All the Way Back STGOD [Prologue]

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Post by Agent Fisher »

Murazor wrote:
Agent Fisher wrote:"Of course, follow me. Oh, and the alarms don't mean we are under attack. Those are simply to tell our people to get ready. You may not know, or you might already know more than we do, but the Tomari have begun another war. This time, the people of the Valerious Republic shall stand against them. But please, this way." Vaco led them away from the room, deeper into a station. After about a minute, the alarms had been silenced, though there were still red lights flashing.

He nodded to a marine guard and waited as the marine upened a door. Vaco walked inside, with the Ambassdor following. Inside was a confrence room.

"So, Ambassador, what would you like to talk about?"
"You have finally chosen to stand against the Empire, then?," said the female Strabi sitting in the swivel chair offered by Senator Vaco. The seat creaked ominously under the ambassador's considerable mass, but Kareli didn't notice. She was brushing her reddish facial hair, a mannerism she used to calm herself while considering her next few words. "It is a bold move, but courage alone will not defeat the Tomari. The Ravagers rule thousands of worlds and will only be defeated if all those who oppose them stand together. If we fight alone, we will most certainly die alone. Now, the situation is spiraling out of control."

"Different powers have joined the United Protectorates and the Narsen Domain has just declared war against the Tomari. The northern expanses are about to know war as we have never dreamed, but eventually they will be crushed unless the southern fleets of the Empire are busy in their home provinces. In just a few words, the Strabior Republic feels that the time for payback is at hand, but we chance defeat if we don't coordinate our efforts. If all the hostile powers in the western border ally against the Tomari, we will be able to strike all the key Tomari positions from Morchea to Hallenas."

"However, the scope of such an operation makes every contribution critical and the Valerious Republic is more important than most. You and the Andari are the only noteworthy powers in the southwestern border... Any offensives against the Imperial core territories from the west is doomed if the Hallenas sector isn't attacked. Even if the northern forces are tied fighting the United Protectorates, even if we crush the Brikandir fleets, even if the Polisch resistance moves openly against the Tomari, an exposed right flank will be our undoing. That is the reason for my arrival here. The Strabior Republic feels that it would be in the best interests of both our nations to sign a secret pact of cooperation against the Tomari Empire."
"And what would be the details of this pact? Terms, I mean. Access to supply bases, reinforcements. Those sort of things."
Last edited by Agent Fisher on Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Bugsby wrote:"Some quarters to rest in would be more than welcome. Apart from that, I request an audience with your negotiators at the earliest convenience. I don't mean to impose, but I believe haste would be to your benefit as well as my own.

"Pattern received, I'm beginning my approach. Graal out."
The quickship landed on one of the federal landing pads located on the mountains. An honor guard of Armored Marines lined the pad and a trio of men, two in uniform the other in a tailored black and silver tunic and leggings.

The man in the suit was tall, well built with dark hair and gray eyes. Has the ship landed he smoothed his suit and stepped forward when the hatch opened.

"Welcome Negotiator Graal, I am Daniel Mattews head of forgein affairs. If you like we may ajourn to my office to begin or I can escort to a room for you to rest first."
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Bugsby »

Graal checked her pockets to ensure that she had the appropriate data cards, then nodded to Mattews.

"We can begin now."

****Several minutes later, in the office of Daniel Mattews****

"I'd like to get straight to the point," Graal said. "As you may or may not know, I am a Bistrei, one of the people that was conquered by the Empire thousands of years ago. We have born our servitude as well as can be expected, but we have long chafed under the yoke of Imperial rule. A little under a week ago, we decided that we were done with Imperial Rule once and for all. You war against the Tomari has given us room to begin our own war.

"I have not come to suggest an alliance with your nation. We are not looking for allies. We are not even looking for friends, but since you are the enemy of our enemy, we seem to have found a friend. Anyway, what we want to work out is a trade." At this, Graal took four data cards out of her pocket and laid them on the table.

"This card carries on it the complete history of the Tomari Empire. You may be interested in this, you may not, depending on what your other intelligence sources are. But unless you have contacts within the Empire proper, I doubt your information will be this good. This is the entire record of everything the empire has done, from its first conquests up through what the Emperor had for breakfast this morning (one of our people is on the kitchen staff in the Imperial Palace). This will tell you everything you need to know about their culture, their previous conquests, and their methods.

"This disc has the current positions of every Imperial fleet we know about. To be fair, this was not gathered by an advanced spy network, but rather just by what people have seen in orbit when journeying between worlds. Although this is not definitive, we are working to improve our intelligence-gathering networks as we speak. This disc is still a very good start.

"The third disc is a record of which of these ships have moved out of orbit or request additional supplies in the last week. To the best of our knowledge, these are the ships the Tomari are going to send at you. This is what you are up against.

