Ghosts of Scintilla

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Post by fgalkin »

"Then perhaps it would be more sensible for us to split our efforts," Sebastian says. "One group goes to the central Arbites precinct, the other, the local one."

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Post by Soontir948 »

"Indeed, Atellus and I have already agreed to retrieve the gang data from the local precinct. Nihilous will be getting the detection equipment which leaves Kyona to come with us and you with him."
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Post by fgalkin »

"I do not think that is sensible, "Sebastian said. "My knowledge of chymistry is woefully inadequate. And it is better that each group includes a psyker. I think it would be better if you, myself and Kyona tried to uncover whatever knowledge of the gangs the local Arbites have, while Nihilous and Atellus pay a visit to the central precinct. We should also attempt to liase with the Frateris Militia for whatever information they may posess."

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Post by Soontir948 »

Given Atellus is by no means a man of chymistry himself and the psykers were already separated, Arl smiled to himself seeing Sebastian wanted at least one brute in the group with him. "That works as well."
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Post by LadyTevar »

"I have no problems with this," Kyona stated simply.

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Post by Academia Nut »

Smoothly pulling the transport into an interchange while listening to the conversation, Garius says, "Now technically I'm supposed to stay with you lot if the need for rapid extraction is required, but so long as the two of you stay at the main Arbites precinct until we get back, the commissar shouldn't want my head. So first we'll head there."

The transport begins a long, steady descent down through various interchanges, locks, and lifts, the temperature dropping noticeably the further into the hive they go, the shade and the effort of the many gigantic climate control systems transforming the atmosphere from a blasted desert hell into something an ice worlder would find brisk. The transport thankfully comes with both cold and hot weather gear under the seats in the back.

Finally after perhaps an hour of carefully navigating the highways and traffic they arrive at a gloomy, brooding fortress of a building deep in the hive, a many layered citadel of rockrete and adamantium patrolled by men and women in form and face concealling carapace armour with shotguns in their hands, shock mauls at their waists, and cyber-mastiffs at their heels. Servitor controlled autocannon and heavy bolter turrets slowly track back and forth, expressionless biotic eyes identifying and prioritizing targets for the moment when their controllers will let them slip loose to unleash the Emperor's fury upon transgressors of Imperial law. Garius pulls his transport up to one of the checkpoints and flashes an ID to one of the troopers.

"Commissar Yalt's got a few friends who have business with the Arbites and I'm dropping a couple of them off for a few hours," Garius explains.

Scanning the ID, the trooper then has a sub-vocal vox conversation with someone elsewhere before he says, "You're authorized to proceed to station Alpha Blue 6 where an escort will be waiting for our guests."

Garius nods and the troopers lift the grate, while up ahead on the road warning lights begin to flash about one of the great adamantium gates. By the time the transport reaches that point, the gates have already swung open enough to permit their entry, only for them to begin swinging the other way almost as soon as they are clear. Within the interior there are more walls and patrol points, with great courtyards large enough for Rhino and Chimera APCs to practice their maneuvers. Pulling along a road marked with a blue line, Garius pulls up to a bunker-like structure where a trio of armoured enforcers stand waiting for them.

"Well, whoever is getting off, this is your stop," Garius says to those in the vehicle with him.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Nihilous exited the transport and walked towards the enforcers, his ident card in hand. "I need to speak with the individuals handling the forensic examination of the drug called blackout."
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Atellus follows Nihilous out of the truck, slipping his vox-bead into his ear. As he shuts the door he remarks to the PDF driver, "hope you fight as well as you drive" and gives him a wink.

He takes up position behind the pysker, rifle slung loosely over his shoulder.
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Post by Academia Nut »

Chuckling, Garius says, "Oh, I think that can be done." He then pulls away, leading the transport out of the Arbites compound.

"Come this way," one of the Arbites states, pointing into the bunker like structure. Once through the doors they realize that the bunker leads down to a waiting personnel conveyer tram sized to move about regiments at a time, although at the moment there was only a single car sized for a company, and it was empty except for the acolytes and their escorts. Taking off, the tram took them through a vast series of interlocking gates and tunnels, into the depths of the Arbite Fortress Precinct.


