Any Interest In A Game Of Dark Heresy?

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Post by fgalkin »

Hi all, sorry for being AWOL for a time. Is the party in need of any specific career to be rounded out? An adept? Another combat-person? An arbitrator?

Have a very nice day.
Last edited by fgalkin on Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

fgalkin wrote:Hi all, sorry for being AWOL for a time. Is the party in need of any specific career to be rounded out? An adept? Another combat-person? An arbitrator?

Have a very nice day.
No problem dude. Well there are two psykers, an assassin and someone rolled up a Sister IIRC. I think an Arbites would be good for the investigation skills.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Mercury01 wrote:Luccia was born on planet Heterodyne, a feudal world. Clerics of the Imperial Creed preached the God-Emperor's words and Luccia was a devout and eager student, even as a young child. Her parents were soldiers, tithed to serve in the Imperial Guard along with countless others. They met their end fighting Traitor Guardsmen to establish a beach-head on the war-torn world of Malice. As such, the missionaries dutifully brought Luccia to the Schola Progenium on Reshia. There, the Drill-Abbots found her to be unswerving in her devotion to the Imperial Creed and tenacious in physical and mental hardship. Her piety was firm and her voice clear in every hymn she sang.

As providence would have it, a Sororitas cohort on training maneuvers arrived to replenish their forces. In Luccia, they saw a fine candidate for novicehood, and she saw in the Sisterhood a place of militant piety which nurtured her own fierce devotion and fit her training. She was inducted into their ranks once graduated from the Progenium.

100 Awareness
100 Performer (singer)
100 Perception (simple)
100 Dodge

Hmmmm, is it permissible to swap out the starting laspistol with a lasgun/melee attachment and just pay the difference in thrones? That's pretty much all I want as far as items go....
:oops: Sorry, I missed this bit. I don't have a problem with you swapping the laspistol for a lasgun but you might want to take Basic Weapons (Las) or you'll be stuck using the lasgun with a penalty.
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Post by Soontir948 »

Cpl Kendall wrote:
fgalkin wrote:Hi all, sorry for being AWOL for a time. Is the party in need of any specific career to be rounded out? An adept? Another combat-person? An arbitrator?

Have a very nice day.
No problem dude. Well there are two psykers, an assassin and someone rolled up a Sister IIRC. I think an Arbites would be good for the investigation skills.
Someone chose assassin and I rolled it as well. :P

I'll try and post something in the morning as well as finishing up what my char got. Got stuck playing Diablo 2 again...
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Post by fgalkin »

Arbites it is, then.

A question of ranks: do we start at the lowest rank of our career, or somewhere higher?

Have a very nice day.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

fgalkin wrote:Arbites it is, then.

A question of ranks: do we start at the lowest rank of our career, or somewhere higher?

Have a very nice day.
You start with 400xp to spend, which will put you at the lowest rank, but almost ready to move up to the next one.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by fgalkin »

Well, you wanted an investigator and you got one.

I've used the chargen Mercury used ... rnum=10785

I'll put in a proper charpost with backstory here once I finish figuring out talents and equipment and all that. I still have 200 XP to spend, right?

Have a very nice day.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

That looks about right.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

fgalkin wrote:Well, you wanted an investigator and you got one.

I've used the chargen Mercury used ... rnum=10785

I'll put in a proper charpost with backstory here once I finish figuring out talents and equipment and all that. I still have 200 XP to spend, right?

Have a very nice day.
Yup, 200 xp to spend.
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Post by fgalkin »

A question about clothing: the Rulebook doesn't list the cost of various quality clothing. So, if, say, I wanted another set of clothes so I don't go about wearing an Arbites uniform (might as well hold up a "shoot me" sign), how much would it cost me?

Have a very nice day.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Good question, I'd go with 5 thrones or so for something of common quality.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

I figured I'd wait till everyone has checked in before moving on to the actual landing. I'll be at the range tomorrow (hopefully, weather permitting) so likely i won't be back till the evening.
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Post by fgalkin »

Are we checking in on the station? Are there other Arbites there?

Have a very nice day.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

fgalkin wrote:Are we checking in on the station? Are there other Arbites there?