"And the fourth disc is an encryption and methods of contact for our leaders on Bistrei Prime. As we get more intelligence, we will send it to you. Also, this will allow us to coordinate our operations so that they will be timed for maximum impact."

Grall spread the four discs out on the table, then turned to Mattews. "What we need from you, Mr. Mattews, is supplies. Weapons. Tactical advisors. We have weapons of our own. We have fought in battles before, and we have fought well. What we lack is the knowledge of how to fight a war. What we lack is the material to sustain a prolonged campaign. We also lack the kind of specialized military equipment that we will need to perform the kind of raids on the Tomari that we have in mind. You can give us all these things. Now, let's make a deal."
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Post by frigidmagi »

Grall spread the four discs out on the table, then turned to Mattews. "What we need from you, Mr. Mattews, is supplies. Weapons. Tactical advisors. We have weapons of our own. We have fought in battles before, and we have fought well. What we lack is the knowledge of how to fight a war. What we lack is the material to sustain a prolonged campaign. We also lack the kind of specialized military equipment that we will need to perform the kind of raids on the Tomari that we have in mind. You can give us all these things. Now, let's make a deal."
Daniel Mattews steepled his hands in front of him gazing at the data cards. It was incomplete information, but that didn't stop it from being valueable at all. Daniel was a cousin of the Lord Protector himself and brought up in the Mattew's tradition. In the wars some of the rebel Houses had accused the Mattews of being devotees of a their own family cult. They were near right, the Mattew's family worshipped compentence and ruthlessness. It was that devotation that allowed them to win and rule after centuries of civil war.

"We have guns, tanks and bombs enough for you I think Ma'dam Grall. As long has you have somewhat safe places for us to deliver them to. Tactical Advisors will not be a problem either. Both the Marine Corp and N.I.D can provide the personnalle you require. Yes, I believe we can trade under your terms. Is there anything else?"
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Marcao »

Andari Space
Calana Point
3 days after Tulsa

Even as the diplomats and politicians of the Andari nation proceeded with their attempts to discretely contact other nations in order to ascertain their intentions and weave the tapestry of events to come, the military did not squander its time. Word had already trickled down that Tomari forces had penetrated United Protectorate space in force and that meant that there was not much time left. The truth of the matter was that Andarian ships would not and could not assist the UP forces directly. In all honesty, there were many that did not overly care for the UP in any way other than it appeared that they were forcing the Empire’s hands. There were many within the upper levels of the Andari military and civilian leadership that were not even sure that the UP would survive as a nation. Still, the first exchanges between the UP and the Tomari had won them some powerful allies within the administration. The UP had dared to look at the eyes of the lion. That sort of courage deserved only the highest praises.

The UP and its fate was not a primary concern in the minds of the Andarian military apparatus. The Andarian naval assets were moving the third, fourth, fifth and sixth fleets all leaving their usual fleet bases and vanishing into the void. More troubling than merely the disappearance of sixty six percent of Andarian naval might, was the disappearance of hundreds of other support vessels ranging from supply ships to mobile fleet tenders. It was a maneuver that had been practiced many times before and no effort was taken to dissuade known agents from recording this activity. On the contrary, the very beauty of the maneuver was one that had been understood years in advance. The Andari reaction to any new period of Tomari expansion was to make its fleets with the exception of the home guard disappear. In this manner, they protected themselves from the possibility of Tomari reprisals. It was a move that the Andari had practiced to perfection over the years and the Empire had grown to expect. The four fleets and their supply trains arrived more or less at the same time on the designated rally point somewhere within the northern borders of the Andari nation. The arrival of over a thousand signatures ranging from the mundane to the awe inspiring sight of Andarian battleships was unique in the experience of many Andarian naval personnel. The gathered mass of Andarian might settled to wait for orders from command in order to execute their orders. There were some steps that had to be taken care of first…

Tomari Space
Southern Region

It was a well known fact within the Andari intelligence community that its capabilities within the Empire were mixed at best. The Tomari counter intelligence effort was varied depending on the region of space and years of attempts at infiltrating the outer and inner cores of the Empire had proven that for the core itself, Tomari counter espionage efforts were painfully effective. Andarian intelligence failures were many and well documented by their Tomari adversaries. What many did not know however was that the Andarians had for years been aware of the fact that infiltrating the core was all but impossible and focused their efforts elsewhere? The steady stream of attempts to infiltrate the core existed purely as a means to lure the Tomari into a fall sense of security while the Andarian intelligence service focused its attention on softer targets. In this manner, dozens of agents were fed into a meat grinder, given tasks in which they were expected to fail for no other reason than to maintain appearances that the Andarian intelligence service was less capable and more inept than it truly was.