Above in the hive the Munitorum transport began to steadily climb out of the frigid chill, the cold weather gear soon becoming unnecessary and then the hot weather gear started to become attractive as the residual heat from the day radiating off the structures of the hive spires began to make up for the lack of a burning sun in the sky. Thick clouds of steam, coolant for the massive air conditioners down below, billowed up, released into the relatively cooler air of the night. Foul smelling, the result of grey water being used to minimize consumption, there were still people gathering about the edges of the scalding clouds to collect the results with condensor nets. The cacophonous sounds of the hive and the highways also began to be drowned out by the engine roars of the constant stream of ships going to and from the surface of the world, the line of commerce that kept Tarsus active.


Down in the chill depths, the tram pulled to a stop and the Arbites escorted the acolytes out and up into a colossal arched chamber where thousands of scribes plugged away at various clerical tasks while Arbites went to and fro depositing and collecting field reports and the like, all while a stern looking judge in a black suspensor throne moved back and forth above their heads, cherubim waving golden thuribles filled with acrid insence flitting about the watching throne.

A waiting Arbite states, "The Assistant Precinct Magister will see you shortly gentlemen, but there is another party of similar background to your own already in audience with him. If you would follow me, I can take you to the waiting room of his office."


The Munitorum transport pulls to a stop in a neighbourhood where the stars are visible above and the rockrete walls of the local precinct are pitted with the pitted pox and black rashes of bullet and lasfire, and the black helmetted Arbites have the look of people who have had to return fire on people insane enough to attack an Arbites fortress, even if it is just a relatively small one. A Rhino in the livery of the Arbites prowls about on patrol, its top open to allow men armed with flamers to peek their heads out and scan the surrounding slums.

Frowning, Garius says, "They're on unusually high alert right now." Something about him hardens up and his posture changes slightly. Leaning well out of the transport a fair way away from the walls of the fortress, he shouts out, "Friendlies! Friendlies! We have business here!"

There is a small flurry of activity up on the walls and then the Rhino changes direction over to them, the top closing up while the remotely activated storm bolter on top begins to pan over the transport. There is a pause as a kill team of Arbites spills out the back, covering each other warily.

"ID and business," one of the men demands while pointing a combat shotgun up at Garius.

Carefully pulling out his ID, Garius says, "Trooper Garius Vakrian of the Scintilla PDF, here on assignment for transport and escort duties for Commissar Yalt, seconded to similar activities for associates of the Commissar."

The Arbitrator takes the ID and scans it, and when the result comes up on his dataslate his lower face contorts in such a way that indicates he is probably raising an eyebrow beneath his helmet. Looking back up at Garius, he says, "Let them in!"

Taking back the ID, Garius asks, "How long?"

"Yesterday. Slum sweep kicked over a heretic nest. We've had reinforcements and we'll get a main force from the main precinct tomorrow to do a more thorough sweep, but the scum are still boiling out," the Arbite replies as the main gates start to open.

Driving in to the precinct, which while no where near as large as main fortress downhive still has enough room for a park with a trio of Rhino pens and the main building has enough space on its roof to land a Valkyrie without disturbing the airconditioners or vox vanes, they are quickly greeted by a grim faced Arbitrator with a gold braid on her right shoulder.

Saluting as the acolytes climb out, she says, "Greetings gentlemen and lady, I am Precinct Primate Judge Liza Angvon. We have had dealings with associates of Commissar Yalt in the past, and any assistance we can render his associates we gladly give in the name of the Emperor."
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Nihilous followed the Arbite to the waiting room.
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Post by fgalkin »

"Greetings, Primate Judge," Sebastian inclined his head. "I am Father Sebastian of House Kerne, and these are my associates Kyona Halsburg and the mysterious individual who wishes to be known only as "Arl"" he smiles at that.

"We seek information which is in your purview."

