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#1 Conservatives plan to re-write the bible
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:41 am
by The Minx
I truly wish I were joking.
[quote]The Conservative Bible Project exists to take out those pesky liberal passages from the Holy Book using these guidelines:
1. Framework against Liberal Bias: providing a strong framework that enables a thought-for-thought translation without corruption by liberal bias
2. Not Emasculated: avoiding unisex, “gender inclusiveâ€
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:50 am
by frigidmagi
I'm trying my level best not to think about it at the moment, as I cannot devote any real time to fighting it.
That said let me establish my position as practicing and believing Christian in the divinity of Christ.
This is not Heresy, which is the belief in unorthodox doctrines or rituals. Heresy is common and as you could guess what is Heresy depends completely on the viewer or speaker. I regard Calvinism as rank and disgusting heresy. I view the submission of Catholics to the Pope as Heresy. I view Fundamentalism as complete Heresy and backwardism. The vast majority of Christians view me a heretic. This goes so far beyond that there are almost no words I am capable of can really express the outrage I have at the sheer disrespectful, short sighted, audacious, gall these, these... POLITICIANS HAVE!
This is not Heresy, heresy is acceptable and part of the normal nature of things. Heresy is not sin. Heresy is even necessary.
This is complete and utter BLASPHEMY! Sin, dark, total, complete and unrelenting. This is the subornation of what we (that is Christians,) should regard as a scared text not to monkeyed with just because someone has a damn fleeting, meaningless, political grudge! Wasn't King James bad enough!?! Have we not seen enough blood from the political interferences across the middle ages with the Bible and the standards of Christian Doctrine!?! Is there no Shame left!?! No sense of restraint!?!
To say I am appalled is an understatement. To say I am horrorifed does not begin to convey the depth of disgust, rage and shock I feel at this. This isn't just a Mockery of everything I believe it's a stab in the back, a betrayal so profound it would be easier to disbelieve the knife sticking out of my metaphorical back then to believe that anyone who professes to believe in God and Christ could do such a thing. This is beyond the pall, there is no excuse, there is no defense, there is no damn acceptable reason for such an action. None.
That said, I'm not coming back to this thread. No offense Minx but I can't deal with this and remain functional. So having said my piece I'm out.
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:38 pm
by General Havoc
I was reading this thread while talking to someone, and got angry, extremely angry, at what I called "Political revisionism of the most flagrant and disgusting sort". As an atheist and historian, my feelings on the bible are those of a curator. I don't believe a word of it in the religious sense, but it is a foundation work in the history of western civilization (perhaps the foundation work). To willingly alter it, to deface it in such a way, is to destroy the meaning, snap the thread of historical continuity, for a short-sighted political axe-grinding. Yes, I know this has been done a hundred times already, including the major versions read today, but that doesn't make my reaction upon seeing this "revision" any less annoyed.
So after listening to me rant about this for a while, my friend turns to me and says "Dude, if you're that upset, imagine what a Christian would say..."
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:16 pm
And the first thing that popped into my head was something that Havoc touched lightly upon. They're altering something that is a huge historical work to make it flow more readily along their political ideology and 'beliefs'. It's practically Orwellian with this Mini-Truth treatment.