While the core of Tomari power remained untapped, the Andarian intelligence services focused on the southern colony areas and rim, embedding agents of all types and shapes as deeply as possible into the region of space. It was in these worlds that an Andarian penetration into Empire space would be first felt and contingency plans had always existed for a potential invasion. These plans had been refined over the years until its latest version, a refinement of decades of infiltration and intelligence work. With a single decision made in the distant Andarian home world, the invasion plan was activated. Within dozens of southern worlds, Andarian agents received their orders in myriads of ways. None showed surprise at their activation, this was the moment that they had all worked for. In many cases, agents had died awaiting activation buried on foreign soil mourned by families and children they had established in their cover identities.

Tomari Space
Southern Region, “Gatewayâ€Â
Last edited by Marcao on Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bugsby »

"I believe that will be all." Graal pushed the datacards across the table to Mattews. "These cards are encrypted, and you will receive the decryption key once you have arranged for the shipments of supplies and personnel to our space.

"Now, if you would be so kind as to show me to my quarters. I need to discuss with my superiors and get more information on potential trade routes and landing sites on our worlds - or close to them - that would go undiscovered by the Empire. And I would also like a chance to sleep. I had a long flight."
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Apocalypse Class Battle Barge Ragnarok
Morchea Province
Tomari Empire
Tulsa +6 days

Fleet Rank Hallstrom pondered the data flow. No good numbers on enemy strength yet. They were pushing through the outer system in a path designed to maximize the cover for the Second Fleet and minimize travel time. Morchea had probably dispatched fleets already to bolster the defence of Jaen. If they could inflict heavy damage here, Morchea's fleet strength could be crippled. And if the system was devoid of ships, they could easily reduce its defences and support facilities.

Narsen sensors were very good. So why didn't he see any enemy fleet elements yet?
Last edited by Cynical Cat on Sat Dec 17, 2005 2:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by frigidmagi »

"Now, if you would be so kind as to show me to my quarters. I need to discuss with my superiors and get more information on potential trade routes and landing sites on our worlds - or close to them - that would go undiscovered by the Empire. And I would also like a chance to sleep. I had a long flight."
"Of course Ma'am. If you would kindly come with me, I will be happy to show you to your rooms." Daniel Mattews said, rising up from his seat.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Murazor »

Agent Fisher wrote:"And what would be the details of this pact? Terms, I mean. Access to supply bases, reinforcements. Those sort of things."
"I speak so clearly, because my government knows that this is a time for war and that we have a clear need for allies. We can hammer out the details later, but we are willing to commit all our military to defeat the Tomari. We can offer quite valuable intelligence, including detailed star charts of the western Imperial territories and advanced brainwave analysis technology, that has served us over the years to detect personnel compromised by Tomari telepaths. We can also offer you usage of our military infranstructure during the conflict, if you are willing to reciprocate. Last but not least, we can offer you military advisors: you have a military larger than our own and fairly well trained, or so I have been told. However, our fleets are the product of twenty generations of preparations for a war against the Tomari. We have recorded a thousand years worth of warfare. Such a knowledge may prove valuable against the Empire."
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Agent Fisher
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Murazor wrote:
Agent Fisher wrote:"And what would be the details of this pact? Terms, I mean. Access to supply bases, reinforcements. Those sort of things."
"I speak so clearly, because my government knows that this is a time for war and that we have a clear need for allies. We can hammer out the details later, but we are willing to commit all our military to defeat the Tomari. We can offer quite valuable intelligence, including detailed star charts of the western Imperial territories and advanced brainwave analysis technology, that has served us over the years to detect personnel compromised by Tomari telepaths. We can also offer you usage of our military infranstructure during the conflict, if you are willing to reciprocate. Last but not least, we can offer you military advisors: you have a military larger than our own and fairly well trained, or so I have been told. However, our fleets are the product of twenty generations of preparations for a war against the Tomari. We have recorded a thousand years worth of warfare. Such a knowledge may prove valuable against the Empire."
Senator Vaco was silent for a minute. He offically had no power to agree to this, but he knew that if he agreed, the Republic would follow through. He reached his decision. "Madamn, the Senatus Populusque Valerious agrees to the pact." He wrote something a peice of paper, stood, walked to the door and handed it to the marine guard with a few whispers. The marine nodded and took off running. Within minutes, word of the pact would reach the Senate and the VRAFHQ. He returned to the table.

"While we agree to all terms, I don't think we will be needing your advisors. We have been studying the Tomari for generations, and have been running a continous training center to learn how to fight the Tomari navy. We too are ready."
Last edited by Agent Fisher on Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Alpha Rally Point
Battlestar Eagle's Pride

+2 days from the commencement of the Tulsa Invasion.

