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#1 Greatest Hulk Battle?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:56 am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Well, I just read several issues of Hulk comics depicting series of Hulk battles. So it started with Bruce Banner being held hostage by some 'Dr. Candler' who created human imitations with plants, followed by Hulk vs the Avengers, Hulk vs Wolverine (next issue), and Hulk vs Thing (next-next issue), closed with Hulk battling Tyrannus who tried to take over his power.

Makes me thinking: if you're a Hulk writer, which opponent would you put to depict the greatest Hulk Battle of all time?


Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:00 pm
by frigidmagi
I think one of the greater battles I have ever seen was the Thing figthing the unintellgent Hulk in order to buy Reed time for the newest anti-Hulk device. While the Hulk was much stronger then Ben Grimm, he still managed to put up one hell of a fight due to brains and sheer grit.

I've never seen a Hulk vs Juggernaught fight... But I think I would really, really like to.


Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:59 pm
by Josh
Hulk vs. Abomination. Abomination is a fellow gamma-spawned monstrosity who is more powerful than the Hulk under regular circumstances, but can't match him when Hulk goes on his rage-fueled uber adrenaline rush.

The issue with grey Hulk vs. Abomination shortly right after Grey Hulk came into being was a classic.


Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:17 pm
by Elheru Aran
frigidmagi wrote:I think one of the greater battles I have ever seen was the Thing figthing the unintellgent Hulk in order to buy Reed time for the newest anti-Hulk device. While the Hulk was much stronger then Ben Grimm, he still managed to put up one hell of a fight due to brains and sheer grit.

I've never seen a Hulk vs Juggernaught fight... But I think I would really, really like to.
I believe Hulk generally smacks Juggs around. In one incident he grabs Juggs by the helmet and flings him away... holding on to the helmet... which lets the Professor mindfuck Juggernaut once the big guy lands.

And I still think Hulk should have just ripped Wolverine to bits, dammit, then we'd have never had to endure thirty-some years of that little Canadian wankstain! :P


Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:26 pm
by Batman
Elheru Aran wrote: And I still think Hulk should have just ripped Wolverine to bits, dammit, then we'd have never had to endure thirty-some years of that little Canadian wankstain! :P
The very existance of said wankstain means Logan would have regenerated from that, too. :razz:
Besides I kinda like him. How many mainstream superheroes are there that smoke, drink, and get annoyed at not being allowed to kill their opponents?


Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:48 am
by The Grim Squeaker
Hulk vs Juggernaught.
Very nasty and brutal (The fights after Abom killed/poisoned Betty and made Bruce think it was his fault, until he found out :shock: ).

The recent fights from Planet Hulk are fucking awesome though.