STGOD: The Pheonix Wars (Chapter III)

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Post by KANdem »

Meanwhile, on A'millan Prime...


Khardem is busy supervising the re-designing of A'millan hand weapons. They are busy miniaturizing the Guardians Biolaser into small arms scale. The A'millan hand phasers, while adequate for self-defense, are too clumsy and not very practical in ground combat.

So far, the effort has been successful. The protoype has shown firepower capability equaling of the Galactic Empire's blasters. A powerful weapon indeed.

When they clashed against the Goa'ulds next time, they will be more than ready.
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Post by Ra »

OOC: I swear that looked like KANdom at first. :shock:


Serious OOC: Biolasers shouldn't quite be perfect. We talked about some negative side-effect for Guardian-based technology, like how I developed the "Goa'uld-hurting" property for the psychotronic nullifyer. Perhaps some negative side-effect (like zombie effects or possibly slowly a form of magical necrosis) should be added.

*The Lady Galadriel was sitting quietly in her chamber back in Ra's capital of Per-Ra (Heliopolis). She then closed her eyes, and began to meditate. Her mind arrived in the gardens of Lórien, in Valinor. There appeared Manwë, lord of the Valar.*

"My lord Manwë, I have found the Oracle Melian announced. Yet the future is increasingly clouded to me."

"The Parasites are not trusty allies, Galadriel. Even now, the one prophesied to intrude upon the Undying Lands seeks his own vengeance against the A'millians. What have you seen?"

"He makes war upon them, yet he does not succeed. If Ra is not stopped, all will fail. He takes increasingly mad acts against the A'millians to ensure his own territory is safe. He even puts children in front of the Ancient Gates."

"Illúvatar does not smile upon this creature. My own heart doubts that we should have sided with him, even if his heart appeared clean to Melian the Maia."

"His heart still has good in it, my lord. Even a little could sway him to do good, in the end."

"Your faith in this man is strong, Galadriel. It puzzles me why that is."

"Because, my lord, he is the only hope for the Children of Illúvatar. It is not with the A'millians, they embrace the Evil as their own kind, and even give knee to It. It is not with Trolls, they cannot take the Rogues on their own. And it is certainly not with the Abominations, who care little for the events at hand."


"They have their part in this, and in things to come after, I have seen it."

"I have seen further, Galadriel; the A'millians do have a part in this, for good and bad. There is one that seeks answers as you do. Take heed, she cannot be reached by you in the physical sense. But it would be wise to consult her as well."

"The Lady of A'millian is powerful indeed. Yea she would rise her hand against me, rather than offer it in friendship."

Manwë stepped forward. "It is a difficult task, but it must be done. The Goa'uld have their part in this trial, and it comes quickly. But their strike on the A'millians must stop. Prevent this disaster before it begins. Then you must find a way to stop the Rogues, and bring them back into the light."

"I understand."

*At that, Galadriel's eyes opened again. Out the door, she saw several Kull Warriors walking by. Ra was with them.*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

OOC: Hey, it's a Durex ribbed KANdom! Who's the Abominations, by the way?


Aboard the Death Star...

It is early evening when Darth Kreshna is enjoying a glass of Vodka Martini while smoking a cigar; staring at the stars outside on the balcony of his condominium suite aboard the Death Star.

The insanity has been gradually calmed lately. He is not sure what's going on, but it seems the Phoenix Entity has been more merged with his own persona. The gestalt consciousness, which is initially like oil and water, now has been properly united.

No more gestalt, no more insanity. Now, he is The Phoenix.

The hunger still exists, of course, but the insane, basic, uncontrolled starving of the Entity is now tempered by the rational, controlled nature of the human side.

Which is, unfortunately, making him a greater menace than before.

It was the mirror. Galadriel's mirror.

Irene. Where is she now?

Suddenly the bell rings. Putting the glass and the cigar on the table, Darth Kreshna wears his dressing gown. "Enter!" he speaks the word while opening the door using the Force.

No. It is not the Force. Telekinetic, indeed, but something else.

Darth Kreshna in the evening.

Grand Moff Anderson enters the room with unusual self-confidence, then throws a map to the table.

Darth Kreshna frowns, but stays calm, "is there anything I could do for you, Mister Anderson?" He stresses the word 'mister' in a mocking tone, deliberately showing that he does not care of Anderson's Governorship status.

"An Imperial Stormtrooper had defected to the Goa'ulds!" the Governor spats.

"Then I guess you just came to the wrong place, although I am not surprised seeing the display of such ignorance."