Commander Jones was standing next to the display table. His Battlestar Group was arrayed in a travelling formation. On the board, two Warstars cruised alongside the Pride, providing escort. Farther back in the formation a pair of Excalibur Fleet Carriers were cruising along. Behind that was a trio of Rapier-class Strike Cruisers, two in missile combat role(where the flight pods were missile pods) and one in a direct combat role(with the flight pods replaced by weapons pods, mounting more heavy guns). And bringing up the rear of the BSG, were a dozen Strikestars to add to the Pride's extensive PD weapons. Cruising to port and starboard of the BSG-04 was the GSGs-02 and -09. Each group was comprised of six Gunstars and a two dozen StrikeStars, with an additional two Rapier Cruisers in missile combat role.

Now his fleet was just waiting for the BSG-03 ( a missile heavy fleet) and the GSGs-07 and -11. Soon his fleet would be the size of two full sector fleets.

"Sensor contact!" Came a shout from the Sensor station. "IFF tags as Valerious Naval units. Confirm, sir, its the -02 and her Gunstar Groups."

"Mr. Sokol," Jones addressed his XO. "Please set Jump Condition One throughout the fleet, and jump us to Tango Oscar Launch Point."

"Aye, sir."

Fleet composition:

BSG-04 ( 56% DF, 35% SF, 9% MF)
GSG-02 and -09 ( 40% DF, 40% SF, 20% MF)

BSG-03 ( 43% DF, 35% SF, 22% MF)
GSG-07 and -11 ( 20% DF, 40% SF, 40% MF)
Last edited by Agent Fisher on Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:40 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Shark Bait »

The Teknokon Quickship exited hyperspace a safe distance from the designated Strabior outpost, 20 hours after it was dispatched, immediately it transmitted two signals. One, a coded message to the Imperial Palace informing the Queen of its safe arrival should it drop out of contact now it would not have happened in “international spaceâ€Â
Last edited by Shark Bait on Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[img=left] ... giite1.png[/img]"I reject your reality and substitute my own"
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Post by Charon »

Imperial Lord Graimen sent out two messages to outlaying systems. The first was to The Colony.

"Dear lords and ladies. I am Imperial Lord Graimen, and I have been told that our diplomat indeed set up a treaty between us. I have already begun setting up transport lanes, and in return we ask for military assistance so that we may strike out against the Tomari." The message was short and to the point, the Kainan rarely wasted words.

The second message was to the exiles to their galactic right, Neo-Hiigara.

"Dear lords and ladies. As you know, the Tomari are a threat to us all. In the face of the chaos that now surrounds us I ask for your banner to join ours in the war to come. With your assistance we will be able to destroy our enemy with swift and decisive blows. I await your response."

Graimen sent the messages on tight beam and leaned back in his chair, his people were getting antsy. If the Tomari did not strike soon he would have to make the first move, and that would leave him defenseless.
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Post by Hotfoot »

United Protectorates Space
Oklahoma Sector
Jaen Invasion Fleet

Fleet Compositions
-Battlegroup Alpha Primus(60% DF, 20% SF, 20% MS)
-Battlegroup Alpha Secundus(20% DF, 60% SF, 20% MS)

-Battlegroup Beta Primus(60% DF, 20% SF, 20% MS) (Capitals Currently Hulked)
-Battlegroup Beta Secundus(20% DF, 20% SF, 60% MS)

-Battlegroup Gamma Primus(60% DF, 20% SF, 20% MS)
-Battlegroup Gamma Secundus(10% DF, 10% SF, 80% MS)

-Battlegroup Delta Primus(60% DF, 20% SF, 20% MS) (Capitals Currently Hulked)
-Battlegroup Delta Secundus(10% DF, 80% SF, 10% MS)

In the void, there are several types of conflicts. Missiles are the mark of skirmishes, a show of force. Fighters are the mark of fleeting commitment. Direct Fire weaponry, however, is a mark of total dedication. Fenrick smiled. Disgusting as he was, the Governor’s son was right, the Protectorate was resilient. Perhaps a bit foolish, as well, if they thought to seriously oppose the Empire.

Indicators on the tactical displays shifted to indicate weapons range. The fleets of the Jaen Province had taken to using the traditional weapons of the Jaenm as well as some similar ship designs, modified with Tomari technology. The weapon batteries began tracking their targets amidst the continuing barrages of missiles and the ongoing combat between ships by fighters and drones.

Fenrick bared his teeth as he gave the order to open fire. Now he would grind the fleets of the protectorate into the specks of dust they were compared to the Emperor. Railguns have long been a staple of many interstellar navies, but the Jaen included their own technological touches. The magnetically accelerated projectiles rely not entirely on mass and velocity, but also a thermonuclear payload designed to compress to critical mass at the point of impact, either with shields or armor, increasing the destructive force of the weapon without greatly increasing the overall mass.

The first volley was aimed at the already besieged Frontier Fleet, targeting the capital ships. The entire force of over three fleets, concentrated on the forces that had been whittled down from the beginning. While cruisers from Beta and Delta Primus were beginning to sustain losses of their own, the Protectorate fleet was about to take a crippling blow, and with the loss of Frontier Fleet, 4th Fleet would soon follow. The pincer movement of 3rd fleet would be the last to go, but if they were foolish enough to stay, the would deserve their fate.

