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#1 Whistling

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:04 am
by Ace Pace
Can you do it? How good are you?

And I don't mean that shitty fingers in mouth whistle, I mean real whistling.

For me, its probebly my best musical talent, I can do it to allmost any tune(rock is very hard), and sound very well.


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:22 am
by Josh
I can whistle a bit, but not very well. I've been known to warble the Imperial March while distracted.


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:48 am
by Robert Walper
I can whistle somewhat. The interesting way to whistle though is the ability to exhale and inhale whislting...makes for long whistling abilities.


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:04 am
by Dartzap
I whistle all the time, when I walk miles I usally start whistling the tune to The Great Escape :wink:


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:08 am
by Stofsk
Robert Walper wrote:I can whistle somewhat. The interesting way to whistle though is the ability to exhale and inhale whislting...makes for long whistling abilities.
I can do that.


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:13 am
by Dartzap
Stofsk wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:I can whistle somewhat. The interesting way to whistle though is the ability to exhale and inhale whislting...makes for long whistling abilities.
I can do that.
Ooh yeah! You can do most songs or tunes like that.

I usally do it when im occupied doing something that needs attention, it creates a little diversion


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:32 am
I can't whistle at all...

Guess I'm the only one :(


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:50 am
by Lindar
B4UTRUST wrote:I can't whistle at all...

Guess I'm the only one :(
Actually, i doubt that. i know one of my little brothers doesn't have a knack for it. I... well whistling is something ya do when nervous, or simply to annoy someone that you just know is going to be affected by the high pitched wonderful cheery sound!

*hugs* Besides, it's not like whistling is that important, is it?


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:01 pm
by ImpishAngel
I can whistle....just not in my condition right


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:02 pm
by Lindar
ImpishAngel wrote:I can whistle....just not in my condition right
*oooh* point. I bet you could whistle by using what i got right here hanging off the end of my bed though*grin, snuggle*


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:08 pm
by Stofsk
Lindar wrote:
B4UTRUST wrote:I can't whistle at all...

Guess I'm the only one :(
*hugs* Besides, it's not like whistling is that important, is it?
WRONG. If you can't whistle, you're nothing.



Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:34 pm
by Josh
Stofsk wrote:
Lindar wrote:
B4UTRUST wrote:I can't whistle at all...

Guess I'm the only one :(
*hugs* Besides, it's not like whistling is that important, is it?
WRONG. If you can't whistle, you're nothing.

Agreed. Nonwhistlers only live because we can't be arsed to wipe them all out. Yet.

Maybe next Tuesday.


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:45 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
Robert Walper wrote:I can whistle somewhat. The interesting way to whistle though is the ability to exhale and inhale whislting...makes for long whistling abilities.
Noonly can I wistle, and do that. But I can wistle damn well, for extended periods, and ther have been people ask if I was playing a flute while up stairs whisteling beethoven


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:47 pm
by Robert Walper
Comrade Tortoise wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:I can whistle somewhat. The interesting way to whistle though is the ability to exhale and inhale whislting...makes for long whistling abilities.
Noonly can I wistle, and do that. But I can wistle damn well, for extended periods, and ther have been people ask if I was playing a flute while up stairs whisteling beethoven
I have no qualms about admitting you're far better at blowing skills than myself. :razz:


Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:32 pm
by Soontir948
Pick up a trumpet and play for a year. You'll be whistling at the end.


Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:15 pm
by Cynical Cat
Can't whistle.


Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:18 pm
by Stofsk
Cynical Cat wrote:Can't whistle.

...or won't? :mad:



Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:24 pm
by Cynical Cat
Can't. Learn to read you Aussie punk. :grin:


Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:38 pm
by The Morrigan
[Lauren Bacall]You know how to whistle don't you, Steve? Just put your lips together and blow[/Lauren Bacall]

Um, yeah... I can pull off most tunes, although occasionally I go a bit off key. Have spent most of today absent-mindedly whistling Dirty Harry by Gorillaz.

For some reason, I've never been able to get the hang of the fingers-in-the-mouth whistling thing though. Go figure.


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:40 am
by Bratty
I cannot whistle very well. Though I can whistle even with a ton of practice at a young age, the tunes were rather...dreadful.

Therefore I am just above nothing. That means you can ignore me while I raid your vehicle ;)


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:33 pm
by Caz
I whistle like a mad, melodic motherfucker. It's so much fun and I do it in public all the time and people look at me straaaangely. :D

Then again, I've always gotta be makin' some kind of music.


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:02 pm
by Losonti Tokash
If by whistling you mean forcing air between the minute gap in my front teeth and making some horrible screeching sound, the yes. If by whistling you mean being able to play songs or whatever,


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:06 pm
by Caz
Losonti Tokash wrote:If by whistling you mean forcing air between the minute gap in my front teeth and making some horrible screeching sound, the yes. If by whistling you mean being able to play songs or whatever,
Isn't that what hunters do to call grouse? ;D


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:13 pm
by Losonti Tokash
Caz wrote:
Losonti Tokash wrote:If by whistling you mean forcing air between the minute gap in my front teeth and making some horrible screeching sound, the yes. If by whistling you mean being able to play songs or whatever,
Isn't that what hunters do to call grouse? ;D
Phbtt. The only thing you need to know about hunting you can learn from Predator. Namely, if you mow down the forest with a minigun, anything that's left alive won't have any cover left.


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:45 pm
by Mrs Kendall
I can somewhat, but I have a good reason why I'm not good at it... You see, when I was born my tongue was tied and because it doesn't affect speech or anything important they didn't cut it.
So while most people can stick their tongues out really far (some can even pick their nose with the tip of their tongue, like my dad :wink: ) I can't stick it out very far at all.

If you don't know what I'm talking about go look at the bottom of your tongue in a mirror and you'll see a peice of skin which holds your tongue down, observe how far back in your mouth it is tied and then think about how it would be if your peice of skin was attached right behind your bottom teeth. That's me :wink: :grin: