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#1 Who Is Your Favorite (and Least Favorite) Vampire?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:11 am
by Ra
Blah, blah! Who's ya favorite bloodsucker? Who is your most disliked?

Undoubtedly some "ZOMG UW SUXX0R" type is gonna crawl out of the woodwork for me saying this, but I like Selene. Sure, she's got that dual-wielding pistol thing going, but her *character* is cool nonetheless. If I could ever say any bloodsucker is worthy of my liking them, it would be her. While all the other vamps were self-serving, snotty bastards, Selene actually went against everyone else, and did the right thing. She was a rebel, and didn't take shit from anybody. Fuck yeah. That's positive points in my book. Oh, and she's unbelieveably hawt, lest you forgot.

For my least favorite, fricking Bodhi, from Baldur's Gate II. I dispised that thing, just as much as I hated Irenicus himself. I teamed up on her with my character, Viconia (equipped with an undead-slaying Mace, no doubt), and Imoen, and even fucking Drizzt Do'Wanken joined in on bashing her into submission. And it felt GOOD. But then again, I pretty much hated all the Vampires in that game, so I may be a bit biased.


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:19 am
by Robert Walper
The most recent and favorite Vampire that comes to mind is Marcus from "UnderWorld: Evolution".


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:20 am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
My favorite: Dracula.

Least favorite: All the rest. Fucking posers.


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:24 am
by Narsil

Lord Ruthven, Carmilla...

Lord Ruthven and Carmilla are among the first literary vampire creations. Lord Ruthven made his best friend go insane, and then married/drained said friend's sister while at the same time being a highborn British Noble. Which is one of those things which makes him speakable in the same vein of conversation as Bond, James Bond, really. Carmilla was the first female lesbian vampire, which I suppose is something of a cliché now, but it's hard to be a cliché when you started the whole genre, eh?

Then there's Kain... whose badassery knows no bounds.

I also suppose that Adam Thorne might deserve a mention, since he's a World War I veteran, World War II veteran, and a War Hero during both wars. He just happens to be immortal, and requires to feed on human blood, but he's all for doing the right thing, if being a little arrogant and snobbish. (Of course, I made him that way, so it might not count :razz:)


Bodhi, for reasons listed above.

Craven, from Underworld, for he is a genuine arsehole

Now for Vampire types...

Favourite type:

The Original Vampires, who were only depowered in sunlight, and not slain by it.

Crimson Chronicles Vampires merely prefer the night, but can use any of their skills/powers/etc. in the daylight (Although, their powers aren't set in stone)


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:36 am
by Robert Walper
To further present my vampire favorite case, I snapped screen caps. :razz:

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:37 am
by Narsil
Adam would rip him a new one.

Because I said so. :razz:


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:44 am
by Ra
Fricking BAT WINGS! Huzzah! Ya, Marcus is awesome. :grin:


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:46 am
by Narsil
I've seen the film, I found him to be more of an annoyance than anything else personally. Because he took screentime away from Beckinsale... but still :razz:


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:54 am
Top three in no particular order: Malkav, Brujah, Jean-Claude(from the anita blake series)

others that I like: Asher(Anita Blake), Damien(Anita Blake), Tremere, Kistin(Rachel Morgan series)


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:51 am
by Dartzap
Otto Chriek :smile:


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:02 pm
by The Cleric
Lestat, when he's doing his "I'm a badass" thing and not his "I'm a whiney emo bitch" thing.


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:11 pm
by Charon
My favorite has to be Alucard from Hellsing. Not for his power so much for his total badass unimpressed attitude that just eminates from him.

As for least favorite... I dunno.


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:21 pm
by Elheru Aran
I second Alucard. He was a bit of a comedic character in the first half of the first volume, but after that... total awesomeness.

Least favorite: Oddly enough, I flirted with Gary Oldman's Dracula from 'Bram Stoker's Dracula', but he actually gave it the best try he could IMO given the shitty material he had to work with. So that honor would go to Blade Trinity's Drake...


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:33 pm
Did they ever come out with any more of the manga after the 6 or 7th issue?


