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#1 Zombie Apocolypse: When the DEAD REIGN

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:34 pm
by Jason_Firewalker
In 2010 the dead rise... Zombies walk the streets and humanity falls into chaos. You are a hero amoungst the norms, now you must destroy the horde of zombies to insure humanity's survival.

I just picked up Dead Reign, by Palladium, and it seems to not be as munchkinable as the rest of the Palladium system. I am interested in starting a game here. The basic idea is that Zombies have risen and humans are nearing extinction. Its survival of the fittest.

Generating a character is based off d100 rolls. Then you roll stats and SDC and HP. I am more then willing to start ya'll off with great gear and more to come.


Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:43 am
by Jason_Firewalker
Myth: If bitten you become a zombie!

Truth Not always true, you can survive a bite quite easily, as long as you dont die... if you die from a bite then you become a zombie.

Myth There is one kind of zombie

Truth There are several sub breeds of zed from fast zombies to slow, from stupid to smart, but they all have one thing in common, they are the walking dead.

Myth Zombies are easy to kill

Truth Depends on the kind of weapons your using, as most of them do signifigantly less damage to a zed then they do to living people.


Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:01 am
by Jason_Firewalker

Hound Master Basically a dog breeder/trainer/K9cop all in one. They are epic at using man's best friend to fight off the undead, which the dogs never become.

Reaper Zombie killing biker of doom. Reapers are generally travellers who kill zombies for any miriad of reasons and are definately the best at the job.

Scrounger Think a post-apocolyptic scavanger, able to find goods and resell them for use by others.

Sheperd of the Damned They go into places to rescue thouse caught behind zombie lines. A real asset to the team, sort of a post apocolyptic ranger.

Soilder With over a dozen availible skill groups to take, the soilder is your post apocolyptic goto guy.

Survivor The basic post apocolyptic survivor, usually with useless skills (but not always), the survivor is what most NPCs will be.