Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay?

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Post by frigidmagi »

Water work?
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Post by Cynical Cat »

frigidmagi wrote:Water work?
Sailors, fishermen, marines, smugglers, that kind of thing.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

So who wants to go first? I'll walk you through character creation. I'll be gentle, I promise.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

All right, well I do have time to RP, just not run one. I'll go with a Human, some sort of nautical trade hopefully heavy on the survival skills.
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Post by SirNitram »

Found the core book. I'll be back in a bit with a character proposal.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Okay, we'll start with stat generation (career comes after). WFRP is the ancestor of Dark Heresy, so a lot of this will be familiar to you.

We start by generating

Weapon Skill
Ballistic Skill

for humans they are all 2d10+20

Then we apply Shallya's Mercy, where we replace one stat roll of your choice with an average (31).
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Weapon Skill: 31 (replaced the original 24 with Shayllya's Mercy)
Ballistic Skill: 34
Strength: 31
Toughness: 45
Agility: 37
Willpower: 32
Fellowship: 30

Attacks: 1
Movement: 4
Magic: 0
Insanity Points:0
Wounds: 13
Fate Points: 3

Race: Human
Name: Marcellus Nijssen
Height: 5' 9"
Age: 29 years
Gender: Male
Weight: 165 lbs
Birthplace: Marienburg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Siblings: 1

Skills: Common Knowledge (The Empire), Gossip, Speak Language (Reikspiel),Navigation, Consume Alcohol, Common Knowledge (Wasteland)

Talents: Mimic, Very Resilient (+5 Tg), Savvy, Orientation (+10 on Nav rollls)

-common clothing, consisting of shirt, breeches, tattered cloak, worn boots, belt,
-wooden cutlery
-wooden tankard
-11 gold crowns
-Fish hook and line
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Oh, hang on. I did those rolls on a web dice roller. Would you rather I used the boards, forgot we had one.
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Post by Cynical Cat »


Okay next is

Attacks: that's a 1.

Wounds: 1d10 and consult the table

Movement: 4 for humans

Magic: 0.

Insanity Points: 0. Insanity points are nastier in this game.

Fate Points: This is where humans kick much ass. 1d10 and consult table.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

I'm gonna have to trouble you to consult the table for wounds and fate points for me CC, the books aren't accessible for me right at the moment.



I've added the other stuff into my previous post.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Congrats Corporal, you maxed out. 13 Wounds and 3 Fate Points.

Now, assuming you're an Imperial, starting skills and talents are next.

Skills: Common Knowledge (The Empire), Gossip, Speak Language (Reikspiel)

Talents: Two 1d100 rolls on the Talent table.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Edit: Imperial should be fine. I'll add those wounds and fate into my previous post as before.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Mimic and Very Resilient. Very Resilient rocks the house, giving a +5 bonus to your initial Toughness. Go ahead and record those where you're tracking your talents and up your Toughness by 5.

So now we'll feed you a nice bowl of gravel and talk about your career. There's a couple ways to go:

1) Pick one that you really want. Ben will probably go this way with Apprentice Wizard because he's spell whore.

2) Roll three times and pick the one you like.

3) Just roll until something you like turns up.

Doesn't matter to me how you do it.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

I think I'll just go with Fisherman if you've no objection.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Cpl Kendall wrote:I think I'll just go with Fisherman if you've no objection.
None at all. My brother's character is my big, long lasting WFRP campaign a couple years back was a fisherman.

So lets talk Fisherman. Now we get to this little thing called an advance scheme. Every career has one. These are the advances you can buy to your characteristics while in the career. You need to keep track of your advances because they don't stack. Thus if you buy +10 Toughness in career x and go to career Y that gives you +15 Tougness, you can only by +5 Toughness to take it to +15. Record keeping goes like this.

Initial + Talent mod
advance scheme
current total

You'll see it on any character sheet.

Anyway, here it goes.

Fisherman offers +5 on BS, +10 Strength, +5 Toughness, +10 Agility, +5 Intelligence, and +2 Wounds.

You get one advance free which can be either +5 on an attribute or +1 Wound.

The game uses Toughness and Strength Bonus just like Dark Heresy, which is just the tens digit of your Strength or Agility so Strength 43 is Strength Bonus 4.

You get the following skills

Common Knowledge (The Empire or the Wasteland), Consume Alcohol or Haggle, Navigation or Trade (Merchant), Outdoor Survival, Perception, Row, Sail, Speak Language (Riekspiel or Norse), Swim.

You can buy the skill and talent options you didn't take after character creation. If you take a skill you already have (like Common Knowledge: The Empire) you get +10 with it.

Talents: Hardy or Savvy, Orientation or Street Fighting.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Cynical Cat wrote:
Cpl Kendall wrote:I think I'll just go with Fisherman if you've no objection.
None at all. My brother's character is my big, long lasting WFRP campaign a couple years back was a fisherman.

So lets talk Fisherman. Now we get to this little thing called an advance scheme. Every career has one. These are the advances you can buy to your characteristics while in the career. You need to keep track of your advances because they don't stack. Thus if you buy +10 Toughness in career x and go to career Y that gives you +15 Tougness, you can only by +5 Toughness to take it to +15. Record keeping goes like this.