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Post by Soontir948 »

"Hello, Primate Judge Angvon. Specifically, we're looking for data dealing with gangs selling the drug called blackout." Thinking back to what the arbite spoke to the driver before they entered, "They wouldn't be related to the high alert of this precinct, would they?"
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Post by Academia Nut »

Primate Judge Liza frowns at Arl's question and says, "Blackout, that accursed stuff? Throne, it could be related, but somehow I doubt it. The primary gang that pushes blackout in this area are the Dying Suns, and they haven't been involved in this lunacy. We would be sweeping them now if the heretics and traitors already out there weren't pressing us so hard."


The waiting room to Assistant Precinct Magister's office is like a small cathedral, with arching ceilings depicting images of saints leading armies of the Emperor against the enemies of Man, and the Judges keeping the peace after. Holo-stained-glass-windows add illumination to this enclosed space, and richly upholstered seats like pews line the path to the office door.

Rather intimidatingly, a black ceramite giant currently stands guard outside an engraved brass door, where the faint sounds of shouting can be heard coming through.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Nihilous fidgeted with the lock of hair. It was on odd thing, a few black hairs knotted and interwoven with silver wire. He had found it when he had unscrewed the head of his staff. It must have been a good luck charm or holy relic belonging to the previous owner. He twisted the charm between his fingers and waited.
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Post by Soontir948 »

With blackout related to the taint of the warp, he hoped the heretics were truly a different matter. "Let us hope your doubt is true, Primate Judge. We will certainly assist and look into the Dying Suns. We'll take all the information you have."
Last edited by Soontir948 on Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

Atellus nudges the his companion and indicates the massive guard, "kind of big, isn't he?"
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Post by Cynical Cat »

"Hard to tell," Nihilous replied. "Power armour adds a lot of bulk. Some patterns are enormous, carrying-" A flash of memory. Giants in dark red armour, wielding huge weapons. Bursts of fire like thunder and the world was blown apart. "Astartes," Nihilous whispered.
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Post by Cpl Kendall »

The Feral snorts, "The Angels of Death?"

Though his tone implies humour, the look Atellus shoots towards the behemoth contains both awe and horror.
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Post by Academia Nut »

From within the office there is a final burst of argumentation and then the great doors burst open, a much smaller man than the one waiting outside storming out. Clad in fine dress and gilded carapace armour, he quite clearly bears the livery of the Inquisition, and as he passes the giant takes up step alongside him, sweeping out of the waiting room with nary a glance at the acolytes already waiting, such is the foul mood plastered across his face.

After a few tense moments a clerical aide emerges from the office and says to the waiting pair, saying, "The Assistant Precinct Magister will see you now good sirs."

Within the office is just as ostentatious as the waiting room outside, although the desk at the rear is kept in neat and tidy order, the man behind it similarly kept, his face scarred by battle and augmetics, but he clearly shows the wealth and power to get the best quality gear, his highest quality bionics as seamlessly blended into his flesh as possible and surgery having been done to smooth out if not exactly eliminate the scars there. This is a man who has experienced combat and clearly knows all of the duties of an Arbite, from killing heretics to assaulting paperwork.

A frown on his face, he glances up at the acolytes and says, "Apologies for that, representatives from the Inquisition have been in and out of my office all day for the past several weeks, and actual Inquisitors recieve priority over all else. Now, my time is precious so I will ask you to be quick, but how can the Arbites help you today?"


Nodding, Liza begins to say something when a sharp whistle breaks the air and she shouts out, "Mortar!" while everyone scrabbles to get out of the way. Kyona is not so lucky, and the explosive shell lands next to her, picking her up and then violently throwing her to the ground, blood streaming from numerous cuts and her bionics shattered.

Outside the guns open up and all of the Arbites scrambled about. Liza cries out, "Throne! By the Emperor where did they get that? Medics!"

Within moments Arbites medics are scrambling to get Kyona onto a stretcher and inside, while Liza screams, "Into the base now! I need you safe while I direct my troops!"
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Nihilous stepped forward. "We are in need of data on the drug "blackout", portable equipment to test for it, and auspexes capable of detecting those manifesting increased psychic activity while under its influence."
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Post by Soontir948 »

Arl said "shit!" and dropped to the ground as fast as he could. Debris pattered onto him but checking himself he was all right. He drew his auto-gun, took in his surroundings, and he saw a body clearly severely injured. He was alarmed when he recognized Kyona. Goddammit!