Have a very nice day.
Well the plan was to have the Ironclad pick you up at the systems edge, take you to the station where there will be a short briefing and then drop onto the planet to meet your actual contact. It's a pretty backwards place so there would only be one or two Arbites on the station. More to advise the governor then anything else.
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Post by fgalkin »

I see. So, we're not in drop gear yet for the meet and greet. Just making sure.

Have a very nice day.
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Post by LadyTevar »

No drop gear, just the normal "demon may show up from the Immaterium" readiness :wink:

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Post by fgalkin »

Sorry about the delays, here is my character at last. This is my first ever DH character for my second ever forum game, so if you spot any holes, please let me know

Name: Severus Lucien

Homeworld Hilarion (Imperial World)
Career: Arbitrator
Rank: Trooper
Gender: Male
Build: Fit
Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Age: 25
Quirk: You have pierced ears.
Planet of Birth: Agri-world
Divination: A suspicious mind is a healthy mind.
Family: Father and Mother back on Hilarion, both farmers.
Starting XP: 200
Starting Package: The Calixian Pattern Killings

Weapon Skill: 39
Ballistic Skill: 34
Agility: 33
Strength: 34
Toughness: 33
Perception: 34
Intelligence: 40
Willpower: 33
Fellowship: 32

Fate Points: 2
Wounds: 9
Insanity Points: 0
Corruption Points: 0

Traits: Blessed Ignorance, Hagiography, Litugical Familiarity, Superior Origins

Basic Skills:
Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int) (Hagi.)
Common Lore (Imperium) (Int) (Hagi.)
Common Lore (War) (Int) (Hagi.)
Literacy (Int) (Lit. Fam.)
Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int) (Lit. Fam.)
Inquiry (Fel)
*Awareness(Per.) (100xp)
*Scrutiny (Per.) (100xp)

Advanced Skills:
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int),
Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites) (Int)

Basic Weapons Training (SP)
Melee Weapons Training (Primitive)
Quick Draw
Talented (Inquiry)

Shotgun (1d10+4I),
12 shells (standard)
*100 shells (standard) (5 thrones)
Club (1d10 I)
Brass knuckles (1d5-1 I)
Knife (1d5 R)
Uniform (Good Quality Clothing)
*Common Quality Clothing (5 thrones)
3 doses of stimm
Arbitrator ID
pack of lho-sticks
mesh vest (body, AP 4)
headband (memento)
expired wanted poster (memento)
*microbead (20 thrones)
*dataslate (25 thrones)


What force had smled upon Severus Lucien that day and changed his destiny?

Dozens had died that day in the bloody gang massacre- cut down by brutal stubber fire. And yet, this corpse was different- the nature of its wounds, for one. Where others were riddled by bullet holes, this one was almost pristine by comparison- a tiny slice across the throat with a very sharp instrument. Whereas others had died fighting- weapons clenched in their cold hands, expressions of rage or terror on their faces, this one peace, serene. The man's weapon was missing from its holster.

Idly, he noted the oddities in his report, how the man had died before the fighting started, in a crowded room full of armed comrades. He thought nothing of it- dozens of strange murders took place in the slums of Luggnum- so much that no one really bothered to investigate them all. Sometimes, he noted a clue that others missed in his report, but nothing ever came out of it.

A month had passed and he had all but forgotten the massacre, its bloody image replaced by others far more fresh and far more bloody. And then, one day, he was summoned by the Provost Marshal, pale and haggard, with sweat covering his brow. With him was a man dressed all in black.He informed him that in his ignorance, Severus stumbled onto something of great interest to his Order and that he now has but two choices.

On that day, something changed in the destiny of Severus Lucien, farmboy from Hilarion, junior Arbiter on a Emperor-forsaken world. A glimmer of hope, a chance for something....greater.

Intelligent, observant, methodical, friendly to his peers, a terror to his enemies, utterly devoted to upholding the Emperor's Law. On the surface, Severus Lucien is all that and more, a model Arbiter. The truth, however, is different and far darker. Few know the depths of his ambition, or how far he will go to feed it. Even fewer know his reasoning and what truly drives him. All that most know is that the Emperor has given Severus Lucien an opportunity offered to but a few, and that he will make the most of it, and perhaps, one day, be the one holding a rosette.

Have a very nice day.
Last edited by fgalkin on Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Karrick »

I rather suddenly have an interview for an internship out of town, so I'm not gonna be able to post Monday, Tuesday, or most of Wednesday. Hope this won't cause any problems.

