STGOD: The Pheonix Wars (Chapter II)

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Post by Dartzap »

"Commander, the dropships have located enemy forces on the ground, they request instructions"

Flotsam looks at the comm officer an eyebrow raised

"How many?"

"Several hundred atleast Sir"

Throw everything we've got at them.. Wipe them out"

"At once Sir!"

*On pluto the first dozen dropships have landed, thousands of Trolls and Golems already charging down the ramps towards the Crator

All around the Crator, the ships land in in a circle, sorrounding the enemy
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Post by Ra »

*Galadriel and Irene, along with several Stormtroopers and Darktroopers, examine another corridor. This time, Galadriel is drawn to something, and comes upon a strange object. I appears to be a stone monument, buried under debris. A Darktrooper immediately begins removing the debris, as his Force awareness drew him as well.*

Ra, I believe we have found something.

Good. Now, we must hurry. This is becoming a race against time. The enemy is trying to investigate the anomalies as well. You must discover what you can, and get out.

We copy, sir.

*Meanwhile, ELF Troopers and Kull Warriors distract the Trolls at the first crater, maintaining heavy fire as Galadriel and her team examine another crater thousands of klicks away. In orbit, over a thousand Ha'taks, each with significant ground forces aboard, array around the Mothership.*
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dartzap »

"Commander, There are simply too many ships now, we cannot hope to get past them!"

"I have no intention of getting past them. If i was you , i would look at your space sensors"

"Theres Nothing there....Wait.. two hundred.. wait.. make that five hunded.. nine hundred..."

Amazing things, Clocking Devices, Lord Detritus knew that this planet held some secrets, he knew there would be need for some sort of armarda here.

"Do you intend to fight them then Commander?"

No, we shall leave it up to them what happens, we are merely here to make sure they don't get away with anything intresting
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Post by Ra »

*Galadriel's hologram again appears before Ra.*

We have uncovered a strange artifact in this largest crater. I have tagged it for transport. However, it should not be aboard the mothership.

Agreed. I'll have it beamed to a generic Ha'tak, and then we will depart for Location D. Are there any other signs of Ancient technology?

Not much that we could find. Most of our information is from the Al'keshes that flew over the sites before the Trolls' arrival. However, I do feel that we are closing in on the mystery. So far, I have determined that this place was a nexus for the Ancient Ones' very being. It was a home for them. That is also why this planet is so treacherous. If any survived, then it would be best not to wake them.

Indeed. I would want to leave as soon as possible. However, our advanced sensors have detected a large Troll fleet waiting under cloak to ambush us. Any escape will present a potentially high cost to us. Do you have any idea what you have discovered?

No. However, I forsee that it will have great benefit in our quest to understand the Ancient Ones' technology, and find a counter to their psychotronic weapon.

*At that, Galadriel ends the transmission and resumes her study of the strange device. A Kull tags it for transport, but the group stays a bit longer to complete their study. Satisfied, Galadriel and her group beam to a new site. The strange device is beamed aboard a random Ha'tak.*
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dartzap »

*A hologram appears in front of Commander Flotsam*

"Commander, we have reached the site where the Elfs and Snakes were sneaking around, from we can ses, they've taken something from here"

Hmm, I want you to find the Goa'uld, capture one if nessecery, Lord Detritus wants to know whats so special about this place, and I have no inetention of failing him, do you understand?

"Yes sir, I'm sending some transports to each of the sites we have identified, if they are still here, they shall be found"

Good, report back when you have found something

"Yes Sir!"
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Post by Robert Walper »

Lord Walper tapped his fingers. Something was happening at the nineth planet...both allies and enemies believed they had found something interesting.

Robert considered leaving the operation to Ra, but ultimately felt his abilities were insufficient. He directed his thoughts into the Collective.

Four hundred and fifty Borg cubes altered course at once, most utilizing the stragetically invalueable Transwarp Hub. They would arrive at the nineth planets in moments.
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Post by Dartzap »

"Commander.. we have Borg cubes existing transwarp.. "

Pull us further back, I'll send for more reinforcements

"Yes Sir"

Inform General Rubitz that he will need to speed up his search, we cannot stay for too long

"Aye aye Commander"
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"

KAN tries to DM


Post by KAN tries to DM »

Fierce battle ensues as thousands and thousands Golems are advancing towards Ra's small task force. So far, Ra's forces are still holding back because they have ranged weapons, but when the Golems and Trolls reach melee range.....