The Battle of Tulsa was about to be decided.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

"Dear lords and ladies. I am Imperial Lord Graimen, and I have been told that our diplomat indeed set up a treaty between us. I have already begun setting up transport lanes, and in return we ask for military assistance so that we may strike out against the Tomari." The message was short and to the point, the Kainan rarely wasted words.
"we already have two of our fleets commited to assisting the United Protectorates. We can dedicate one fleet to Laminu sector. Much more than that would leave us to easily attacked. If the situation changes we may be able to deploy a second. Butg we can give no guarantees."
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by frigidmagi »

United Protectorates Space
Oklahoma Sector

Admiral Sheridan grunted has his carrier bucked like a wounded animal. Frontier Fleet was being shredded away under Tomari guns.

"4th Fleet it's time for you to go. All Ships Omega now." He snarled over the comm.

4th Fleet began to slide down, away from the Tomari, firing has it went. The fighters of the combined fleets and the system defenses moved in to cover the withdraw. The remaing ships of Froniter Fleet lunged forward, converging their fire on the ships of the Direct Fire squadron, seeking blood.

Admiral Tzu saw it on his screens almost instantly. Thrid Fleet has been hammering on the enemy for some time now, the battlegroups it had targeted were bleeding atmosphere like blood. They needed more.

"All ships, rapid fire, all tubes. Blow their hearts out." He ordered. The ships of the fleet began to slam out missiles at high speed near tripling their launch speed. Even thicker swarms of missiles screeched soundless across the void seeking mutal anniliation with their targets.
Last edited by frigidmagi on Sat Dec 17, 2005 3:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Holdfast system, edge of space formerly occupied by the exiles of the UIF. Tulsa invasion +4 days.

The Freeworlds destroyer squadron surged out of slipspace, landing directly onto one of the primary Imperial shipping lanes into the system. Not coincidentally, they did this at the point where the regularly scheduled system patrol craft would be at that point in time.

IFS Free Spirit

Captain Greeley spared one short glance in-system towards his great-grandfather's homeworld before turning his attention to the mission at hand. The three-boat patrol squadron was right on schedule. Fast and heavily armed for their size, the system patrol craft were designed to provide fast security and run off pirates. They were no match for five military destroyers. Greeley smiled in a predatory way. They owed somebody on Holdfast a drink; the information was right on the money.

"Helm, come port to 137 mark 42. Starboard batteries, open fire." The Free Spirit's railguns spoke, tearing into the helpless lead patrol ship. The Ghost of Liberty heeled over to her starboard side in a mirror of the Spirit, raking the other two patrol craft. The first disintegrated under the barrage. The second got off a few scattered shots while attempting to evade, while the third actually launched a pair of torpedoes. Flak cannons and counterbattery rockets on the Ghost opened up as the weapons started to home on the much larger destroyer. The first torpedo fell to the storm of metal, but the second drilled in to explode against the destroyer's shields. By itself, the weapon couldn't punch through. No more would be forthcoming.

The squadron's three frigates, meanwhile, had spread out towards a pair of freighters in the shipping lane, taking potshots.

"Recall the squadron. Hit and fade; we need to be gone yesterday. Helm, get us out of here."

"Aye, sir." The two destroyers and three frigates turned in their positions and entered slipspace in a rapid staccato of opening and closing white rifts.
The Paladin's Domain, My Blog (Updated 5/18/2009)

"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark

"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
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Post by Hotfoot »

United Protectorates Space
Oklahoma Sector
Jaen Invasion Fleet

As the Protectorate fleets began their withdrawal, Fenrick allowed his lips to draw back into a snarl. The losses had been more than worth it. Within a week, reinforcements would arrive, and by the end of the day, the first troops would land on the planet’s surface. The first of several planets to fall to the newest wave of Tomari annexation.

The tactical display was showing Beta and Delta Primus as approaching total destruction. The pincer fleet was becoming more and more of an issue, but for now, fire was focused on the previous anvil goups. Once they slid out of sight, the fighters would be recalled, and fire would be redirected at the 3rd fleet, though they would certainly run as soon as the remnants of the other two were safely away. Once that was finished, the defense network would quickly fall to the remaining fleets of the Tomari, and then the planetary shields.

Meanwhile, across the rim, similar battles were already being planned, and in a few days, the sequence of events found in Tulsa would be mimicked across the galaxy.
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Post by frigidmagi »

An injuried and bloodied 4th Fleet broke free putting on it's best speed in order to jump into Hyper. 3rd Fleet fell back lying down heavy fire to cover the retreat. Frontier Fleet however would die to a ship. Admiral Tzu grit his teeth has his ships broke off the engagment.

