#1 Whoever wins...we're forked...
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:21 pm
Ladies and Gentlemen sand children of all ages, the Librium Arcana Kaiju Battle Association is proud to present tonight's main event.....
Entering the Solar System Wolf-359, he is one of the most feared beings in the Marvel Multiverse, his mass is incomprhensable to modern man. He is the weilder of the Power Cosmic, traveling the Universe to consume planets whose rich lifeforce will sate his hunger and fuel him till his next meal.
I give you, Galactus!
Entering Wolf-359 from the oppisite end of the Universal Orientation, he is the size of a small planet, made completely of metal. His origins are vague and many fold, some beleive he is the ancient God of Chaos, born before our Universe, confined to a physical form till he can consume all of exsistance, and return it to the void. Others beleive he was the original version of the Planet of Cybetron, whose main computer went insane, and sought to destroy it's newer constructedcounterpart. Still others beleive he was built by a mad alien scientist and sent forth to destroy the Transformers. He is capable of superluminal flight, and can devour entire planets in a matterof minutes.
I give you, Unicron!
Eachhave seen eachother as a threat, one who standsin the way of the other's ultimate goal, destruction of the Universe. Who will win in the battle of these two titans.
Entering the Solar System Wolf-359, he is one of the most feared beings in the Marvel Multiverse, his mass is incomprhensable to modern man. He is the weilder of the Power Cosmic, traveling the Universe to consume planets whose rich lifeforce will sate his hunger and fuel him till his next meal.
I give you, Galactus!
Entering Wolf-359 from the oppisite end of the Universal Orientation, he is the size of a small planet, made completely of metal. His origins are vague and many fold, some beleive he is the ancient God of Chaos, born before our Universe, confined to a physical form till he can consume all of exsistance, and return it to the void. Others beleive he was the original version of the Planet of Cybetron, whose main computer went insane, and sought to destroy it's newer constructedcounterpart. Still others beleive he was built by a mad alien scientist and sent forth to destroy the Transformers. He is capable of superluminal flight, and can devour entire planets in a matterof minutes.
I give you, Unicron!
Eachhave seen eachother as a threat, one who standsin the way of the other's ultimate goal, destruction of the Universe. Who will win in the battle of these two titans.