Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

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#1 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Post by Hotfoot »

What Little We Know.

The big part here is the trailer:


So, here's what we do know:

Adam Jensen is back, as is most of the creative team from Human Revolution. This is good. With luck, they'll sidestep the biggest issues from the last game, like the very silly mandatory Boss Fights that screwed over non-combat players. I've yet to play the director's cut, but supposedly that got fixed.

The story is still before Deus Ex 1, and it looks like it's going to go into the formation of UNATCO, with Adam Jensen being the prototype agent, if you will. Kind of hoping we get to see a rookie Gunther somewhere along the way. The plot seems to be that there's tension between augmented humans and bioconservatives, with violent reactionaries in both groups you'll have to deal with, as well as Adam tugging at the strings of the Majestic Twelve's machinations, as that group seems to be playing both extremes against each other for their own purposes.

Honestly, the one thing they need to do is avoid the bullshit button-picking endings that have plagued the series from the beginning. I don't know if they will, but that's my biggest complaint about this otherwise very good series.
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#2 Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Post by White Haven »

As much as I love me some Deus Ex, I do wonder why they've stuck with the FPS gameplay while their cinematics beg for the full-on spectacle-fighter treatment.

As an unrelated aside, I'm glad the writers appear to have realized that nobody cared that Jensen didn't ask for this. :lol:
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#3 Re: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Post by B4UTRUST »


Ahem... Yeah, I for one cannot wait for this. Deus Ex still stands on the list of release day buys for me.
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