Governor Anderson ignores the mockering tones of the metrosexual Sith Inquisitor. In fact, he grins wickedly, "the Stormtrooper is a female officer. More exactly, your ex-girlfriend."

He grins with satisfaction as Darth Kreshna's expression changes as the Sith Inquisitor starts browsing through the documents.

The Governor continues with mocking tone, "considering the government secrets you shared with her during your... intimate moments, I guess it would be best if we dispatch a termination squad to take care of her. Of course, a Sith Inquisitor like you would sacrifice your personal interest for the Empire, am I correct?"

"Get out of my place, Anderson."

"Ah, do I sense conflicting interest here?"


Grand Moff Anderson feels a searing heat enveloping him. He quickly walks out. No matter he would enjoy watching Darth Kreshna's suffering, he still values his own life.

Darth Kreshna punches the button on his intercom and speaks, "Captain Tanner, prepare the Phoenix for immediate departure. I will be aboard soon."

"Yes, milord. Would you mind to elaborate the destination so we could program the NavCom earlier?"

"The Goa'uld space."

"The Goa'ulds? Should I prepare escorts, then?"

"No. This is a matter I will handle my own."

Darth Kreshna takes a glance at the documents again, then grabs his glass and throws it with rage.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Destructionator XV »

"You did WHAT!" Grand Admiral Reilly slams his fist on the table while staring at General Sheppard intently. "How the HELL did you ever become a general of the empire pulling shit like that!"

"If you'll let me explain, you'll understand."

"I already understand. You are a maniac with no regard for life!"

"Quite the opposite! I did what I had to do to save my people's lives!"

"Civilians are no threat to our men!"

"We didn't know for sure that there actually were civilians there. They may have been spoofing our scanners! And that shipyard had to go!"

"A'millians don't take chances with civilian lives! You should have made sure that it was clear!"

"I couldn't send men through! Duteron radiation may take down their shields, but sending people through it would be deadly and sending scanners would be futile. I had to send the bomb."

"And you couldn't just armour those men and capture it! Are you forgetting our mission: to capture infrastructure, NOT nuke civilians!"

"No, I couldn't. The radiation would wear down their armour and then they may be running right into a trap! I couldn't take that chance and I couldn't let that yard survive. The bomb was the only choice!"

"Let me say this again: A'millian warriors don't take chances with civilian lives!"

"And soldiers don't let their men be slughtered when he can prevent it! It was them or us - and I'd rather it be them!"

"Then you are unfit to command an A'millian unit. Guards, arrest General Sheppard."

"You can't do this."

"That's where you're wrong. I hereby place you under arrest for the unlawful eradication of Goa'uld civilians on the 2 worlds you needlessly nuked."

"I did the right thing!" He proclaims while being escorted out of the room. "I saved our men's lives!"

"Save it for your trial. Take him to the brig."
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Destructionator XV »

In the facility in the Riwal system...

The Lady stands in the middle of the lobby of the large room after hearing the speech of the Old Guardians. A door to her front left opens. Beyond it, she can see organic hallways, but exploration of that would have to wait because ten fercious beasts just emerged from that door!

She draws her sword as the door swings shut. The creatures are similar to the one she faced earlier. One of them was no sweat: but ten of them? She quickly calculated that avoiding this fight would be better for her health.

Looking around, the Lady notices a door to her right. The creatures are getting close. Time to move. She runs towards the door and steps through. The hallway beyond is illuminated automatically as the computer detects her presence. But something else was also automatically activated: defense guns. It would seem the technological section of this base was designed to keep intruders out: and the vile forces now control these defenses. The guns turn towards her and fire. Using a trick she learned a long time ago, she 'slides' out of the way faster than the eye can see. The gun loses its target acquisition and instead blasts a gelationous creature into oblivion. The weapon starts to turn back towards her when she raises her arm. A lightning bold appears out of seemingly nowhere and strikes the technological terror. The energy of the blast fuses its motor and it can no longer move, but the 9 surviving creatures are gaining on her again.

She proceeds down the hallway, but sees a blast door closing down the hall. She accelerates, but upon making it to the door, it is already closed.


She fires some mana bolts at the creatures to slow them down and runs backwards to duck into a laboratory.

"Computer, seal the door!"

There is a sound of fizzled beeps.

"Computer, seal the damned door!"

No response.


She quickly looks around, and then jumps up to the ceiling. The leading creature walks in and she jumps down, cleaving it in half with her sword. But the others were now on her. She continues to brandish her weapon, but there were too many of them. they started to hold her and then she closed her eyes for a moment.

