Pcm and Petro do Dune!

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#1 Pcm and Petro do Dune!

Post by Josh »

Petrosjko: Good morning!

pcm979: It is not even morning where I am, and he knows it. This is a transparent attempt to set off an utterly incomprehensible conversation.
pcm979: Good morning to you, too.

Petrosjko: Opening ploy delivered. He responds with the 'guardedly civil' approach. Note the lack of answering enthusiasm. He tells me that he will not play the game on my terms. Ah Paul...
Petrosjko: And how are you today?

pcm979: The opening gambit, and straight out of the Dummies book. It must be a feint. But from where will the real blow come?
pcm979: "I'm fine. You?"

Petrosjko: The initiative has been seized, as indicated by the tersenss of the reply. But is this defensive retreat a real retreat, or simply an invitation to strike that he may deliver a deadly riposte?
Petrosjko: "Oh, pretty good, pretty good."

pcm979: We are circling, like two scorpions waiting to strike. To an outside observer, it may seem innocent, but within a silent war rages.
pcm979: That's nice to know. Anything interesting happen lately?

Petrosjko: Time to strike. I will offer the opening gambit, and see how he responds.
Petrosjko: I had anal sex with your sister yesterday, then refused to pay her afterward. And I had a very nice pineapple for breakfast this morning. Yourself?

pcm979: A fine blow, but the strength of an attack can be turned upon its originator. It is not who begins that matters, but who is left standing at the end.
pcm979: Honestly, things could be better. Her test results just came back HIV positive.

Petrosjko: Bravo, Paul! You've come far since the days when we drank Caledonian wine and mopped the floors in that Arakeen whorehouse! Some day, you may well surpass me, young Duke.
Petrosjko: A shame about that. I warned her about the intravenous drug usage many a time, but I suppose she felt an obligation to keep your business afloat.

pcm979: A quick response, worthy of your skill. The stronger combatant seeks to engage the less experienced in a trial of endurance; That can not be allowed. One must break the cycle before it becomes self-sustaining.
pcm979: Indeed, she has a kind heart. That reminds me, I heard about your recent stroke. Bad luck, but we did warn you about your tobacco habits.

Petrosjko: No such warning was ever given. In fact, you encouraged my habit. There are ears without in observance of this conversation, and you are playing for the audience, my friend.
Petrosjko: It is nice of you to acknowledge it. I don't recall seeing a card from you among the pile at the hospital. The postal service is quite sloppy these days...

pcm979: Where will this seemingly-innocent tangent lead? Tread carefully, Paul. Doubtless an ambush lies ahead.
pcm979: Indeed it is. Why, I still have not recieved the Christmas cards you doubtless sent me last year.

Petrosjko: Ah ah, you have fallen into the ploy. And that is why I am still the master.
Petrosjko: Why, they were enclosed in the packages of the presents I sent. I do recall you wearing the windbreaker I sent, as well as the novelty hat with the drinking cups on it.

pcm979: A fine blow. Retain your footing, Paul. Salvage what you can of the situation. I shall survive this encounter all the stronger for it.
pcm979: My error. I see you still wear the steel-toed boots with the flip-up heels that I sent you on your birthday. I trust they serve you well?

Petrosjko: It is time to close this bout for the nonce. I have achieved my objective, and young Paul has proven his worth in the game once more.
Petrosjko: Why yes, truly the finest example of Taiwanese boots I have seen. In any event, I must be going for my afternoon acid trip. See you tomorrow?

pcm979: The minor jab is nothing. Allow it to slide off you like water off a duck's back. Poise can save what seems unsaveable, and accepting defeat with grace strengthens and not weakens.
pcm979: A pleasure, I am sure. Good health to you!

Petrosjko: Punk-ass bitch.
Petrosjko: See you soon!

pcm979: Obnoxious old bastard.
pcm979: I enjoy our little chats.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Something tells me that this will only make sense to me with alot of brandy.
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Post by Josh »

Much like Children of Dune!

Objective achieved.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
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Post by frigidmagi »

I think I'll just drink the Brandy and skip the book, less head pain in the morning.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

If there's something more difficult to digest than Lovecraft's stories, it is Dune books. And no, I'm still not sure what 'Golden Path' actually means.

I just wonder what it would be like if HPL writes Dune books, or Frank Herbert writing Cthulhu Mythos. And there would be kings of lengthy phrases....
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So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Caz »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:If there's something more difficult to digest than Lovecraft's stories, it is Dune books. And no, I'm still not sure what 'Golden Path' actually means.

I just wonder what it would be like if HPL writes Dune books, or Frank Herbert writing Cthulhu Mythos. And there would be kings of lengthy phrases....
I'd rather gargle broken glass than read Frank Herbert writing Cthulhu Mythos. Rofl.
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