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#1 Rules.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:39 pm
by frigidmagi
First posted by frigidmagi, confirmed by yours truly. The rules stay, with credit to the original poster, because they are good rules. Additional ones will be added as needed. -CC

I'll be blunt, Theology is a touchy subject with alot of people. So the rules are a bit stricter than say in the Great Hall or in Sci-Fi.

1: You may not issue blanket comdemations. None of this "All musliums are eval bombers!1!!" or "All Mormons hate women!!!" Shit. Religious groups have variation within them according to the nature of the practicing indiviual, you will acknowledge that or not take part in this forum.

2: No conversion attempts. This forum does not exist for the purpose of winning souls for Christ, Allah, Krisnah, or any other force, diety, idealogy or combination there of. You may not use this has a pulpit, this message board has a whole is to be considered neutral ground.

3: You will be civil. If you need this explained, don't even bother posting.
Clarification: Do not joke around with this one. Civilty will be enforced with an iron fist. Do not start throwing insults at a person upon their first mistake within a thread, attempt to correct them somewhat civily (moron and it's ilk is still acceptable). If they do not get the hint after the second attempt feel free to open fire.

4: This is not to be a platform for you to attack religious beliefs. None of this "Catholics are wrong and are going to hell because of X." Or "Religion Suckors!"

5: Creationism vs Evolution belongs in Science and Logic. If you're a Creationist, you're not hiding here, as you've decided to try to make a matter of faith into a sciencitfic theory.

6: You are not special. These rules apply to you, yes you, even way up in the back there. You are not a unquie snowflake able to avoid application of the mod stick to your ass, I don't care how cute your mommy says you are.

I have posted these rules has Super Mod until a moderator is assigned to this forum. They shall function has a guide until overruled by a Admin or the Forum Mod makes his own call. That is all.


Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 3:50 pm
by Charon
Added a clarification to Rule 3 on the issue of being civil.