Robert E Howard writes Star Trek.

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#1 Robert E Howard writes Star Trek.

Post by frigidmagi »

I got involved in a discussion of how different Star Trek would be if different writers were at the helm when it appeared. One of the big writers brought up was Robert E Howard (the man behind Conan the Barbarian and Red Sonja). I wrote out a bit about Howard's themes (barbarism vs civilization, individualism vs soceity, romanticism as a rejection of tradtion in favor of freedom, stuff like that) and then I decided to write the opening crawl. Having shared this with Cat and Havoc, I was asked to share with all of you.

Little something to set the mood first
frigidmagi as mako wrote:After the fall of Khan and the augments but before the rise of the sons of Q there was an age undreamed of! The Vulcans a wise and decadent people, sunk into the ritualism of Surakism and the embrace of materialism have raised up the Humans and Andorians to fight their wars and maintain a watch on the borders for their troublsome rivals and kin the Romulans. Human and Andorian captains and admirals vie for power and influence gathering to their standards strong ships and stronger men to fight them. Outside of the old Vulcan spaces raises another new people, the savage and cunning Klingons! This hardy and vital race expands reckless upon the cosmos screaming to the cold uncaring stars that it is their time and they will do deeds worthy of rememberence! But Humanity is not yet sunk into decay and brawls with the Klingons on the borders. Hinder comes Kirk! Terran and doomed to unite the Andorians and Humans under a single troubled government. He is fated to trod the jeweled thrones of the Romulans under his booted feet and bring the sword to the Klingon fleets.

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#2 Re: Robert E Howard writes Star Trek.

Post by rhoenix »

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#3 Re: Robert E Howard writes Star Trek.

Post by Lys »

If Howard wrote Star Trek, then the mirror universe uniforms would be the main universe uniforms. You can't look at this and say it ain't so:


I just love the fact that in TOS Kirk's uniform is the same as all the other gold shirts save for the rank braiding on his sleeves. Yet in the Mirror universe, instead of wearing an actual shirt like the rest of the crew he wears a vest. A golden, shiny, glittering vest. Obviously Mirror Kirk is extremely vain and wears a modified uniform to show off his manly muscles. Lys approves! ^_^ This should totally be a feature of Howard 'verse Kirk.
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#4 Re: Robert E Howard writes Star Trek.

Post by frigidmagi »

Ironically in the books Conan was often armored and fully clothed. The artists however felt that was hooey, or they were still moving in the spirit of Burroughs. One of the two.
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#5 Re: Robert E Howard writes Star Trek.

Post by Lys »

The only times Conan wasn't fully armoured were those when the plot conspired to deny him access in order to heighten the dramatic tension. He never went into battle without a full harness by choice. However, just like how the movie adaptation of Howard's Conan went shirtless, the TV adaptation of Howard's Captain Kirk would likely go sleeveless.
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#6 Re: Robert E Howard writes Star Trek.

Post by Batman »

Actually Kirk wore several uniforms none of the other goldshirts ever did...
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#7 Re: Robert E Howard writes Star Trek.

Post by Josh »

Later in the series they had to spring for a new uniform shirt because Shatner was putting on weight.

Looking at how much budget was sunk into the later movies and series, it's always funny to reflect on Star Trek's low-budget beginnings. Shatner blamed his wardrobe issues on the shrinkage due to excessive washing- each cast member had a single uniform shirt assigned and by SAG rules they had to be washed after every use. Since Shatner got a lot of scenes, his shirt got a lot of washings.

But also he did have expanding equator issues, as everyone knows.
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#8 Re: Robert E Howard writes Star Trek.

Post by frigidmagi »

He did later confess that his lack of control over his appieate was a problem. Which for a man with an ego like his (although he has massively matured in the twilight of his life I'm told) is a hell of a confession to make.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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