Suddenly a peculiar, deep, throaty, alien sound hums; like some cursed ancient tune from the past. Suddenly, the throng of Golems is covered by a dark shadow.

But the more horrible thing is that there is nothing on the sky above them. Absolutely nothing.

Suddenly most of the Golems crumble, as if they are being destroyed, no, devoured by some invisible forces.

Ra sighs in relief as Lord Detritus' troops are being cut down to manageable numbers. Now they are basically equal.

But the ground shakes now, in a slight, pulsating tremor.

No, it is not the ground.

It is the planet herself.
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Post by Dartzap »

Captain Rubitiz was not amused, alot of his troops had just be turned to dust, and he was facing lots of people who really were not going to give him a nice handshake.

Right Boys! Time to teach them how trolls play Ball!

The slighty decreased mass of the Trollish Forces points in the general direction of Ra's forces.. and charge.
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Post by Dartzap »

"Commander.. our forces on the ground have been somewhat turned to Dust.."

Then it is time for us to reveal our ace , tell the Daleks they are authorized to use whatever means nessecery

"Aye Sir, shall we send more troops down?"

Send a few Seige Golems down.. should be intresting how they react to those...

"Aye sir"
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Post by Ra »

*As the ground trembles, ELF Troopers line up to fend off the Troll attack. A commander then surveys the area, and begins shouting commands in Elvish.*


*A massive barrage of blaster fire is let lose, cutting down Trolls by the dozens. The ELF Troopers, like their progenitor, never miss a shot.*

*Meanwhile, Galadriel and her company continue their examination of a crater. Suddenly, the planet again begins to groan and tremble. Debris falls, and several people lose their footing.*

This planet is beginning to tear itself apart. We need to get out of here!

Just a bit further, Major.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Anonymous »

*onbord the Sentinal Exterminator, in orbit above the ninth planet*

'Open communications to skaro'
'i obey'

on the viewscreen the image of the Supreme Dalek appeared

'we have lost all contact with are squads, also Borg have been detected in transwarp'

The supreme Dalek turned form the screen, but continued to speak.
'The Borg are irrlivant, they will be Exterminated!, move 5 sqauds to intercept there vessels, begin Transmatt as soon as they are within range'

the commander of the Sentinal Extermiantor raised his plunger arm
' I Obey' and the screen winked out

moments later the Sentianl Exterminator broke orbit, as it moved orange light flashed and sparkled around it. where therehad once been one ship, there were now 2000 all armed all battle ready. to fight the Borg
Last edited by Anonymous on Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dartzap »

*The First Hand to Hand Combat of the day commences*

A troll roars at one of the elf Troops, though similer to the Kull, they do not scare as easily

However, they do break as easy as there forbears

the Troll lifts the wriggling trooper up and rips its arms from its sockets

from above, Seige Golems scream down and land on top of a knot of kulls *
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Post by Ra »

*While the Trolls take so much effort in dispatching a few squads of Kulls, the Darktrooper squad beams in and begins mowing down the enemy. Meanwhile, more troops come in from behind, and shoot the Trolls in the back.*

*Meanwhile, the ground begins to tremble again. The planet is hungry...*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
KAN DMing again


Post by KAN DMing again »

Slowly, the activities of the planet tones down. No longer the ground shakes beneath the combatant.

But both sides now experience a weird, strange feelings, as if something is watching them. Even the emotionless Kull Warrior experience mild distraction in their sensory systems.

Something is watching.


