B4UTRUST wrote:2) Make a way for it to remember the last place it pulled a deck from. By default it's sending me back to C:\Documents and Settings\ which makes me have to either retype the address of the folder I want or navigate through about 20 folders to get to it.
Yeah, I am going to add a simple config file to it today hopefully so it will remember what folders you prefer to use for decks, etc.
3) While I realize the desire to keep the game screen clean, adding a few labels would be helpful. It will keep me from clicking on things I shouldn't click on yet and erroring out the program.
When I clean up the newtork code, this and your complaint 4 will both be fixed.
Some labels will probably be added though, like life and stuff.
5) Duplicate pics folder. I store my decks in a folder in /windows/ marked of course decks. Now my deck has generated a seperate pic folder with all the pics of that deck. Yet when I go into the /bin/ folder there's another pic folder there too containing many of the same pictures. Is this going to happen for all decks?
As of now, there should be only one pics folder, one folder up from where the exe is located. In the first version though, it would have created an extra pics folder with the cardback image in it.
So there should not be duplicate folders; I'll double check though.
6) On the deck building/main window you have the close (X) button. On the menu window with your life counter, deck shuffle, deck search, etc. you have the button but on the actual play menu you don't have one. Don't get me wrong it's not huge task to go to my task bar and right click>close but it's just something I noticed as a possible improvement.
I actually made a simple error in the code, sticking in a 0 where it should have been 1 telling it about the title bar. This didn't affect the Linux version so I didn't catch it myself.
I've already fixed it in my version, and you will see that fix in the next avaliable download.
LadyTevar wrote:B4 and I just tried to start a game... we're having trouble connecting.
When I start up the program, my firewalls gave me a warning and asked if I wanted to block info from this program. I told it UnBlock. But now, even with me typing in B4's IP, I'm getting a message stating it's unable to connect to peer, there may be a block.
I know Scott has a NAT firewall on his network; it is probably blocking incomming traffic on port 5000 on his end.
To do a peer to peer connection, you have to make the connecter can dial out, which is easy, just click allow when the firewall complains, but the player listening has to make sure all connections on port 5000 are allowed to come in.
On linksys routers, there is a section called "Applications and Gaming" that allows you to turn on port forwarding. You will need to forward port 5000 to your computer or just connect your computer direct to the Internet (which often isn't an option.) to be a listener.
In the next day or two, I am hoping to write a dedicated server program that I will run on my computer so none of you will have to worry about the port forwarding issues. But that might take a few days to get working and in the mean time, you both have to make sure your firewalls are configured to work with it.