It's Her Party: The Brilliance of Sarah Palin?

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#1 It's Her Party: The Brilliance of Sarah Palin?

Post by frigidmagi »

"How's that hopey-changey stuff workin' out for ya?" Sarah Palin asked the anti-élitist Tea Party élites — those who could pay $549 for a ticket — gathered in suffocating self-righteousness at the Opryland Hotel on the first weekend of February. It was classic Palin, a brilliant line, brilliantly delivered: she does folksy far better than George W. Bush or any of the other Republican focus-group populists ever did. It was the signature line of her speech, which rocked the joint — and then, slowly, began to rock the national political community. The speech was inspired drivel, a series of distortions and oversimplifications, totally bereft of nourishing policy proposals — the sort of thing calculated, carefully calculated, to drive lamestream media types like me frothing to their keyboards. Palin is a big fat target, eminently available for derision. But I will not deride. Because brilliance must be respected, especially when it involves marketing in an era when image almost always passes for substance. (See the top 10 unfortunate political one-liners.)

I have a theory about Bill Clinton: his philandering worked in his favor politically, especially with a demographic chunk that usually shies away from liberalism: American working guys. It made him more accessible. Here was a fellow who got it on with faded lounge singers and then celebrated with a Double Quarter Pounder and fries at the local McDonald's. If that ain't pickup-truck nirvana, what is? Democrats haven't produced many such men of the people; they produce law-professor presidents, a theme Palin launched in Nashville that we will be hearing a lot more frequently in the future.

Palin hits the same mystic chords as Clinton. A woman who goes to war against the 19-year-old boy who knocked up her daughter and then posed for Playgirl is far more comprehensible to most Americans than deficit spending is. In her Fox interview with Chris Wallace the day after her Nashville speech, Palin said she'd been focusing more on "current events" since she quit as governor of Alaska. She quickly corrected herself and said "national issues," but she probably shouldn't have: current events is American for "policy." It is the high school term of art for the hour each week when students are forced to study the state of the world. Palin's great strength is that the vernacular, rather than focus-group language, is her default position. At the end of the interview, Wallace asked what role she wanted to play in the country's future. "Well, first and foremost, I want to be a good mom," she replied. And then, in closing, Wallace asked, "Can I get a 'You betcha' out of you?"

Are you kidding me? "Oh, you betcha," she said — and one might even argue that you betcha is American for "Yes, we can." At least, in a certain sort of America: the land of simple truths, where nothing Barack Obama does makes sense. I mean, why bail out the big banks when they're the ones that caused all the troubles in the first place? And why spend more money when you're already running a deficit? That's not what Americans do: they sit — inevitably — around the kitchen table and tighten their belts. And what's all this about global warming? The White House is up to its Truman Balcony in snow. And why not just whack the Iranians before they get the bomb? These questions were the essence of Palin's Nashville speech and Fox interview. They are the essence of the tea party movement.

I suppose we need a paragraph here about why all this simplicity is extremely dangerous. Most economists agree that if it hadn't been for the bank bailouts and the Obama stimulus package, the country would have slid into a deep recession that might have prevented a lot of Tea Partyers from buying their $549 tickets to ride. Then again, any sentence that begins with "Most economists" is a license to snore in tea party nation. And Palin will, quite often, veer from simplicity to duplicity. She was the inventor of the mythic, noxious "death panels." In Nashville, she retailed nonsense about stimulus funds going to nonexistent districts. (A spokesman for Vice President Joe Biden, who is monitoring the stimulus package, told me that all funds went to actual places — but recipients occasionally didn't write down their correct congressional districts.) And her support for bombing Iran was, no doubt, the work of her new Washington-insider neoconservative policy advisers, Randy Scheunemann and Michael Goldfarb, who had John McCain singing from the same warmongering songbook in 2008.

So how's that hopey-changey stuff working out for you? The Obama presidency certainly hasn't ushered in an era of comity and prosperity. In the end, though, Palin is offering the opposite of hope and change: despair and stasis. The despair is histrionic and purposefully distorted; the stasis proved disastrous during the Bush Administration. But is Sarah Palin the favorite to win the Republican presidential nomination and therefore someone to be taken absolutely seriously? You betcha.
By all means boys, nominate Sarah Palin for President. Because I am not fucking afraid of her and neither should you be.

