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#1 "Defector" TNG was just on

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:11 pm
by Destructionator XV
Was just watching TNG on TV, and the episode "The Defector" was on. It was written by Ronald D. Moore, and it is a great episode.

I noticed a couple little things in this one; references to the previous episode "The Enemy". Worf contacting Klingons on a secure channel which explains them showing up at the end.

This is one episode where you are not sure who is right. Was the Romulan being truthful? Or was it a Romulan trap? Of course, it turns out being both.

I liked the return of Tomalak; pity we don't see him more often, especially in Nemesis, where I would have loved it. But more so, Admiral Jerok's character was rather touching to me, and I was sad to see him exiled and eventaully dead.

I also loved how Picard vs Tomalak was played at the end. Picard din't have to fire a shot or make any concessons in the negoations to survive. He simply showed the firepower he had and basically said today is a good day to die.

Excellent episode; I rank it amongst my top 10 TNG list.


Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:17 pm
by The Silence and I
Agreed, this is one of TNG's finest moments. The way they played between making us think he was being truthful and suggesting it was a trap; it was actually intelligently done and a breath of fresh air to me. I do wish they had done Jerok's valley justice on the holodeck, it looked lifeless and dull, although I give a little credit for trying to make it look alien.

A bit of trivia, this is one of the episodes that feature the super sized Bird of Prey!


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:09 pm
by Uraniun235
I have to concur. The Defector is easily one of TNG's finest episodes.