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#1 Christians rate Christianity... Poorly.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:13 pm
by frigidmagi ran a poll a few days back asking a simple question. If Jesus came back today would he approve of the state of Christianity. Across all gender, racial, economic and political lines the answer was clear...


#2 Re: Christians rate Christianity... Poorly.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:20 pm
by General Havoc
The entire point of Christianity, as I see it, is that this is a fallen world with fallen institutions, redeemable only through the salvation offered by Jesus to undeserving sinners. Thus by its own logic, Christianity's core beliefs are that Jesus would not approve of it, and have been since the beginning.

So I'm not very surprised that the answer came back that way. In fact, I'd call that a plus. If most Christians thought that the world today is what Jesus wanted, that would disturb me far more than their recognition of the fact that it is not.

#3 Re: Christians rate Christianity... Poorly.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:29 pm
by Hotfoot
Point of fact, it's about the state of the religion, not the world. The way it's worded is unhelpful, but the general implication is that Jesus would not be happy with Christians and how they practice their faith, not the world at large.

Nominally, the core beliefs of Christianity should be, well, the teachings of Christ. Ergo, if someone is following the general guidelines of how to live that Jesus laid out in the New Testament, then should he return, it would be pleased. This means that the vast majority of people who answered this poll feel that Jesus would not be happy with the way modern day Christians act, and frankly that is a problem for the faithful, especially if it's other faithful making that judgement. Criticism from without can be brushed off more easily, but when it's coming from your own side, you should be recognizing that something is wrong here.