Sure she does folksy so what? My dog does folksy pretty well to, he was raised by me after all and when you get right down to it I'm a guy from Oklahoma who served in the Marines, came home worked in a factory for a bit and then hied out to college on the GI Bill. Sorry rambling there.

Look at the end of the day all she can do is put on a front and try to appeal to a small group. Maybe she can fool most of them, but she can't fool all of them and even if she did it wouldn't be enough.

So yeah, bring on the girl who quit her job. The girl who made rape victims pay for a rape kit. The champion of Chasity with a unwed teenage daughter carrying her grandchild. Bring it on buddy. If that's the best you got, then I ain't worried.
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Post by SirNitram »

And soon, we'll hear her slip out of that blatant fake accent.
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Post by Mayabird »

"Brilliance" and "Sarah Palin" should not be allowed to be so close to each other unless in a sentence like this one or in one that expresses the exact opposite. She's an imbecile who managed to stumble into fame out of sheer stupid luck (chance does favor children and idiots, they say). You could maybe say she's slightly less dumb than her fanbase, but that would just damn her fanbase all the more.
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Post by Derek Thunder »


At one point I believed the election of Sarah Palin to be the unlikely fantasy of deluded right-wing authoritarians - A sort of fevered dream conjured by the 30% that stood by W. until the very end. However, this all changed with the discovery of a codex deep within the jungles of southern Mexico. This Mayan tablet, in fact, was discovered at the exact location scientists believe a 10 kilometer-wide asteroid collided with the earth 65 million years ago (a very strange coincidence considering the Mayans limited knowledge of geology). Such an ancient tome did not lend itself to fluid translation, but enough fragments were deciphered to create a coherent narrative: A narrative of the end of the world. In this tale, many allusions were made to abstract and inscrutable events; metaphors resembling the meatier parts of the Book of Revelations. One phrase however was repeated throughout the text, however, and in light of current events that phrase becomes a frightening omen. Loosely translated:

"Ya betcha."

It then all made sense. Sarah Palin is not merely a potential presidential candidate of limited intellect and moral scruples - She is in fact the avatar of Q'uq'umatz! Her election is pre-destined as the 13th and ultimate Baktun cycle approaches its conclusion at the end of what for us is the year 2012. At that time, the world will be rent asunder, first by the actions of man and then by the actions of the pantheon. All will be consumed in the flames which shall scorch this world and extinguish the lights in the sky. Maize, the root of creation and of man's dominion over the cruel whims of nature, shan't grow again in any field or on any hillside. Will there come another universe, blessed by the gods with creation? Who is to say.

TL;DR: Write a 'bucket list' and get through it quickly - the final Baktun reaches its climax very soon indeed. We shall all be witness to the doom of this world, and can only hope that we will be threshed in the initial nuclear exchange, rather than be consumed in the withering godsfire of cosmic rebirth.
[align=center]"Wikipedia is mankind's greatest invention. You can learn about anything. We all know Ray J. We all know he's a singer. He's Brandy's brother. And he was in that classic sex tape with Kim Kardashian. But, did you also know he's Snoop Dogg's cousin AND he was in the 1996 Tim Burton movie Mars Attacks? Suddenly, you're on the Mars Attacks page!'"[/align]
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Post by The Minx »

How likely is it that the big boys at the RNC are going to give her the time of day? I honestly don't think there is any chance of her getting the nod unless Obama starts getting his act together, in which case she'll be used as the sacrificial goat for the 2012 election, like McCain was in 2008. Otherwise, they'll go for Mitt Romney or someone respectable.

"Love" that image, Derek Thunder, appropriately creepy. But I don't think we're headed for the apocalypse just yet. :)
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Post by The Minx »

If all else fails, they'll just have to send another agent back in time, I guess.

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Post by Stofsk »

That's awesome, and a good reason to hate and fear Apple technology. :smile:
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Post by Mayabird »

Actually it just occurred to me a few days late that the proper response to this article should've been, "So...she'll cry if she wants to?"
I :luv: DPDarkPrimus!

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Post by Steve »

Another complete step in my fiendish plan for world domination. :cool:

*goes back to work on the Weather Dominator*
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