"Sleep light butchers. I am coming back. Oh yes, we will come back." He whispered.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by InnocentBystander »

It is the year 7532, by the Calendar of Hiigara.
(Present -10 TSY) Tomari Solar Years

Hiigara - Homeworld of the Kushan
Kam'bal Provice - City of Un'jahn
Landing Platform 7

A small passenger ship touched down near dusk at one of the city's landing facilities. Forty or so passengers made their way, most were Kushan pilgrims, coming to view the Homeworld for their first time. For most, it was their first time. One such passenger was Dalmid Ah-Kalar, a smallish Kushan male, according to his papers he was the son of store owner from Her-Ad, a sparsely populated world of just over a billion, nestled on the edge of what was once the old Kushan territory, he had a good education, and had brought enough credits to rent an apartment and hopefully start working, he'd landed a job working in the mass of bureaucracy that keeps Hiigara, and indeed much of the Tomari empire afloat.

Bag in hand he came to the security checkpoint, security looked over his papers, did a retinal scan, and a quick mind-probe. He felt... violated, but determined not to show it, the boy had a purpose, a job to do; fair enough, security waved him through. Dalmid made his way to one of the cities large mosques for evening services; inspirational. Afterwards he went to a cheap restaurant and ordered a light meal and then made his way to the city's pilgrim center, where he could get a cheap bed for a week or so.

His new posting was not easy to land, it had taken a decade of work and more than a few people had to die, though Dalmid didn't know the specifics, it was better that way. He'd be in the right place, at the right time. Things were finally falling into place. As he settled in a thought surfaced, 'How long will I be here?', he nearly startled himself, shouldn't get too comfortable, wouldn't want to raise concern. One day, the final, most critical piece of the puzzle would fall into place, and he'd make sure it fell alright, exactly where it needed to go. Until then, he must live as he would, climb the proper ladders, ally with the right people, and come to understand his purpose, for in order to protect him from the Psi agents of the Tomari; he could not know his charge, no sooner. He was up to the task; he would do what he had to.

A security officer walked down the hall, casually probing the Kushan's mind; this man desired to do his job, good...

Jer'is VII - First World of the Exiles
Three old men sat around an iron table, it was plain, save for a small hologram projector in its center. The image of a much younger Kushan shimmered silently. All heads were bowed, eyes closed, this went on for a minute before they awoke from what seemed like meditation.
"Keep our brothers and sisters safe, oh Homeworld." they spoke aloud and in low tones.
"Stewards", the hologram's image announced, "We have lost contact with our most recent group of agents, we suspect they are now among our kin on the old worlds. Things are set in motion now that we can no longer stop. Will you be prepared for you war when the day arrives?"
One of the old men looked back and forth at his compatriots, "We have been ready for our war for decades now, we shall be ready when you proclaim it time." the three nodded their ancient heads in agreement.
"Our brothers and sisters will know of our return and greet us with the blood of the oppressors. The day will come, in time, and it shall written down in the ancient scrolls." the hologram's image spoke.
"The second coming of the Exiles. We shall drive back the enemy and make them cower before our might. Ages have passed and our fleets have grown strong." another spoke up.
"Indeed." replied the hologram.
"What of our children?" the third spoke, "Will they remain in exile, or shall they too return to the blessed lands of our first fathers?"
"They are truly the greatest heroes of all, but if their sacrifices are to be for something. When the war is over they shall make their own way, they know their fate, but live for the homeworld. Let us thank them in silent prayer."
The four again closed their eyes, murmuring ancient chants silently for the Exiles whose fate as less glorious.


Of all the worlds in the old Kushan principality Koor’Ahn has seen the least influx of aliens. The planet, a major world by any definition of the word, is still mostly Kushan, and as a result has fallen into decay, far more than Hiigara. Large sections of every city on the planet are ghettos full of the poor and beyond them are the swelling tenant housing whose conditions are hardly an improvement. Of all the Kushan worlds, Koor’Ahn has been the most difficult; and as Akad Muhmad stepped off his ransport, he understood fully why he was here; this world was the ideal lace to begin his work. He was not the first to come here with such a purpose, nor would he be the last. But his importance was key, none the less. Indeed it would surely be years before his work might intersect that of his compatriots, whom he had never met. The people would relearn the story of their ancestors, he would re-light their flame, and guide them to freedom.

Hiigara High Orbit
Palace of the Governor

High atop the ancient shipyard sat the Governor's palace. In the days of the Old Kushan it was a marvelous orbital city made to look like an idyllic spot on the planet below. The Tomari governors had maintained it in this state, and made it the sector palace. Below were the Habs, and ringed around them were the great capital ship berths, designed to repair or upgrade multiple capital sized warships quickly and efficiently. Below were the sprawling dry-docks, hulls of freight transports were there under construction, they were designed to accommodate the building of capital warships, but the sector authorities could hardly find a reason to spend money on warships when contracting the yards out was far more profitable.