A psionic wave eminates from her body, blasting the creatures off her. She runs back out the door, slicing the beast in her path and tossing a fireball behind her to slow down the persuers. But now, the exit was also sealed. She was stuck with the six survivors and had no where else to run.

A voice booms in her head.


"That will be the day."

She runs back towards the creatures, bouncing and spinning off walls and the ceiling in such a matter that most would see as impossible - especially for a 1700 year old. She slices another one of the beasts into ribbons while blasting yet another with more magical lightning.

The four survivors stand back, amazed at the Lady's performance. The voice booms again.


The translation may have been less than perfect, but their intent was obvious.

"Come get some."

She stands in a defensive posture, sword ready. The door at the far end of the hall opens and more creatures enter.

"This is going to be a long day..."


The Lady was powerful, bus she had her limits. She could only fight these things for so long. Hopefully, it would be long enough for something; anything to happen to assist her get out of the fight and back to her research....

She continues to fight them.
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Ra »

Srenn and Ra walk along as they head to a conference room.

"The A'millians sent another photon bomb through the Stargate. It appears our plan may not be working."

"Give it time," Ra says dismissively. "But I want the Stargates to our major shipyards buried."

"Isn't that somewhat drastic, m'lord?"

"It worked for the Tauri, until they rediscovered it. Either that, or install metal irises, as the Tauri did with their Gate. Our shields are not holding against their laser devices, and I cannot continue to use civilians to stave off their attacks. Galadriel is expected here by the end of the day."

"I will do as you-"

"You make plans and commit attrocities behind my back?"

Ra turned around, his eyes widened with surprise. "It will keep the enemy from attacking our territory."

At that, Galadriel slapped him in the face. "The lives of innocent people are more valuable than your ships, Ra. Have you learned nothing? Have you hearkened not my words of wisdom?"

*Ra did not answer.*

"Even now, you plan to make war upon the A'millians, and I give you warning. Your plan will fail, I have forseen it. Manwë has seen it as well. If we are to destroy the Guardians, we will need our strength. You would waste thousands of ships and billions of your warriors to avenge one commander's attacks upon you?"

"It's called war, m'lady. Someone attacks, and we attack them in kind."

"Do not forget what must be done. Open your eyes, and see that it is the Guardians that drive them to attack, it is the Guardians that seek to destroy all life. It is the Guardians that must be destroyed!"

Srenn clenched his teeth. "M'lord, if you wish-"

"Silence," Ra snarled. He then glared at Galadriel. "I will stay my hand, Galadriel. But if the A'millians attack me once more, I will not contine to grant them mercy!"

Ra's eyes flashed, and he backed away. Galadriel then turned, and walked away. "Then you are a fool."

"Where are you going?"

"There is something I must attend to. It is not your concern."

Galadriel charges into the base hangar, where a stolen Asgard shuttle sits. where Ra got it from was irrelevant at the moment.

"M'ady, this area is restricted! You cannot-"

*He is silenced as Galadriel extends her hand, sending the Jaffa flying. Galadriel then boards the shuttle, and examines the controls. She found it curious that the language on the consoles was identical to Dwarvish, obviously making it oddly easy to operate. Seconds later, the gray shuttle zipps away from Per-Ra.*
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Josh »

As Petrosjko trotted across the catwalk toward the shuttlebay, he noticed bustling activity down on the lower level. Guardsmen were running to and fro, hiding liquor, getting dressed. He spotted a sergeant hopping along on one foot as he pulled his boot on.

"Hey sergeant! What's going on?" he yelled down.

"Reinforcements have arrived. Massive fleet headed by a Warmaster!" the sergeant yelled back, securing his boot and pulling his garrison cap out from under his arm.

The fuck? They weren't supposed to arrive for another two days, according to the astropaths. Fucking warp travel, we're just lucky they didn't get here before they left. Oh well, I've got a ride on a Thunderhawk to catch.

As he neared the access, he was greeted by the sight of a squad of Witch Hammers marines in shining terminator armor, led by the Brother Captain.

"Commissar, the Warmaster has arrived early. We are going to make a courtesy call upon him before departure. Would you like to accompany us?"

"Yeah... great, sure." Turning, Petrosjko passed his bag to a Chapter serf. "Stash that for me, wouldja?"

He straightened his longcoat, wishing to holy hell that regs allowed a little more flexibility in uniform options, especially when serving on a goddamned chunk of scorched rock well under an AU from its star.