Initial + Talent mod
advance scheme
current total

You'll see it on any character sheet.

Anyway, here it goes.

Fisherman offers +5 on BS, +10 Strength, +5 Toughness, +10 Agility, +5 Intelligence, and +2 Wounds.

You get one advance free which can be either +5 on an attribute or +1 Wound.
Ok, so the above are what I can purchase in this career with my XP. I don't get them free by picking the career correct?
The game uses Toughness and Strength Bonus just like Dark Heresy, which is just the tens digit of your Strength or Agility so Strength 43 is Strength Bonus 4.
You get the following skills

Common Knowledge (The Empire or the Wasteland), Consume Alcohol or Haggle, Navigation or Trade (Merchant), Outdoor Survival, Perception, Row, Sail, Speak Language (Riekspiel or Norse), Swim.
All right, I'll go with Navigation, Consume Alcohol, and Riekspiel. I'm going to have to ask you what Wasteland is.
You can buy the skill and talent options you didn't take after character creation. If you take a skill you already have (like Common Knowledge: The Empire) you get +10 with it.

Talents: Hardy or Savvy, Orientation or Street Fighting.
I'm going to have to ask you to explain what each is. :oops:
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Post by SirNitram »


WS: 30(free advance, 35)
BS: 32
S: 24(replaced via Mercy, 35)
T: 34
I: 26
A: 31(Lightning Reflexs, 36)
WP: 30
FS: 33

Attacks: 1
Wounds: 12
SB: 3
TB: 3
Movement: 4
Magic: 0
Insanity: 0
Fate: 3

Skills: Common Knowledge(The Empire), Gossip, Speak Language(Reikspel), Command, Performer(Musician), Charm, Gamble, Read/Write, Ride.
Talents: Lightning Reflexes, Sixth Sense, Etiquette, Luck, Specialist Weapon(Fencing), Specialist Weapon(Parrying)

Equipment: Foil, Main Gauche, Noble's Garb, Riding Horse WIth Saddle ANd Harness, Common Clothing, Tattered Cloak, Dagger in his left boot, Backpack with blanket, tankard, cutlery, a sword.

Valuables: 12gc, jewelry worth 42gc,

And just because I -love- random generation...

Career: Noble

Height: 5'11"
Hair Colour: Red
Weight: 165
Eye Colour: Purple(WTF?!)
Trait: Missing Eyebrows.
Siblings: 1
Star: Vobist The Faint(Darkness and Uncertainty)
Age: 30
Birthplace: Middeland, Small Settlement
Name: Magnus
Last edited by SirNitram on Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Half-Damned, All Hero.

Tev: You're happy. You're Plotting. You're Evil.
Me: Evil is so inappropriate. I'm ruthless.
Tev: You're turning me on.

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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Actually, screw it. I'll go with Common Knowledge (Wasteland), Savvy and Orientation. Let the chips fall where they may.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

The Wasteland is the area around the great free city of Marienburg, which seceeded from the Empire. Its a coastal city on the edge of the Empire and at the mouth of the River Riek. If you take Common Knowledge: Wasteland your character is from Marienburg.

You get one of those stat advances free, either +5 on an attribute or +1 Wounds. Every starting character gets one free stat advance.

You have the option (but are not required) of buying the skills and talents you don't start with free that were marked with the "either or" description.

Hardy: It gives you +1 Wound on your starter profile.

Savvy: +5 Intelligence on your starter profile.

Orientation: Innate sense of direction. +10 on all Navigation rolls.

Street Fighting: unarmed combat skill. +10 on all WS checks fighting unarmed and +1 on unarmed damage. Good for tavern brawling.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Thanks muchly.

I took that free +5 advance and put it on Willpower, which was the weakest stat. Also took the Wasteland, Orientation and Savvy.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Little details

Shallya's Mercy replaces a roll with an average, not a reroll. Nitram, did you just roll lousy on your money or did you miss the extra 1D10 GCs that Nobles start with?

Starting gear: Everyone gets

-common clothing, consisting of shirt, breeches, tattered cloak, worn boots, belt,
-sling bag or backpack
-wooden cutlery
-wooden tankard
-hand weapon: that's a sword, axe, mace or similar one handed straightforward weapon
-purse with 2d10 Gold Crowns. A gold crown is real money. 20 silver shillings to the crown, 12 brass pennies to the shilling.

Fishermen also get: Fish hook and line, spear.
Last edited by Cynical Cat on Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Cynical Cat wrote:
Shallya's Mercy replaces a roll with an average, not a reroll.
What's the average?
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Cpl Kendall wrote:
Cynical Cat wrote:
Shallya's Mercy replaces a roll with an average, not a reroll.
What's the average?
Average of 2d10 is 11 so for a human its 20 +11=31. Other races have some variation in stats (badass Halfling BS, for example).
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Cynical Cat wrote:
Cpl Kendall wrote:
Cynical Cat wrote:
Shallya's Mercy replaces a roll with an average, not a reroll.
What's the average?
Average of 2d10 is 11 so for a human its 20 +11=31. Other races have some variation in stats (badass Halfling BS, for example).
Ok, so my WS winds up being 31 with Shallya's Mercy anyways. :lol:
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Post by Cynical Cat »

So that's character generation. You're now ready to be dropped head first into trouble.
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