In the early days of the occupation the Tomari seized the station and made it their sector headquarters, using the Kushan and their resources to stage further assaults in the region. Hiigara's orbital shipyard complex was, in fact, a key factor in the exceedingly rapid domestication of the entire region. During this time the Tomari rule over the Kushan could be described as limited and generally not so bad; there was always work to be had, and the Governor Admirals of the time usually had very little to do with the Kushan, other than keeping the shipyards busy, the soldiers fed and the warships fixed.

Some sixty years later all this changed, when Jarr'ia, daughter one of one of the many Tomari House Lords was granted governorship of the Higarr Sector. Jarr'ia was a spoiled child who fed on the suffering of the local populace, and she was the first of many children governors, who came to learn politics and rule by presiding over the old provinces of the Kushan. The reign of Tomari Governors over Hiigara is not a stable one; few want such a "dull" posting, with very little opportunity to gain influence. The governors came and went, some were liked by the Kushan, and most were not. Some did terrible, cruel things to the Kushan, while others attempted to turn the province into the gem of the empire. All such endeavors were fleeting, the only constant was the great orbital shipyard complex of Hiigara, which every governor had maintained and upgraded as the situation called for it.

As the great imperial frontier moved ever outwards the use of the Old Kushan military industry began to wane, it became less and less economical to build ships and guns and fighters and tanks on Hiigara as worlds closer to the fight became domesticated. And though more or less domesticated by the Tomari, the Kushan were and would never be fully assimilated, their gross ineptitude in the area of psionics was an insurmountable barrier. Their Tomari overlords did find a few uses for Kushan; in areas where cheap labor was needed, but also a resistance to the corporate espionage levels of mind probing, the Kushan found a good niche, and some left the old provinces. The Kushan were generally somewhat difficult to "casually" read. A trained professional can get little more than vague feelings from a Kushan without some sort of invasive probe. Of course great and powerful men of the mind can claim more useful information and can dig deeper into the subconcious, but for real useful "stuff", a more direct interface is required.
As a people, the Kushan have spread slowly, many who move out of the old provinces do not continue their line, and have never migrated anywhere in large enough numbers that they might set up their own communities. The Kushan truly are a footnote in imperial history, a toy of the Tomari lords, and according to the census reports of the last half a millennia, completely domesticated.

It is the year 7542, by the Calendar of Hiigara.

From Kainan Empire :
"Dear lords an*kssh*ies *ksshh* the Tomari are a threat to us all *ksssh* face of the chaos that now surrounds us I ask for your banner to join o*ksssh* the war *ksssh* your assistance we will *ksssh* destroy our enemy *kssssssh* await *kssh* response."
The message was garbled, pieced together by a half dozen communication buoys throughout the Exiles territory, but came through none the less. Someone had gone through a great deal of trouble to track down the Kushan Exiles, but not enough, it seemed, to pinpoint their planets.

Jer'is VII - First World of the Exiles
Three old men sat around an iron table, it was plain, save for a small hologram projector in its center. The image of a much younger Kushan shimmered silently. All heads were bowed, eyes closed, this went on for a minute before they awoke from what seemed like meditation.
"Keep our brothers and sisters safe, oh Homeworld." they spoke aloud and in low tones.

The Steward's council reviewed the tape once more; "This may distract us from our goal." spoke the first old Kushan.

"Our goal is close at hand, there is no threat of diversion at this point in our plans. Perhaps we should entertain it?" the second added.

The two looked towards the third Kushan, whose eyes were closed. "It was written that the Exiles will return to their home and free their people. I will let nothing stand in our way; the aid of others is a means to this end, is it not?" the third replied. All three were now fixed on the hologram in the center of the table, the chief of Kushan Intelligence sat thoughtfully for a few moments before replying.
"I will establish contact, and alert the council of any proposed transactions." he spoke, "On to other matters..."

Code: Select all

Message : Kainan Empire
The Kushan Exiles receive your hails. The Dark Forces of the Evil Tomari must indeed be halted; these cruel overlords have long been blight upon the void. Yet their hour of reckoning is close at hand.
The Kushan have interest in open communication, and coordination between the Exiles of the Kushan, and the Kainan Empire. At present the time is not yet right to make open war with the dark empire, but in due time this will come to pass, when it does, the Kushan and their allies will be prepared. Communication between our nations will go far in to feed the coming flames, for if they fail and burn out, the opportunity may never again present itself.