"Let's do this thing."


Blah blah blah, Jesus do these fucks love the sound of their own voices.

The Warmaster's endless entourage of generals were all introducing themselves. Petrosjko noted with pleasure that everyone's shiny, starched uniforms were getting sodden in the oppressive heat. Misery loves company.

The formal introductions were done, and now the mingling was commencing. And the Warmaster himself was heading for Petrosjko, with that weaselly bastard Nallis in tow.

Petrosjko bowed graciously. "Warmaster, an honor."

"So you're the legendary commissar. Somehow, I expected you to be taller." The Warmaster was a short, skeletally gaunt figure, with a withered face that had an eerily skull-like aspect to it. Probably why he got picked for Warmaster- he looked the part.

"I was taller once, then a gretchin cut me off at the knees," Petrosjko replied.

"At Armageddon?" the Warmaster said. Petrosjko's eyes flashed to Nallis, who as ever was neat, trim, the very picture of Commissarial competence. His once-blond hair had gone silver, which gave him a paternal aspect in exchange for the buff beach lifeguard look he used to have.

"Yeah. Armageddon."

The Warmaster caught the look. "Are the stories true, Nallis?"

"Exaggerated," Petrojsko interjected before Nallis could answer.

"Understated, if anything, my Lord," Nallis said smoothly. "The commissar is a modest man."

"We're all modest in the service of the Emperor," the Warmaster said dismissively, moving on. The gaggle of generals followed in his wake, doubtless looking for a puddle on the floor to throw themselves on top of so the Warmaster could walk over them.

Nallis stayed, drifting closer and dropping his voice so none of the others could hear. "Petro, you're looking good."

Matching the tone, Petro leaned toward Nallis. "You're looking disappointingly alive. I'd heard that you were lost on Nalar IV."

"There aren't enough Tyranids in hell to kill me," Nallis said with a smile. "I assume that you instituted your normal 'training regimen' here."

Petrosjko glared. "And you're planning on taking over the operation, the way you did on Gellio Prime."

"RHIP, my dear boy."

"Well you can have at it. I'm off with the Hammers on classified business."

Petrosjko turned to leave. Nallis grabbed his elbow, voice dropping lower. "Classified, hell. You unloaded your profits into clean accounts and told your suppliers to rob me blind. I know how you work."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Nallis, but if you don't let go of my elbow, I'm keeping your hand for my collection."

Nallis released his grip, but spoke again, quickly, almost urgently. "You can stay on, Petro. We can work together again, like the old days."

"Old days like Armageddon, you mean?"

"It had to be done. And the end result was the collapse of the entire Ork line in that region."

When Petrosjko started to walk away again, Nallis fired off one last comment. "One of these days, Petro, you're going to stop running. And one of these days, I'm going to figure out just what it is you're running from."

Without looking back, Petrosjko replied. "A shark's gotta keep swimming or it dies, Nallis. Same principle."
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain


Post by KANdem »

OOC: I see you were paying homage to our nukey-nukey friend on another board out there... ;)

General Shep is contemplating in his cell. He still believes he did what a soldier would do. He believes himself to be a patriot, but now they humiliated him and put him on trial!

Suddenly the cell's door open. A regal man comes in.

"General," the man acknowledges. General Sheppard raises his head to see who the man is.


The Guardian Ambassador continues, "the guards allow me for a visit. I'll make it short, General. I do sympathize with your cause and I don't think you deserve to be humiliated like this."

The Shep replies with enthusiasm, "damn right! I am a patriot! I do the best to defend this country and look what they did to me. Civilian casualties my ass! Those left-wing peaceniks never understand the real situation in the battlefield; they whine and moan about civilians, but can't they fucking see that most of the time it's only a matter of either we or them?"

"I see you are highly experienced in the battlefield, General. "

Shep is happy that Khardem sympathizes with him. The fact that he always adresses him with the word 'General' shows that the man really appreciates him; unlike those leftie bastards. He replies, "yes, of course. Those lefties are nothing more but a bunch kids who have never seen real battles on the first place. Tell me, when a civilian-looking guy are charging at you while carrying a molotov, are you NOT going to defend yourself?"

Khardem nods with understanding, then says, "I can't promise anything, General, but I will do the best with my influence, my position, anything, to help you win the court."
Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

Destructionator XV wrote: "This is going to be a long day..."


The Lady was powerful, bus she had her limits. She could only fight these things for so long. Hopefully, it would be long enough for something; anything to happen to assist her get out of the fight and back to her research....

