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#1 New season of Stargate tonight *spoilers likely*

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 6:14 pm
by Destructionator XV
Watching the preshow right now: "Stargate: True Science". Well, if the writing and acting of the show was this bad, I wouldn't be so excited for the show themselves in a mere 45 minutes!


Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 6:16 pm
by Batman
Did I mention lately that I hate you real world americans?


Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:15 pm
by Dark Silver
Using my archmastery of the Time Sphere, I have already watched this season of StarGate and Atlantis.

It rocks.

The Orii ships come out of the Supergate, and lay waste to a entire fleet of ships, and general whup ass.

Hallowed are the Orii


Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 8:31 pm
by LadyTevar
Oh shut up, DS... You don't have Cable out in the OilField!

I think it rocked :twisted:


Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 9:03 pm
by Destructionator XV
That was awesome. Pity seeing the ancient ship get wasted so fast in SGA, and also I think it would have been awesome if the Russians in SG1 were able to nuke one of those Ori ships and scored a kill, but oh well. Looks like Colonel Chekov is dead though. :cry:

Also curious that happened to the Asgard ship fighting the Ori. Was the asgard on Odyssey the same guy who was flying that ship?

Can't wait till next week.


Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 9:07 pm
by Destructionator XV
This week's episodes, not bad at all. Again, Atlantis gets a new ship and gets it blown up very quickly. The whole turn Wraith to human thing isn't really working out: I wonder if there is another option than genocide to beat them. There doesn't seem to be at this point.

SG1, they went and killed all three redshirts. Grrr, I was hoping they would finally be allowed to survive! Also good to see Vala start to have a bigger and bigger role, she is pretty cool. Other than that, pretty standard dead end in the search for plot devices again.

Also noticing Robert Picardo is on both shows a lot. I wonder how long he will stay around?


Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 9:19 am
by Mayabird
There's some weird handwaving going on about the time frames. Since the shows are interacting and semi-parallel to each other, I would think that they'd work out some method of telling when what is going on. Otherwise, how was Picardo's character able to go off-world and do his Atlantis thing while also testing Vala? Wouldn't Atlantis be more important?

But I still love Vala's answer to the tortoise question. "Because you are also a tortoise." :lol:


Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:34 am
by LadyTevar
It's been proven that SG1 and SGA are not in synch with each other. I'm ot sure which one is 'ahead' of the other at this point... but assumingly next week they will be scynchronized, because SG1 will be heading to Atlantis.


Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 3:34 pm
by Mayabird
LadyTevar wrote:It's been proven that SG1 and SGA are not in synch with each other. I'm ot sure which one is 'ahead' of the other at this point... but assumingly next week they will be scynchronized, because SG1 will be heading to Atlantis.
Except that SGA is going to have a show that will either be a comedy or a horrible travesty that was supposed to be a comedy. Personally, I think it'd be much cooler to have a "two-parter" which is both SG1 and SGA, back to back.


Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:01 am
by Destructionator XV
Decent again this week. SG-1 I'd say was better than SG-A.

With that Ori ship next to the supergate, I kept wishing it would be hit by the swoosh.... and a few minutes later, it was hit by the swoosh! Double kill! I was quite excited. Also cool to see the acended ancient in that holo room. And nice to see Atlantis do something about the Ori threat. Lastly, the Mccay everyone interactions were brilliant.

SGA felt like a standard plot. Saw the whole thing coming, but it still made for some decent laughs. Not bad at all.
Edit: Ya know, this probably would have worked as a TOS episode.


Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:03 pm
by Destructionator XV
I liked both this week. SG-1 had Ba'al being a scheming bastard again. Some stupid crap in it, like Vaala leading a squad of SFs, and guys standing up just to get shot, but it was still a pretty cool episode.

SGA seemed like Ronon playing Halo, but I still liked it. Some development there, and a pretty fun episode. Always love McCay.

Neither were amazing, but both were good.


Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:06 pm
by Destructionator XV
And this week: SG1, pretty good episode, no major complaints or comments.

SGA: Whoa. Lots happened, lots pissed me off, I still liked it though.

Human form replicators in Pegasus, complete with full Ancient technology. Wow, awesome. What do Atlantis idiots do? Betray them, again.

First time human form replicators got betrayed? They kicked ass for revenge. Thanks to Asgard and DXM, earth survives.

Second time human form replicators get betrayed? Let me guess: they are going to kick ass again, but apparently no Asgard to bail them out this time. What the fuck were they thinking? They might have destroyed one replicator ship (which had tons of awesome stuff on it), but there is still a city of millions left! And now, the program upload, reverted, they were betrayed, and really fucking pissed. Good plan there, fools.

Though, I was fearing complete reset button, I don't think they will be that annoying. They spaced dude I'm sure will be back, and pissed, and I am certain we will see more of these replicators. Could be very interesting, or craptastic.


Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:31 am
by DesertFly
Well, at least Rodney got a good long look at their source code. I wouldn't be surprised if the ramifications of that last a few episodes.

Also, I foresee the Wraith becoming significantly less numerous in the near future.


Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:44 am
by frigidmagi
Human form replicators in Pegasus, complete with full Ancient technology. Wow, awesome. What do Atlantis idiots do? Betray them, again.
Hm I have to disagree. First off the replicators were going to blow up Atlantis and kill every member of the expedition. The replicators had engaged in torture of people who had come in peace and friendship.

And what does Mr. I'mthegoodguy offer "I'll do my best to keep my boss from going genocidical on you." I'm sorry I had to point out Weir has a responiability to keep her poeple alive, and to ask her to stake all of it on a I'll do my best? Worst Idea I Have Heard.

I say they had every right and duty to do what they did. This wasn't some group of space hippies but rather the machine version of the mongols and it''s down right stupid to stake the lives of everyone you're responsible for on a I'll do my best.

The replicators shot first, tortured, lied, and intended mass murder. Wier and company's first duty was to stop them from harming the expedition not take dumbass chances on a might maybe be able to do it.


Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 8:55 am
by Destructionator XV
frigidmagi wrote:And what does Mr. I'mthegoodguy offer "I'll do my best to keep my boss from going genocidical on you." I'm sorry I had to point out Weir has a responiability to keep her poeple alive, and to ask her to stake all of it on a I'll do my best? Worst Idea I Have Heard.
After a debate on SDN about this, I did end up conceding. To sum up what we said, I started off saying now the replicators are going to be pissed and seeking revenge, meaning Atlantis, and maybe even Earth (if they are mad enough) have no chance whatsoever to survive now; they just have a little time before the end.

I said better to take the slim chance now over no chance in the future. However, I was making two assumptions there: one is the replicators are now pissed enough to follow them back to earth for revenge, and two, that Niam's plan had a reasonable chance of success. What I neglected is reprogramming out aggression isn't going to instantly turn the leader into a pacifist, meaning he would probably still open fire, despite the programming change.

I conceded that by blowing up the city ship now, it buys them time to flee (or DXM since the writers aren't going to want to end the show) and running back to Earth has a decent chance of survival, since humans are pretty irrelevant to the replicators and will probably just leave each other alone.

I'm still unhappy about that, but it seems to be the better of a bad situation now that I think about it.


Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:29 pm
by Destructionator XV
Did anyone else notice Shep's line about all these advanced people in the galaxy and none of them have invented the car?

I liked that tidbit.


Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:04 am
by Ali Sama
Destructionator XV wrote:Did anyone else notice Shep's line about all these advanced people in the galaxy and none of them have invented the car?

I liked that tidbit.
have any other races created a car?