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:21 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
Favorite: the original Dracula

Least: pretty much any movie vampire concieved of after 1986


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:22 pm
by Comrade Tortoise
Favorite: the original Dracula, or any vampire which follows the classic vampire mythos. None of this silver steak causes them to disintegrate crap. NO! it is a wooden stake, through the heart, in their coffin! Repeled by Garlic and crosses, cant cross runnign water under most circumstances, killed or imobilized by sunlight etc etc etc.

Least: pretty much any movie vampire concieved of after 1986


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:21 pm
by SirNitram
I'm gonna break from the majority and say Alucard bored the shit out of me. The 'I don't care about much of anything' impassiveness never impresses me. The silly 'I'll spell my name backwards!' bit didn't help.

My favorite vampire has to come from Roman translations. Weren't even undead humans. Just monsters lurking for you. Roar!

Honorable mention to Bram Stoker's.


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:42 pm
by Elheru Aran
B4UTRUST wrote:Did they ever come out with any more of the manga after the 6 or 7th issue?
7th is the latest translation. 8th is finished in Japan IIRC, in the process of translation; it'll be the last volume. There's also another volume, a separate story called 'Hellsing: The Dawn' that deals with Walter and Alucard fighting Millennium in WWII; it explains the 'Werewolves' and some of Millennium and the Hellsing Organization's history, they may be waiting to release that before they release #8.


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:54 pm
That'd be cool. Anything covering Shinigami Walter kicks ass


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:20 pm
by Elheru Aran


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:45 pm
by Cynical Cat
Kain. How can you not love an arrogant vampire with a soul eating great sword, a battle cry of "Vae Victus", and the driving goal to alter history and save himself from the machinations of his enemies?


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:28 am
by Narsil
Kain. How can you not love an arrogant vampire with a soul eating great sword, a battle cry of "Vae Victus", and the driving goal to alter history and save himself from the machinations of his enemies?
Must... resist... battlecry...

Oh fuck it...


Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:55 pm
by Bratty
Favorite: Few of the Mentioned:
-Julian Luna from Kindred the Embraced Series. Sure the series and dialogue was cheesy, but the character concept, in and of itself was yummy. A strong and powerful vampie who does not give in to humanity, but does not complete shirk it either? Who lives by the law and looks excellant with a scimetar wrapped around his hand? Not to mention the professional way he took over the backdrop of the mortal soceity and influenced most people like puppets.
-Lestat from Anne Rice series. Dark. Brooding. Complicated. And able to revel in being a vampire. Sure he was SEEPING in angst, but he kept it to himself and let it fuel his lusts. And, oh yeah, Stuart Townsend is a god.
-Deacon Frost from Blade. Fantastic view of humans. Very intellectual but "vampire living in the now" edge. Gotta love technology when it mixes with fantasy, even dark fantasy. Would be my absolute favorite I think save for that when the blood god was raised and took over Deacon Frost he died within five minutes. Pretty sucky blood god, even if Wesley Snipes as Blade was the star of the show.
-Leslie Neelson in Dracula Dead and Loving. JUST for the fact he was able to poke fun in the Leslie Neelson way. Who the hell doesn't like a spoof?

Least Favorite: Few of the mentioned:
-Louis from Anne Rice series. What a whiney bastard. "Oh...look at me, I am damned for all eternity. God this sucks. You never told me what I was choosing. (insert other whining here)" Although it was among the hottest I have ever seen Brad Pitt. When you take a golden child and make him a darkling. Yum.
-The Vampire leader from John Carpenter's Vampires (forgot the name). Although I give props for J.C. portraying vampires as animalistic which is not seen enough, the leader was hard to get behind. I want to LOVE the villan to make a story more interesting. The antihero is much more appealling then...grr...cut open your neck viciously and leave you to die. Although, additional props for the way he embraced the hooker. Sexy.
-Eddie Fiori from Kindred the Embraced series. C'mon man. Brujah are much smarter than that. I know it made for interesting television, but I am surprised that he lasted as long as he did.

Honorable Mentions:
-Akasha from Anne Rice series
-Dracula, the original (although it is REALLY hard not to wince when I see this, even if he is the original. After all, it is like hearing the same song over and over again. Even if it is original and you like it...for FUCKS sake, think of something new already).