She continues to fight them.
Suddenly a noise interupts the events. Both sides hesitate a second, attempting to determine what it is.

A object materizies inside the room. It was obviously of Borg design, but looked quite harmless. A green glow filled the room as the object scanned the area. It swiveled and looked upon the group as the Lady was surrounded by her enemies. One of the creatures advanced upon the probe. No larger than a small torpedo casing, it lacked any intimidation factor and the creature prepared to dispatch it. It made it halfway to the probe before hesistating. It's features began to distort, and it emitted a sound of pain and collapsed to the floor. Apparently it was dead.

The other creatures, sensing their comrade dispatched by an unknown adversary, faced the probe and began to approach it. But they had barely begun to move when they too dropped to the floor, incompacitated.

The Borg probe spoke. Or rather, transmitted the voice of it's controller.


She immediately recognized the voice of Walper, leader and controller of the Borg Collective.

"Allow me to assist."

And with that, the gun emplacements throughout the facility crumpled under an invisible force. The locked doors having trapped her in her precarious postion were pulled apart, clearing the way for her escape.
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Post by Ra »

*The Lady ran to one of the doors, but several enhanced Borg drones walked forward, blocking the way. The probe continued to glow and hover.*


"You want the data for yourself, you mechanical monster."


"You should rethink that calculation, Lord Walper."

*A burst of white light filled the room, gartering the probe's attention. The light slowly faded, revealing the Lady Galadriel, her lightsabre held high over her head. She stood in a striking pose, ready to defend against the hovering probe.*

"What is this? You're on the same side, aren't you?"

"I do not have time to explain, Lady of A'millian. You must trust me."

"Well, I'd rather be rescued by an Elf than a Borg. Lead the way, ma'am."

*Suddenly, more gelatinous creatures come forth, ambushing the duo. The Lady slashed one with her sword, decapitating it, while Galadriel grabed with the Force, crushing another creature's innards in. It crumpled to the ground in pain, and died. Another creature ran forth, only to be sliced through the chest by Galadriel's lightsabre.*

*Galadriel then grabbed the Lady by the hand, and they ran out. The probe began to follow, gaining quickly on them.*

*A corridor was blocked by two of the creatures. The duo then both focused on the beings ahead, channeling Force lightning on the targets. They screamed and burned under the combined attack, and collapsed. Galadriel then sent a column flying at another being, and crushed it against the wall. It climbed back up, and charged at the etherial Elf, who cut off its limbs in a series of skilled swipes. The limbless monster wriggled on the ground, until the Lady stabbed it through the heart.*

*Two more beings walked in. One was slain by a barrage of the Lady's fireballs, while the other was sent flying by Galadriel's Force repelling attack. Another jumped down between the two, and was cut in half by Galadriel's lightsabre.*

*The probe continued to get closer. Finally, the Lady of Light and Lady of A'millan reached an open courtyard.*

"We should return to my ship. And quickly."

"No! My work here isn't complete. Walper just wants the data I've collected."

"I understand, but he will not stop until he gets the information. That said, I will assist you in your work."

"What have you found so far?"

"We will discuss that later. Take cover."

*The duo hid behind a column. The probe continued to hover around, pointed at their hiding spot, scanning.*

*Galadriel then focused deep within, stood, and extended her hand. The elegant hand shot forth a massive bolt of Force lightning, frying the probe. It clashed to the ground as its antigrav unit - and most other systems - failed.*

*Galadriel then looked over, and gestured for the Lady to get up.*

"Glad that's over with. Why did you rescue me?"

"We must work together if we are to end this war."

"Who sent you? Ra?"

"Manwë. Yea, we are not out of this. It will be difficult for us to escape the Borg's grasp. The probe had no intent of killing us, but the result would have been worse."

The Lady then looked at a mangled Borg probe. "I don't doubt it."

*The group then walked off together, going on to the next part of their quest. The Borg probe flickered, and a slight glow returned to its circuitry...*
Jonathan McKenzie
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"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
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Post by Ra »

*Ra was busy looking over the odd things that the CSM had given him when Amy Lee walked in.*

"What are you up to?"

"Looking over some things that shadowy character gave me."

"The Cancer Man, huh? Don't trust him."

Ra looked up. "You think I would trust a man that smokes ten packs a day? Gak."

"Not the reason I had in mind, but that's a good point. So, why you putting women and children around the Stargates?"

"A stopgap measure, to be sure. Once the reinforced trinium irises are installed on the gates, the civilians will no longer be required."

