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#1 Few more ideas: custom webmail?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:11 pm
by Destructionator XV
Writing a simple webmail program would be cake. I could rig something up that maintains the theme of the rest of the website.

This could be used by those of us blessed with LA email acounts to access the mail, and also by guests to provide feedback without their own address (like what Mike Wong has over on SDN).

You guys think it would be useful?


Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:41 pm
by Dark Silver
I think it would be, later on when we install the CMS for the site. I think I found one which will be easy to work with, once I get the full hang of it,and it's just a click from being installed by the Siteground ACP.

It'll be especailly useful for Nerd News, and adding new pages, like the game section.