For the record, I've never done a play by post before. If I start doing something wrong, please let me know.
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Post by fgalkin »

I'm impressed by how reasonable DH's insanity system is, compared to CoC's. Much more sensible.

EDIT: As you might have gathered, Severus does not like psykers. An opinion shared by the overwhelming majority of Imperial citizens. Considering he's spent most of his life on a farm in the middle of nowhere, followed by a brief stint in a smallish hive and years on a mining world, he's not the most open-minded of people.

And if you think that's bad, the Sororitas' reaction should be worse. We might have ourselves a witch barbecue if she ever gets her hands on a flamer.

Have a very nice day.
Last edited by fgalkin on Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Oh, I am loving this character, but I need to clarify a few things.
First: The card symbols I throw out are not to be taken that seriously. In her own way, Kyona is as crazy as ACnut's character. Her way of coping is to use a deck of normal playing cards/Minor Arcana cards to relate and connect to reality.

I plan on using this quirk merely for PC interaction. Only if Cpl Kendal says so will Kyona see anything that actually relates to the plot or helps move the story forward. As Cyncat said, the cards show only possible futures -- following everything Kyona sees can be deadly. However, I do admit to using some OOC knowledge, such as calling Cyncat's character a sharp-witted woman, as all assassins must be. :wink:

I also need make a few changes to some of the Cards I've given the Characters. I'd picked them out randomly, but they're fitting far better than I expected once I double-checked the meanings.

Fgalkin's character remains the King of Diamonds, of a normal deck of cards. This card represents a competitive man, a workaholic who finds it hard to relax and trust. If I took him over to the Minor Arcana, the King of Cups would be reversed --Injustice, Exaction, Double-standards.

ACnut's paranoia fits so well with the Ten of Swords -- Pain, Affliction, Tears, Sadness, Desolation. The Ten of Spades is the "Disappointment Card", the Card of Bad Luck and Hard Times that turns all the cards around it to their opposite meanings.

Cyncat's Jack of Spades should really be the Page of Swords: Secret Service, Vigilance, Spying, Authority and Oversight. Again, so fitting for an Assassin.

Karrick's card must change as well. I wasn't happy with the Swords for him... but the Page of Pentacles is much better. Study, scholarship, and application thereof.

Kyona's Card? :grin:
The Queen of Hearts is tender-hearted and emotional. The Queen of Cups is a beautiful, fair, dreamy woman with the gift of visions. Reversed, she is a good, distinguished woman who is yet untrustworthy and perverse for some reason.
Last edited by LadyTevar on Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by fgalkin »

What sort of information do we know about the planet? The history, when it was colonized, the name of the governor and what is going on on the surface, ancient xenos ruins, that sort of thing.

Have a very nice day.
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Post by Academia Nut »

I figure the one class that deserves to get a little OOC knowledge once in a while is the psyker... its just that they're crazy and no one will believe them. If the GM finds my advance knowledge acceptable then I will change the post.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

I'll have to answer the questions tomorrow guys, we got waylaid at a friends house for longer then I planned tonight and I'm exhausted.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

fgalkin wrote:What sort of information do we know about the planet? The history, when it was colonized, the name of the governor and what is going on on the surface, ancient xenos ruins, that sort of thing.

Have a very nice day.
Harper's World was colonized near a thousand years ago and developed into an industrial world, supplying arms and general equipment to the Imperial Guard. Approximately 500 years ago it was cut off from the Imperium by turbulence in the Warp and access was only gained back 200 years prior to your arrival. There is still only one moderately reliable route in and out of the system. Which results in few visits each year by freighters dropping off supplies to the station and the small spaceport planetside.

The world itself suffered an extensive civil war after they were cut off and most of the planet is now an atomic wasteland spotted here and there with feudal enclaves and nomadic tribes. Most folk survive by trading a certain slug (it has medicinal properties that the Imperium finds useful) for food and items they can't make themselves to roving traders, who then swap the slugs for the goods the freighters bring in.

The governor's name is Edythe Vodfer and her responsibility is mainly to ensure that the odd raising of a Feral Regiment goes smoothly.

The Inquisition maintains a small presence on the planet in the form of various acolytes scattered amongst the locals or the traders. The planet suffer a higher then normal rate of mutations and cults are common place.
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Post by LadyTevar »

I'm wondering how long before someone kills the first PC LOL!

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