"Can't you hear yourself, dude? You're using people as... Human shields to protect your infrastructure. That's pretty fucking sick, man."

"You forget, I'm not a man," Ra said with a wicked smile.

Srenn walked in. "M'lord, it's time for your nap."

"Yeah, so it is. If you'll excuse me, Miss Lee, I must retire."

*Ra then got up, and walked over to his sarcophagus, where he started to lay down.*

"Say, Ra, what's that thing for? Looks like more than a bed."

"It regenerates my cellular structure, extends my life."

"Quite frankly, dude, you're not old enough to need cellular regeneration or whatever."

"This host is a clone, he ages faster than normal Humans. Now, begone!"

Ra waved his hand. "Don't be so quick to dismiss my favorite rock star, First Prime. I may take a break from this, help me up."

"My lord, you need to regenerate."

Ra rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Srenn."

At that, the sarc closed over Ra. Srenn then threw Amy a nasty look. "Look here, Tauri scum. Ra's health is my responsibility. He is my god."

"Then tell me this. Why are you treating your "god" like a child? Time for bed, Ra. Next are you going to spoon-feed him?"

Srenn grated his teeth, and stormed off.

"Now, how the hell does that thing work?"
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Robert Walper
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Post by Robert Walper »

Lord Walper viewed the scene through the damaged sensors of the probe. With a disgusted wave of his hand, the probe self destructed, causing little harm to the area around it. The information the lady could have provided was not important at this time and could be acquired via other means.

However, the treachery of Ra's female partner would not go unanswered. Walper toggled his command seat's console and entered in a message:

"Explain your counterpart's interference with my information gathering efforts. Your explanation will determine the status of our alliance."
Last edited by Robert Walper on Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ra »

*As Galadriel and the Lady continue their investigation of the planet, they share what both sides have gathered concerning the Phoenix and Guardians.*

"Yes, the oracular hologram mentioned that the Guardians were "offspring of Eru Illúvatar". So, these "Rogue Maiar" were turned to evil... how?"

"One of the Maiar was posessed by the Phoenix Entity, and corrupted. In order to stop it, he had to be killed. Thus began the downward spiral of the Guardians to evil."

"Culminating in the corruption by Palpatine. So, are you one of these... Maiar?"

"No, I am Lady Galadriel of Valinor, of the Firstborn. The Elves, we are also called. I am sent by the Valar to stop this horrible plague while we still can."

"So, where could I get one of those... plasma swords? It looks like it can come in handy."

"Indeed, it has protected me in times when even the finest swords of Eldar craft would fail. I will show you how to construct a lightsabre of your own, when we have the time."

The duo then reached a temple of some kind. "For now, we must complete our task here."

Walking in, the Lady continued. "This is some kind of nexus for the Guardians. If any of the benevolent Guardians remain, they'll be here."

*Galadriel nodded, but she sensed that something was approaching. Whether for good or bad, even she could not see...*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
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Post by Josh »

Petrosjko stared at the ceiling, plasma pistol in his hand. Suddenly, he shifted it to the left, zeroing in on a rust spot and pulling the trigger. It clicked in a satisfying fashion, and already the pistol was moving again, lining up another splotch in the ceiling. Every target available, he imagined was Nallis' face.

He'd delivered Kryptman's 'request' to the navigator, and now His Divine Wrath was battling its way through the warp currents toward what he privately hoped as an unoccupied chunk of space.

At least, it had been last time he'd been in this sector, long before the Imperium of Man had ever heard of it.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
A mysterious ghost


Post by A mysterious ghost »

Ra wrote:*Galadriel nodded, but she sensed that something was approaching. Whether for good or bad, even she could not see...*
Suddenly, in front of them, a shimmering, ghostly figure appears. The ghost is unlike the previous Guardian's echo; he looks clearly human. In fact, he was a human. He wears a brown robe with a small cylindrical tube dangling from his waist.

The ghost wears a sad expression. He talks.

"Go. Leave this place while you can."

Galadriel, on the other hand, is intrigued. It's time to ask some questions...
Guardian Planet Killer


Post by Guardian Planet Killer »

Meanwhile, within a Borg territorry....

A huge, eighty kilometer vessel appears near a Borg colony planet. A space ship. Or is it?

The Guardian Planet Killer pulsates regularly, with many tentacles sprouting out of its dark surface.

It's alive.

Then it gradually shimmers into nothingness. Stars starts to be visible through it's living, fleshy hull, until the whole 'ship' entirely disappears.

