Rogue Trader: The Hand of Fortune

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Post by Cynical Cat »

"Sir, with respect, that is the standard Navy pattern loadout for a Sword class frigate," said Sharayn. "One of the Navy's most common frigates and usually used as a fast striking vessel and escort. Those laser batteries tell us that the ship was armed to military standards. That's higher end stuff, but nothing unusual."
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by fgalkin »

Berenice entered the gallery last, accompanied by one of her armsmen. Unlike the others, she was wearing her customary Navy greatcoat, sword and bolt pistol on her hip, but clearly not prepared to head out just yet.

The others were already there, and clearly spent some time discussing the find. She had prayed all morning for the success of their venture and for the Emperor to watch over them in the trials that were to come. The Tarot reading had left her uneasy- there was more to the ship than met the eye, and taking her would not be easy.

She paused, examining the ship for several long minutes. The ship was beautiful, in the sleek dangerous way that only a warship could be. She imagined taking control of her, becoming one with her, guiding her through the currents of the Immaterium. She would probably be even more agile than the other ships of her class.

She interrupted herself with some effort. The ship was not yet hers. Everything about it was odd.

"Ignace," she called to her armsman, who stepped forward immediately. The man was an expert voidsman in the service of her former employer who aided her escape. She valued his experience. "These holes- are they over any critical components?"

The man pondered this for a few moments before shaking his head. "I do not believe so, my Lady. That is very strange."

"Indeed," Berenice nodded, and walked up to Ravion's retinue.

"We have here a ship in what appears to be perfect working order, save for some damage. And yet its crew has found itself unable to continue its journey for some reason, and then likely found themselves facing the Emperor's Judgement. Any ideas as to what happened?"

Have a very nice day.
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Post by White Haven »

Graylen chuckles dryly and shakes his head, "Just goes to show that I spent far too much time in cruisers. I still have a hard time regarding anything that isn't a lance as a main battery."
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Post by rhoenix »

Moving in with steady footsteps and flowing grey cloak, Magnus strode into the gallery to meet the others in his full explorer regalia: a metal band fitted over his eyes, though the cloak he now wore shadowed his eyes as well. This cloak was of a different material than his usual cloak; it seemed finely made, as well as having the symbol for the Adeptus Telepathica in white prominently visible. His handgun was at his side, though no other weapons could be seen on him. A Rosarius was barely visible hanging around his neck.

Walking in, he faced the windows with the others, nodding to the others as he passed them, though said nothing yet. His cloak seemed to continue fluttering slowly in the wind for a few moments after he stopped at his observing place.
Last edited by rhoenix on Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by fgalkin »

"She looks like a Battlefleet Calixis ship," Berenice observed. "But has a Rogue Trader name. She couldn't have been here for too long. I suppose someone has already checked the records for a ship of this name?"

Have a very nice day.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

"Nothing in the ship's data log," said Sharayn. "However that statue of Saint Drusus suggest that it has been in the Calixus Sector and that it probably stopped by Port Wander and Footfall. There maybe records there, perhaps at the House Karakan holdings on Footfall."
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Post by fgalkin »

"So no one checked when they had the chance? I am not surprised," she sighed. "That statue is more than a mere ornament- it is the source and the focus of her Geller Field. This may be an ancient ship, but she was recently refitted. Perhaps when she changed ownership."

Have a very nice day.
Last edited by fgalkin on Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Vehrec »

Vir had been listening, of course. Not listening would frankly have been insulting to the young and knowledgeable officer. And he would never insult any woman. However, at hearing she had reached an end to her knowledge he stirred slightly.

"There is of course, a simple obvious way to know who her masters were and when they last commanded her. Send a party over to retrieve the logs if you're feeling impatient. Not minding about any remnant dangers or defenses also helps, if you're so inclined." Vir shrugged in his seat before slumping a little more. "Of course, knowing my luck the logs are long wiped and any mysteries they might have solved would have to wait anyways."
Summer camp, summer camp!/The donuts that they give you/they say are mighty fine/but one rolled off a table/and AHH FUCK WHY ARE THERE ZOMBIES IN THE CANOE CABIN
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Post by Cynical Cat »

"Long range communications can be difficult in the expanse, my lady," said Ensign Sharayan. "I cannot say if the Lord Captain ordered an attempt, but the information is not in the ship's data holds."
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Post by fgalkin »

"I had assumed that the Lord Captain received the report of the ship in person," Berenice shrugged. "Perhaps I was wrong. Or perhaps he wants us to find out by ourselves. We should know more once we board the ship in any case."

Have a very nice day.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Volran walked onto the observation room suited up for combat as ordered. He wore his power armor with his las gun belted at his back and his chain sword at his waist.

Following him were members of his clerical staff with their belongings and the ritual gear needed for Volran to preform his religious duties. He nodded politely to the others.

" I am unlearned in shipcraft but it is certainly to my eyes a formidable looking craft." He noted.
Last edited by frigidmagi on Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by fgalkin »

"Holy father," Berenice greeted the man. "It is good that you shall be joining us.The whole ship will need to be re-sanctified before we head out."

