Marty finally, definitely, absolutely and positively confirmed that the Halo 2 Soundtrack, Vol. 2, will go on sale "Um, maybe, sometime uh, first quarter? Yes. First quarter of 2006 for sure!"
Could you be more specific? - I entreated the wizened one. But nope, first quarter is as specific as we're going to get. All I can say Marty, is that this had better be a masterpiece. Maybe Marty is just master showman who knows how to string an audience along. Or maybe he's just senile. Perhaps we will never know.
After the success of the Halo novels by Eric Nylund and William Dietz, we're currently having discussions internally about what direction the next Halo novel(s) should take. There's a lot of cool story ideas out there (and in here) and we're looking carefully at our options. So, novel fans, there is momentum…but no promises yet. We won't do anything that isn't super sweet. In the meantime, you should read this book: GREATEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN BY DUDES and learn about Ninjas.
Most excellent news , I enjoyed the 1st and third of the original trilogy, and if any new ones are of the same quality i'll be sure to buy 'em