The Borg on the planet can see nothing on their visual sensors. Yet a large shadow on the planetary surface betrays their visuals. After all, a shadow is merely a result of something blocking the light, isn't it?

But there is nothing on the empy sky. Simply nothing.

And the ground covered by the shadow are decomposing on astounding rate. Not only the ground, but anything on them; buildings, installations, and drones. There is simply nothing they could do to stop the ever-expanding shadow that decomposes everything on its path. Even nanoprobes being injected in their attempt to stop the process simply are decomposed as well.

Patrolling cubes starts firing wildly on the general direction based on the position of the shadow. Alas, they too, start to decompose as soon as the shadow fall on them.

In mere hours, the entire planet is turned into a huge mass of decay.

Even one with the simplest grasp in military strategy should notice an oddity in the Guardian's strategy. The Ancient Guardians, after all, are at war with the Empire. Shoudln't they target Imperial important installations instead of a planet belongs to a neutral party?

First was Ibizan, and then this one Borg planet. How many more planets the Guardians would destroy?

Not even the gods could answer that.
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Post by Ra »

OOC: Galadriel was called one of the Wise for a reason, KAN. She's not curious.

After the figure speaks, Galadriel steps forward. "How can the Phoenix be stopped?"

The ghost looks her in the eye. "Only a Jedi Knight host the Phoenix. Only then can its evil power be constrained for good. It was this goal that we sought for many ages, after our Brother Maia was killed. Lo, the dagger will stab this planet's heart, Firstborn! Go I say!"

Then, Galadriel grabs the Lady by the arm. They sprint for the Asgard shuttle, which is still several hundred meters away.*

"Why are we in such a hurry?" the Lady demanded between heavy breaths.

"I saw what he speaks of."

*Galadriel then unhooked her lightsabre, bringing it to life. Several more Guardian beings blocked the way. She sliced through two of the creatures, and leapt over them, followed by the Lady, who ran up one creature's chest. After clenching in pain, the creatures pursued, easily keeping pace with the duo.*

"My shuttle is just ahead. Hurry!"

*Rounding a corner, Galadriel could see her shuttle ahead. When the beings lumbered around after them, she reached out, bringing the wall down on top of them. Heavy, ancient stones crashed on the monsters.*

*Another creature came out of the ground, towering over the two. Before he could threaten them, however, Galadriel took a clean swipe with her lightsabre, cutting through its leg. The Lady ran to the other side, and hit the monster with several fireballs. Galadriel then dashed under the monster, her light blade held high over her head.*

*The monster screamed in pain, filling their minds with the painful sound as it began to die. As a last action, the creature grabbed Galadriel with its collosal hand, and began to squeze with every ounce of strength left in its dying body.*

The Lady turned aroud as the Elf uttered a cry of pain for the first time in ages. "Galadriel!"

*Galadriel couldn't reach her lightsabre, but she did something else that amazed the Lady. Her eyes closed. Soon, the monster's grip began to falter, until soon his hand and arm exploded in a cloud of mist and goo. Galadriel then landed on the ground safely, cutting off the monster's other arm with her lightsabre. Finished, she resumed running.*

"I am fine, Lady of A'millan. We must make haste."

*Finally, after a brief attack on another monster, Galadriel and the Lady reached the Asgard shuttle. The Elf immediately began to start taking off. The sleek, dark gray vessel zipped away from the planet.*

"Power up the hyperdrive."

The Lady nodded, and began working the alien console. "Hyperdrive powering up. There's several inbound hyperspace signatures. Not clear at this range, though."

*The shuttle zipps off into hyperspace just as several sleek objects exit their jump, inbound for the planet.*
Last edited by Ra on Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Sick, Twisted Fuck
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

OOC: Aw, come on Ra. The ghost is going to give Galadriel some more clue. Do you remember it should take a Jedi to safely host the Phoenix? Ah, well. The Ghost may contact her later.


Irene Patterson is not sleeping well.

She is on her wedding ceremony. The minister speaks, "anyone with objections to the wedding, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

"I object, Father!" Irene's heart is beating rapidly. Kreshna....

She wakes up.

She is on her wedding ceremony. The minister speaks, "And now Irene Morales, do you, here today in the presence of God and all these witnesses, take Victor Patterson to be your husband, agreeing to love him, and to promote his joy and happiness as long as you both shall live?"


She wakes up.