If the Kainan Empire agrees to our terms, we will offer you decryption keys to particular secure communication channels, used by Kushan war vessels, with the understanding that the reverse will to be given.
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Post by Hotfoot »

United Protectorates Space
Oklahoma Sector
Tulsa - Orbit
Jaen Invasion Fleet

Above Tulsa, hulks of numerous ships and orbital defenses drifted through the void. The support elements of the fleets had been called in, sorting through salvage and cleaning the battlefield. The massive troopships, little more than heavily modified cargo haulers, set up holding positions in low orbit above the planet. For hours, the remaining fleets of the Tomari battered the planetary shields until, ultimately, they buckled under the force of the multi-megaton weaponry. In the final moments of the shield’s life, the innards of the troopships disgorged the first waves, dropships, atmospheric fighters with re-entry shields

Around every major city, hordes of dropships entered into landing runs, covered by even more numerous atmospheric fighters. The first wave of any planetary invasion was bloody, but once established landing zones had been secured, the blood would flow from other sources. No doubt, within a few days, the Protectorates would attempt to retake the world, but by that time, Tomari troops would ideally be close enough to the cities to prevent their wholesale destruction. Meanwhile, the Tomari reinforcements were already on their way.

Tomari Space - Rim
Morchea Province
Hanchis Malliq
Narsen Harassment Task Force

Tomari early warning sensors around the Morchea Province detected the incoming Narsen fleet before they appeared in the Hanchis Malliq system. The majority of the Morchea Province fleet was assembling at a rally point far outside of the Province itself, with the remainder staying behind for token defenses, ready to assemble at a secondary rally point.

Commodore Jachin scrolled through the reports in front of him, shaking his head. “They are mad, but bold.â€Â
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Tomari Space - Rim
Morchea Province
Apocalypse class Battle Barge Ragnarok

Tulsa +6 days

Hallstrom watched the display. "A handful of cruisers and some escorts to back up their defences. Tight beam Second Fleet to prepare to cut off their escape. Hemisphere englobement. Apocalypses, Talon class, Endeavours, and Stormbringers at the front. Don't let them hit the small fry. Furies form the second line. Slow advance. Move the carriers ahead as we close. Target system defences first. Let the ships think they can hang in until Second Fleet can maneuver to cut off their escape. Then we crush them."
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Tomari Space - Rim
Morchea Province
Hanchis Malliq
Narsen Harassment Task Force
TI +6

Commodore Jachin saw the enemy forces light up his tactical display. This was very bad. Huge amounts of enemy forces, no reinforcements on the way, and a governor who would order him to fight to the death. Well, if these upstarts wanted blood, they would get it. The foremost ships consisted largely of Morchean Defense Forces. Let those pathetic Morcheans be the first to die for their worlds. “Remember, once they are about to close to gun range, we withdraw. Form up on the defense grid, we’ll pepper them as much as we can.â€Â
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Morchea Province
Narsen First Fleet


The leading elements of the First Fleet entered extreme missle range. Datalinks and cyberinterfaces recieved and transmitted enormous amounts of information. Targetting solutions were confirmed.

Aboard the Stormbringer class heavy missle cruisers, bays opened. Drone weapon pods were launched into space, increasing the number of launchers available. Seconds ticked by. Launch.

Talon class battle cruisers and Apocalypse class battle barges fired missles into the void. Stormbringers and Endeavours added their fury to the volley. Behind them came a line of Vigilances, Sting ships, carriers and Furies; their defence systems ready to defend their brethren and their own timers counting down to missle launch.

Deadly Narsen missles burned through space in evasive patterns. The lion's share were aimed at system defensive works. A minority targetted escorts. The battle had begun in earnest.

As First Fleets ships maneuvered and fired, Second Fleet coasted forward on their path, angling around the battle. They had been stripped of their battle barges, but they were the second most powerful Narsen fleet and their firepower was still more than considerable. The Tomari defenders would find their escape route blocked by Second Fleet's interdictors and would be no match for Second Fleet's ships; especially after being ravaged by First Fleet.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by frigidmagi »

United Protectrates

TI +1

David Ryan walked down the hall, his bootsteps echoed ahead of him. Behind him marched a pair of Marines in their Powered Armor. The carved faces of dead heros and rulers looked down on him has he passed. The past watching the present birthing the future....

He had been in the Forgein Affairs Services for some time, nearing a decade. Today would be the first time he ever saw a Shaderni. And this new personage, there was no data at all about him! Still he was a Ryan, a member of a Noble House that had stood with the Lord Protectors since the very beginning. He may have been only a nephew not in the direct line of session himself but no one would accuse him of staining the House's honor.

He stopped in front of the door and jerked his head to the Marines. He stood in the very heart of the UP, he hardly required Marines to deal with ambassadors. They took positions on both side of the door. He smoothed his black and silver tunic and flicked off a imaginary piece of lint. With a deep breath he opened the door and stepped through, polished boots clicking on the glossy smooth stone floor has he did so.

"Gentles, I am David Ryan of the Forgein Affairs. Do you require anything before we begin?" He asked in a unquavering baritone voice.
Last edited by frigidmagi on Wed Dec 21, 2005 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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