Have a very nice day.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Ravion gazed upon the ship with eager eyes. It was a fine vessel and while the scan was frustrating, it was equally enlightening. Laser batteries were by no means poor weapons, and while he would eventually want a lance, that would wait until he had this fine ship at a proper port. "Well I can clearly see that we are all excited by this prospect, but let's keep the rash statements and speculation to a whisper for the moment. A Sword styled frigate is more than a fine catch. My good fellows, I think we have spent well enough time thinking and watching. Let us be off to death or glory, we have a ship to reclaim and it's not going to just awaken and bring us aboard!" He raised a hand into the air and motioned to the waiting craft that would take them to the Ascendancy.
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Post by fgalkin »

"Is it truly wise, heading off into the unknown without the faintest clue as to what awaits us? There are plenty of capable young men and women, more than eager to examine the ship for us. Let us wait and hear their reports." She looked over the group of the young Rogue Trader's retainers. "I am sure that some of you would like to join them, to represent Ravion. That might be wise. But it would be rather...embarassing if something would to happen to him on the first day as a true Rogue Trader."

Have a very nice day.
Last edited by fgalkin on Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hotfoot »

"My good madame navigator, I am not some cowering ponce who sends others to die for him. I ask nothing from those under my command that I would not gladly do myself. No, we shall go now. We do not go blindly or foolishly, but go we shall. I did say to get your things ready, after all, and the march of time waits for none."
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Post by fgalkin »

"Then you should wait until at least they secure the hangar for your arrival. Second shuttle is good enough, if you wish to lead from the front"

Have a very nice day.
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Post by White Haven »

Graylen grunts in approval at the decisive tone struck by the soon-to-be-captain, tightening up a few seals on the gloves of his void suit before settling on the void-helmet instead of the flak-armoured one. With that held in the crook of one arm, he grins and pops his neck theatrically, growling out, "I, on the other hand, would be quite happy to be on the first shuttle. Now before we set out, there's one crucial question that needs answering..."

His grin reappears in a flash wider than before, "Who's running the pool on what we find in there?"
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Post by Hotfoot »

Ravion's eyes grew hard, "Do not mistake me for a fool. Skilled men and women we do have, but my retinue has been chosen for their skills above and beyond that of others. Were that not the case, others would be here. Should there be some danger even in the hangar, I want to know of it first. We shall go now, see with our own eyes, and make decisions there. We waste breath here. Accompany me or stay here, Navigator Berenice, but choose quickly." With that, he leads his retinue to the lighters, giving the order for the boarding party to prepare to leave for the frigate. The lighters, being armed would lead the way with the shuttles following behind. With nearly 200 crew, 80 of which were on the lighters, the first wave would be considerable. As he walked up to the lighter, Ravion raised his voice so all around could hear, his voice transmitted to all the bays for those not quite close enough.

"Men, today we go to seek our destiny in the void! The ship out there is ours for the taking, and with the Emperor's grace, take it we shall! I will be blunt, dangers await us, but then dangers always will, no matter where we go! We brave the horrors of the warp, the dangers of Xenos, and the madness of heretics, all to spread the light of the Emperor to those without it! To shower ourselves in the wealth that awaits us in the stars! We did not come to this life for ease and comfort! We came to prove ourselves before the Emperor and his people! Men! Today we seize a great opportunity by the throat! Keep your wits about you and you will have quite a tale to tell! Now make ready, for we start our journey now!"
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Post by frigidmagi »

"The Emperor blesses the brave and protects those who know no fear in his service. Be of good cheer, focus on your duties and the Emperor will be with you. We go forth today to reclaim and resanctify a ship of humanity to his service. His blessing will be upon us, if we but by our own mortal efforts prove worthy of it. The Emperor Protects! My Lord Captain, I volunteer to go across on the first wave so that all who cross will know the power of the Emperor and his protection is upon them." Volran declared.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Steel thumps hand on the chest piece of his void-suit in appreciation. "Here, here! Lets be about this."

He pulls on and seals the gloves of his suit and turns to Graylen, "put me down for the Greenskin scum.'
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Post by Vehrec »

Vir listened as he oversaw the younger tech adepts securing the last of the cargo. Tools and parts that might be necessary in the first critical moments aboard the ship, restoring or bypassing airlocks. He had recovered his axe and boltgun from the servitor he had entrusted them to, and had scurried off for a few precious minutes to change from robes into something a little more suitable for the adventure. Although he still wore a few layers of cloth and armor over the void-suit, his outline was definitely changed by it. Bulkier and more rounded certainly, but also a tad softer.