The medics were taking her inside when he heard the primate judge shout to noble-boy and himself to get inside as well. With mortal fire coming in and seeing Kyona's limp bleeding body, he wasn't going to question the order. He turned to his partner, "Comon, let's find somewhere to shoot back." Arl went inside the base.
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Post by Academia Nut »

The Assistant Precint Magister listen's to Nihilous' request and nods gravely. "Of course, there is a request here from your Inquisitor already. We would have sent an agent to your location, but your coming here simplifies things a bit."

He then pauses for a bit and frowns before he says, "And if you don't mind me saying, if I had my way we would shut down the entire hive and tear it apart piece by piece to get to the bottom of this, but there has been a direct order from the Tricorn to do no such thing yet. The little scene with the good Inquisitor from Ordo Xenos was in part triggered by the fact that I was unable to authorize his requests because of that order. Ugh... the Chief Precinct Magister has delegated all Inquisition contact to me so that he can keep the rest of our work going... and I apologize for venting, but by now most Inquisitorial agents are demanding why they are not seeing my superior officer."

Shaking his head, the man says, "Oh yes, there is one other thing. There is a small matter that we can clean up here. There is a certain noble we currently have in our custody who is causing a bit of a political stir. I'm not sure how exactly it happened, but apparently your master got word of the situation and has authorized him to be added to your unit." The man chuckles a bit and adds on, "I would say that unique, but the Inquisition is rapidly draining our cells of scum and miscreants for manpower to get to the bottom of this whole ugly situation."

"Now, I am sure that I will have to entertain more guests from the Tricorn shortly to discuss about the blackout situation, but have you any further questions?" The Assistant Precinct Magister asks.


The inside of the base was like every other building exposed to sunlight in this hive: hot and sweaty with the environmental controls doing their damndest to keep it from becoming an oven and only barely succeeding, although with night's fall the heat was starting to dissipate somewhat. Arbites officers were rushing out, total mayhem only averted by crack training that gave order to what would otherwise be disorder.

After a few minutes, Liza returned, a faint smudge of gunsmoke on her carapace armour and she says, "Throne, those heretics are getting bold. Shoot and scoot op with a few mortars. They must have had a spotter notify their gunners of your arrival and dropped a few shells on the courtyard before running. Now I'm going to have to make a call to have the local PDF and black market shaken down to find out where they got that sort of firepower. Emperor damn it, we don't need this on top of everything else."

Shaking her head, she says, "The only good news is that your companion still lives. She will get the best care we can provide until we can move her to more secure facilities."
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Post by Cynical Cat »

"The data I have requested and the equipment will suffice," said Nihilous, "unless you also have data on this noble we are to take custody of." He was not without sympathy. Illogical orders from superiors put a loyal servant in a difficult position.
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Post by Soontir948 »

"This is good to hear," Arl sighed, "Nevertheless, we will have to continue with our mission."
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Post by Academia Nut »

At Nihilous' request for more information about the new acolyte that was to join them, the Arbites officer grunts and says, "Of course. Let's see here..." he shuffles through a few dataslates for a moment before picking one up and examining it for a moment to jog his memory. "Ah, yes. His name is Solomon Zane, of the House Zane. Bit of a minor house that keeps the world fed with their holdings elsewhere in the system, and he's nowhere close to being the heir. We see a lot like him, bored nobles with nothing better to do than make trouble, but he's different in that he's really good at what he does, which is killing in duels. Unfortunately he killed a scion from the House Yarmon about a month ago and they put pressure on us to bring him in 'for destabilizing the Imperium'. We brought him in, but duelling deaths aren't really the sort of thing the Arbites worry about, so it wasn't hard for the Zanes to pull their own strings. He's been in something of a bureaucratic limbo ever since, but about a day ago your master made contact with us and had him officially transferred to your unit. He has been informed of his duty and agreed to it, but do remind him to avoid dropping the I-word if House Yarmon finds out he got out and comes after him. Here, I will summon him to you now."

The Assistant Precinct Magister presses a button on his desk and quietly whispers a few words, before nodding and saying, "He will be here in a few minutes."
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