Darvall Heights
City of Malton, England
Three Months after the fall of Caiger
Darek Silver stood on the edge of the roof of the Latrobe Building, the ruined Necrotech symbol which as little as a year ago would have shown brightly in the evening, was twisted broken and dark. He looked over the city of Malton, once a bright, shining city in the English countryside, was now a horrific wasteland.
A almost a year ago, all hell broke loose. From one of the very buildings like he stood on, a Necrotech Office/Lab, something escaped - and the dead began to rise. Within a week, the city was in chaos, closed off from the outside world, and the undead prowled.
In those first few months, it was horror after horror, humans turning on one another, scavenging for whatever scraps of food, whatever weapons they could get their hands on.
Until the Caiger.
At Caiger Mall, the Irregulars, a group of survivors banded together with a common goal - retaking at least a portion of the city for humanity. They had succeeded, albeit briefly, and pulled together a community. Fortifying the Mall, rounding up weapons and food and fuel, Caiger Mall became a fortress-castle, the with the 1st and 2nd Irregular's being the Knight-protectors. No better fighting force had been seen in the city, no better at killing the Zed's or those humans who sought to take what was built at Caiger.
Freedom was won through countless sacrifice and heartache there - until a few months ago. There was quiet a community gathered in the Mall, nearly 600 people had warned in, hearing the calls on the radio waves, telling survivors where to go, and the Mall was florishing. Petro, leader of the 1st Irregulars, had found love in the arms of Melanie Boothe - red haired leader of the Emerald Guard - and together they were having a child. Towards the end of the pregnancy, complications occured - both in the mother, and in Malton.
There were no large scale gatherings of humans in Malton since the outbreak, because large groups meant the smell of fresh meat hung heavy in the air. It drew the undead. And eventually, so did the Caiger.
Unlike previous hordes, the Zombies numbered well into the thousands, shambling horrors which swarmed the defenses, and threatened to overtake the walls. Evacuation orders where given, and thanks to the previous communication established with the outside world, Helicoptors arrived to take away as many of the survivors as they could.
Petro and Melanie where on the first copter, ordered out due to the red-headed Queen of Caiger's condition. The 2nd would stay behind to cover the others.
Unfortunately, the Mall defenses didn't hold. With less than a quarter of the total refugees evacuated, the Horde burst through the barricades, and descended upon the humans. The Second held the line, using every means at their disposal, to usher the civilians through escape tunnels, to fall back shelters.
Eventually, even the Second broke, rushing through the tunnels, and setting off the explosive charges. The Caiger Mall, a shining bastion of hope within Malton, had fallen to the hordes. Losses to both civilians, and their protectors, where numerous.
The survivors spread out, and the Mall was left in ruins.
Until a week ago.
A week ago, after three long months of searching, of training, and surviving, the Second had come to reclaim their home.
A week ago, a swarm of three hundred Zombies still lingered near the Caiger, feral zed's who milled about, occasionally biting each other for meat. The Second, now just the Irregulars, had reclaimed the Latrobe building - the Necrotech facility which overlooked their home. Securing the building, and forcing it into a command base. Power was restored with mobile generators, and the entrances were secured.
Striking out from their new base, the Irregulars lured the Zed's come the Mall, dismembering the horde bit by bit. Until the last Zombie lay dead, their bodies a pile of dismembered parts lying in the bottom of a pit.
The Caiger was reclaimed, the barricades where once more up and reinforced - and it was being repaired.
Walking down the stair access from the roof, Silver emerged into his temporary C&C, a former meeting room on the top floor, three inch thick steel doors rested open, and a transmitter was propped in the corner.
The hum of power flowing through it's circuits brought a sense of warmth to him, this would be the first time in months he made a broadcast. He hoped people were still listening.
"To those within the sound of my voice," he began, his voice moving through the airwaves, to be picked up by the radios within and outside of the city, "The Irregular's have retaken the Caiger.....it's time to come home..."
He didn't say anything else, shutting off the transmit switch, and powered down the unit.
He walked out of the meeting room, it was time to go home.
This is a continuation of the previous UD games. You can find these games in the Archives of the RP forum. The game is open ended, aside from a few NPC's within the overall game structure, the players are free to create as many anxilary characters as they desire, to go with their main. Usually these extra characters will be either in the militia, or civilians returning to the mall.
Basic premise, is of course, survivors attempting to survive in a wasteland. Malton is a huge city, and Caiger Mall is located in the south-western corner. Anyone who has had a character in the old games, are welcome to rejoin with them here, or create new ones. Each thread will be episodic, in that they will begin and end on a storyline, and it's up to the players to decide how the story will play out.
Sheets should be simple: Give as much information as you feel comfortable with giving, make sure to include at least basic info (Name, Age, Gender, brief history).
I look forward to seeing who will play.