The impassioned speech was enough to make him huff and turn back to his underlings to urge them into greater efforts. He'd already seen where reaching out with both hands to seize the day left you. With your hands in the air unable to grab anything of substance, especially not anything that might support your mass. Not stopping to think was going to give them trouble down the line. Well, there was time enough to think while they were en route. He'd consider things over on the way.
Summer camp, summer camp!/The donuts that they give you/they say are mighty fine/but one rolled off a table/and AHH FUCK WHY ARE THERE ZOMBIES IN THE CANOE CABIN
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Post by fgalkin »

"I suppose I ought to tag along," Berenice sighed. "Somebody's gotta look after you."

She turned around and walked out of the gallery, heading for her quarters. There, she and her armsmen quickly put on void suits. She would have preferred to put on armor over the suit, as some of the others had done, but her reinforced bodyglove made that impossible. After some consideration, she put on the bulky powerpack of her hellpistol as well. It was best to be prepared, after all.

She rejoined the group just as the men finished cheering Ravion- he made a speech- something sufficiently inspiring, judging by the reaction of the men. That was good- Ravion was an inspiring leader, even if his concern of the opinions of the men overrode practical considerations. He was young and felt he had to prove himself to them, and more importantly, to himself; that was understandable, even if a bit unfortunate. She would have to watch him carefully, to make sure he would be alive at the end of the day to take possession of his new ship.

"I am troubled about the failure of auger scans of the interior," she said. "We should send out teams to take control of the critical sections of the ship- bridge, weapons control, and enginarium as soon as we land."

Have a very nice day.
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Post by Hotfoot »

On board the lighter, Ravion motioned to the man holding his helmet. "Mordecai, if you would please." On retrieving his helm he crooked it under his arm and looked as his retinue and their personal retainers. "Yes, the failure of the auger scans are troublesome, though should this vessel retain the quality after we raise her from her slumber I would consider it most beneficial. Checking those areas will be needed, but basic securing and restoring procedures should come first. First I want to make sure that no spores awaken on contact with the air of the vessel, so before we restore air we'll make sure each area is clean. One Lighter will remain in the hangar with gunners at the ready at all times as we ferry in more crew. Once we disembark the lighter will seal up until my order. We will clear to the bridge ourselves and coordinate the restoration from there. We will not rush through the corridors. As we clear each section we shall leave a squad to watch and report. While we're looking through whatever we can find in the bridge, the rest of the crew will attempt to restore key systems, seal up hull breaches."

He paused for a moment and turned to the astropaths that had joined him. "Stay close and keep your senses tuned to any fell sense from the warp. If there are daemons or witches aboard, I want to know before we face them," He looked to the rest of the assembled retinue and looked suddenly extremely serious. "Anyone with experience with Xenos, keep an eye out for any signs of anything not made of man and let me know right away. Keep your wits about you, your weapons drawn, and mind any men under your command. We tread the fine line between bravery and bravado, and I plan on us surviving the day. Survive with me."

Once all of the retinue and any additional marines were on board, Ravion gave the word for the lighter to take off.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

The lighters engines rose to a dull roar as the hanger bay doors opened. They were unarmed transport craft, but they were tough and capable of interplanetary travel. The shuttles were less robust and smaller, but sturdy and tested craft.

The bays opened and the craft launched. The gun cutter covered the other vessels as they crossed the short distance between the two starships. The Ascendancy loomed directly ahead.

The lighter bays on the ships flanks were open like gaping wounds. The lighters docked at the stern most bay, entering a dark cavern of ceramite and steel. The gun cutter and lighter swept the area with cones of light, revealing an intact but lifeless and powerless bay. Surveyors read hard vacuum and microgravity. Four lighters rested in their births, still and quiet as statues or the dead.

The lighter touched down with a thud that reverberated through the hull. The gun cutter touched down nearby. The chin mounted triple lascannon, the ventral wing assault cannon blisters, and the hull mounted twin autocannon turret commanded a line of fire with almost every part of the bay.

Inside the armsmen double checked the seals of their vacuum armour. They were veterans who were qualified for promotions, but had no open slot above them or ambitious younger men. They were armed with combat monoknives, laspistols, and Armaggedon Pattern Autoguns with fire selectors. Expander rounds and motion trackers were standard for their autoguns. Every fourth man was armed with a naval shotcannon and every tenth with a flamer, grenade launcher, or melta. Their enforcer carapace was sealed against the void.

"My Lord Captain Karakan," said Sergeant Clayvore, a battle scarred veteran of over twenty year service to the house. "Auspex shows no life, power, or atmosphere in the bay. We are ready to depart and secure it. Your word?"
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Volran turned to Ravion as the lighter approached the silent ship ahead of them.

"My Lord Captain, our good navigator did have a point. While I understand the demands of your position, I would think it best if you allowed myself and the armsmen to debark first. My faith in the Holy Emperor will shield me from any unholy influences and the arms and bravery of the armsmen can deal with mere physical threats. If the hanger is not clear we can force a space for you to lead the attack or withdraw to save the men as you see fit. If the hanger is clear, our perimeter will allow you to organize the expedition deeper into the ship. Meanwhile you will clearly be in the front and will be able to react to events as they happen." The missionary advised in a low tone of voice.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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