Feminist Movement: Are these the bad girls of Islam?

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#1 Feminist Movement: Are these the bad girls of Islam?

Post by LillyTheDark »

Asra O. Nomain (Sacramento Bee) wrote: Bacelona, Spain

Several months ago, when a group of Spanish Muslims approached city officials here about sponsoring a conference on Islamic feminism, one responded, "Isn't that an oxymoron??"
No you are you fucking nitwit
Thats what many people believe. To conservative Muslims, the phrase is an insult to Islam. But to many moderate Muslims - and I count myself amongst them- an Islamic movement fits with the religions early teachings and offers one of our best hopes for countering extremism.

The International Congress on Islamic Feminism was held a little over a week ago in this very city. When the floor was opened for questions during one session, a young Muslim man made the comment,"In Islam there is no place for feminism."
I hope you choke on your next meal asshole
Sitting on the dais, where I had just chronicled our successful struggle to integrate some U.S. mosques, I took it in stride. I've become accustomed to belittling comments, even death threats. But what happened next stunned me.

From the middle of the audience of some 250 women and men, Amina Wadud, a Muslim scholar of Islamic studies who calls herself a pro-faith feminist, stood up. " You are out of order", she said to the man. "What you are doing is exactly the kind of thing that we are here to be able to stop. The audience broke out in cheers Another Muslim man tried to protest. I interupted him "We're changing history today," I said, "We are not going to shut up."

*claps like a god damned lune at this point* buy a gun, and shoot the next fucker that tells you to shut up*

Being of Arabic descent this article tickled me pink, I was not raised in the traditional Arabic household where we had to cover our hair and face, and rarely when we went to visit family overeas would I even THINK about doing such. I always thought these women degraded themselves by submitting so willingly to men until I grew up and relized that this is the way that things had been in certain Arabic countries for centuries. To these brave women who take on the fight for those unwilling to do so themselves for fear of retribution and even death I applaud them.

Fixed your tags Jadhya - Allen
Last edited by LillyTheDark on Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc .......We gladly feast on those who would subdue us

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Post by LillyTheDark »

Thanks honey I was tired when I put that up there *chuckles*
Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc .......We gladly feast on those who would subdue us

God kills indescriminately and so shall we......
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