pretty penny. So if you guys would like, we could work together on this cash wise.
I want/need
-Engine(it really needs it)
-Satellite Uplink
-and various vehical mounted tools
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:25 am
by Comrade Tortoise
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:24 pm
by Hotfoot
Excellent. Now, just one more and we're good to go.
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:03 pm
by Angelod
I edited. Also, I throw in 10k towards the upgrades on our truck. On the condition that we bring a few crates of grenades with. ;) Just kidding. :P
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:09 pm
by Hotfoot
Excellent. I shall start the thread soon
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:55 am
by Cynical Cat
Nice intro.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:08 am
by Hotfoot
And now I'm going to go pass out for a bit, as it's way too damn late.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:28 pm
by Hotfoot
While not exact numbers, repairs should take about 8 hours barring collossal screwups and people helping out. With skilled mechanics assisting, it might be shaved down to as little as 4 hours, but that is the bare minimum for the current damage.
Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:03 am
by Hotfoot
Adding some handy references. First off, the "local" map of the section of Terra Nova, taken from the free PDF map of the planet.
Second, a
nice little tool to help with navigation and determining rough transit times.
For reference, the town the team started out in is roughly halfway between Peace River and Massada. I'll work out exact coordinates later if I need to.
The entire map is roughly 7,000 km by 8,000 km. That thick line just under Peace River? The Equator. Welcome to the Badlands, where temperatures can reach more than 50C and the worst sandstorms clock in at 250kph with massive chain lightning strikes. Just be glad you're not in the Barrington Basin...
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:22 am
by Hotfoot
Don't forget to add your stat to the roll, TVI. You have +1 Perception, so that makes your roll a 7.
I'll need someone to make a navigation(ground) check and Frigid needs to give me a driving check.
As a reminder, the Longrunner does have some basic sensors, anyone who wants to use them just needs to use Information Warfare(Per).
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:22 am
by The Village Idiot
I just want to make sure both CT and Angelod are still in this game with us.
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:55 am
by Angelod
Yup, still here. Not much for me to do on this ride until we get there. Aside from my usual bs, and I figure that can wait. ;)
#23 Lael
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:59 am
by Marcao
Name: Lael Girard
AGI: 1
APP: 1
BLD: -1
CRE: 1
FIT: 1
INF: 1
KNO: 0
PER: 1
PSY: 1
WIL: 0
Athletics: 2/1
Business: 1/1
Combat Sense: 2/1
Defense: 2/1
Demo/Traps: 1/1
Etiquette (Badlands): 1/1
Gunnery (Ground): 2/1
Heavy Weapons: 2/1
Investigation: 2/1
Language (Universal French): 1/1
Negotiation: 2/1
Notice: 2/2
Performance Arts (Theatrics): 2/1
Seduction: 1/1
Small Arms: 3/1
Social Sciences (Psychology): 2/1
Stealth: 2/1
Streetwise: 2/1
Survival (Ground): 2/1
Throwing: 2/1
Trivia Lore: 1/1
Taser: (x3, 4/8/16/32, 10 rounds) 60 marks
Tamaru 11mm magnum: (x23, 6/12/24/48, 6 rounds) 650 marks +200 laser sight
Paxton S59G: (x18, 15/30/60/120, 30 rounds, ROF 3) 590 marks +400 sights
Paxton Hailstorm: (x27, 4/8/16/32, 10 rounds, ROF 1) 550 marks
Barnaby Leather Duster (genuine): (Armor 10) 400 marks each (800 total)
Light Flak Suit: (Armor 20)
Medium Flak Suit: (Armor 30)
Utilitarian clothing set x 4: 750 marks
Plain clothing set x 3: 450 marks
Uniform x 1: 250 marks
Formal Wear x 2: 800 marks
Elegant suit x1 : 1000 marks
Advanced night vision goggles x1: 600 marks
Advanced Thermal Goggles x1: 300 marks
Discretion device: 700 marks
notes: I plan on expanding the equipment section in the near future so it will be more expansive and specific.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:45 pm
by The Village Idiot
Wow, that was a shitty notice roll. Heres to hoping nothing tries to eat you guys.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:47 pm
by Hotfoot
That's why it always helps to have two dice in notice
![Razz :razz:](./images/smilies/icon_razz.gif)