Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:44 pm
WV's 150th Birthday
Born during the US's Civil War, West Virginia was created from those counties that did not want to join Virginia in seceding from the Union. The "Virginia in Exile" government approved West Virginia's petition to separate (with a few of the Delegates signing the petition also being Delegates in Exile), and Abraham Lincoln himself had to step up and nudge Congress into accepting this new state despite the possible ramifications to un-Constitutionality.
Since then, West Virginians have always been free, loving their Country, their State, and supporting both whole-heartedly. (Even if we do bitch and throw a fit at the idjits in charge.) Mountainii semper Liberti
Born during the US's Civil War, West Virginia was created from those counties that did not want to join Virginia in seceding from the Union. The "Virginia in Exile" government approved West Virginia's petition to separate (with a few of the Delegates signing the petition also being Delegates in Exile), and Abraham Lincoln himself had to step up and nudge Congress into accepting this new state despite the possible ramifications to un-Constitutionality.
Since then, West Virginians have always been free, loving their Country, their State, and supporting both whole-heartedly. (Even if we do bitch and throw a fit at the idjits in charge.) Mountainii semper Liberti