Post by Anonymous »

With the Dalek vessels inplace, the Borg appeared out of Transwarp.
450 cubes, greatly outnumbered by the Dalek forces.
The battle begins, and it is onesided

'launch missiles, exterminate them'
'I Obey'

as the Dalek fleet opened up with a volley of missiles, the Borg attempted to deflect them with tractor and cutting beams, still not enough to stop them all. two cubes are ripped to shreds by the onslaught

meanwhile 50 Dalek vessels desend to the planets surface to assist the Troll comrades

'Extermiante Annialate, Destroy!!!'
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Post by Dartzap »

* a seige Golem lands behind the Dark troopers, the Seige Golems, unlike the normel ones.. were not bred to think, they were bred to kill, and this is what it did to the puny insects in front of him, he grabs two in each hand and flings them into a crevice that had opened up their jetpacks flickering on and off, they bounce right down to the bottem, where they start to rot*

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Post by Ra »

*Despite the onslaught of Trolls, the Kull Warriors and their Legolas clone brothers-in-arms continue the attack. Al'kesh bombers dispatch large groups of the hideous troops as they make carpet-bombing runs.*

*Meanwhile, Galadriel and her group come upon a new group of Trolls. These are busy examining some ruins in the tunnels. However, they have not found any artefacts, like she did. Galadriel senses that the device she found was the only one on the planet... And that its removal was causing the planet's woes now.*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

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Post by Anonymous »

*the Darktroopers suddenly find themselves shot in the back by high powered weponary as the Dalek forces join the Troll's*
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Post by Ra »

*The Golems are no match for the Darktroopers and their powerful forcefields, their melee weapons and large hands bouncing harmlessly off. A Darktrooper stomps a Troll in the head, and slaughters it with a spray of automatic missile fire.*

*Little do the fools realize that their "great battle" is merely a distraction. Galadriel makes a motion to Irene. She makes several sweeping motions of her own, and the group takes the Trolls by surprise, slaughtering all but the lead officer. He is bound, tagged, and transported to a Prison Ha'tak for interogation. Meanwhile, Galadriel looks over the ruins the Trolls were studying.*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."


Post by Anonymous »

*with the trolls gone the Daleks move into begin there own slaughter, extermianting anything that moves, fighting there way towards the ruins*
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Post by Dartzap »

"Captain Rubizt! get your troops out of there now! that planets breaking apart!

"I shall try sir! though we are having trouble with all of these Goa'uld around the place, My advice sir is to abandon us and activate the self destruct in the Golems!"

yes,.. i can see that will probably be the best course of action.. Captain! we Salute you and your men!

"yes sir!

*The transmission ends*

""Captain Reaf.. activate the self destruct on the golems.."

"Aye Sir..."

*Down below, the golems stand still, and their internal bomb activates*
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"



Post by Anonymous »

'Transmatt all Daleks to there vessels, disingage the Borg'

*the Fleets have both suffered, the Daleks haveing corsed more damage then the Borg expected, at least 150 cube ships had been destroyed*

*As the fleet broke off and transmatted out, the Sentinal Exterminator remained as on the planet a massive explosion destroyed anything alive on the planet*

On Skaro the Supreme Dalek watched impassive as usual
'In form The Trolls i wish to speak with them, in person'
'I Obey'
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Post by Ra »

*The planet shakes slightly as the Golems detonate, killing Kull, Troll, Legolas Clone, and Dalek alike. Galadriel then sighs.*

The ground battle is over.

So much for that. M'lady, we should consider getting off this rock.

Very well. Ra, we are ready.

*At that, Galadriel's group transports back to the Mothership. Outside, the planet is spewing great guysers of methane mist, as well as rock. Galadriel and the Major remove their helmets.*

I have found most of what I could, Ra.

The price for that was heavy. Most of my forces on the planet were killed, the rest heavily wounded and now having to undergo treatment. However, the debut of your ELF Troopers was impressive. They massacred far more enemies than took casualties.

*That completed, Ra's fleet enters hyperspace as the planet breaks up. Borg cubes cover their escape, firing on any pursuing Dalek and Troll ships.*
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dartzap »

prepare to withdraw to the astroid belt, i need to talk to Lord Detritus about getting some new ground forces,, those new soldeirs were too powerful..

"Aye Commander, jumping to L-space in 15 seconds.."

This has not been a good day.. as soon as they find some answer to those ELF troopers.. that wold make his day..

"Going to L-space in 3,2,1.."

*The fleet vansihes, leaving the dying planet to it's fate*
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"