She is on her wedding ceremony. The minister speaks, "And now Irene Morales, do you, here today in the presence of God and all these witnesses, take Victor Patterson to be your husband, agreeing to love him, and to promote his joy and happiness as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Please forgive me, Kreshna. Please...

She wakes up.

She is on her wedding ceremony. The minister speaks, "And now Irene Morales, do you, here today in the presence of God and all these witnesses, take Victor Patterson to be your husband, agreeing to love him, and to promote his joy and happiness as long as you both shall live?"

"Say you do, you ungateful child! Say you do!"

She wakes up.

She is on her wedding ceremony. The minister speaks, "And now Irene Morales, do you, here today in the presence of God and all these witnesses, take Victor Patterson to be your husband, agreeing to love him, and to promote his joy and happiness as long as you both shall live?"

"I don't. I don't! I'm sorry, Mama. I'm sorry....." She breaks down and cries.

She wakes up.

She is on her wedding ceremony. The minister speaks, "And now Irene Morales, do you, here today in the presence of God and all these witnesses....."
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Aboard the Executor-Class Command Battleship Phoenix....

Darth Kreshna meditates in his quarter as the ship lurches through hyperspace. He still remembers what Palpatine said.

"Release your anger, my apprentice. Let it consumes you, empowering your Dark Side. Anger, fear, hatred; that is the source of your power."

But there is something inside his mind that keeps him disturbed.

Those three words.

"I love you."

Do words really mean anything?

"I love you."

And he recalls it all; the pain, the anger, the burning hatred. Things he has been surpressing all these years, now roars again like a bleeding wound.

It was the mirror.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you."

His eyes start to blaze. Words. Words mean nothing on the absence of deeds to prove them

He had given everything.

But all he got was nothing but words.


The Executor-Class Command Battleship Phoenix lives up to its name as it is engulfed in a fiery aura in a shape of huge, gigantic, screaming bird of prey.

The Goa'ulds hyperspace sensors are detecting a very large ship heading into their territory.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

Share your free D&D character here.

:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
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Post by Josh »

The world was supposed to be unoccupied by any higher-order life, according to Petrosjko's purloined star chart.

Of course, the Marines didn't know that, and it was just as well because he didn't trust the star chart anyway. The fortifications were set, the heavy bolter turrents covering the perimeter as he looked over the spot on the map that the star chart said used to be a major attraction in this sector, before the last war.

"Okay, according to the Inquisitor, there is a lost Genestealer facility here where we'll find our first clues, designated D'snee'lan. So I'd figure we should saddle up and do a full Thunderhawk and drop pod assault on the ruins in three hours, secure the facility, and then I'll work with Librarian Mocarus, the Techmarines and the Apothecaries to extract what information we can from the site."

"A good plan, Commissar. We will begin drawing up the operation."
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
Destructionator XV.


Post by Destructionator XV. »

Aboard the Iyo, still in the Riwal system...

"Captian, there is an Asgard shuttle leaving the planet, and the Lady's runabout has automatically returned to the ship."

"Scans from down there?"

"Much activity, and it has now stopped. We detected the Lady boarding the Asgard shuttle... it just went to hyperspace!"

"Status of the warp dampening field?"

"All the activity seems to have disrupted it!"

"Then why are we still here? Warp speed!"

The two A'millian starships finally go to warp, leaving the ancient planet and bioships behind, heading home.

On A'millian Prime....

General Sheppard remains in his cell after being shipped back for trial. Grand Admiral Reilly also came back to give testimony. With the two commanding officers gone, A'millian offensive activities in the Milky Way have temporarily ceased, but they are still gathering resources from planets they already hold and building new ships.

A man wearing a business suit carring a briefcase enter's the General's cell. The door closes, and they start to speak.

"Frank, good thing you are here," General Sheppard says to the suited man, "you have to help me get out of this."

"Shep, Shep, I should have known you would get into trouble sometime, but I never thought it would be this severe!"

"You know me, Frank. You know I wouldn't have done this if I didn't have to."

"But I am not the one you will have to convince. We will need to convince a jury and military judge."

"I'll be counting you you to do that."

"I will, but I can't do it alone. Tell me exactly what happened."

"I don't think the real facts will convince them."

"Shep, I am your lawyer, and more importantly, I am your friend. Explain it all to me. I need to know so I can help you."

"Alright. We were in the other galaxy. Some alien scum were waxing our boys. They fed us false sensor images to trick us into thinking it was safe, then vapourizing our people. My men found a way past their defenses. I didn't want to put more of my people at risk, but I had to destroy an enemy shipyard. So I decided to bomb it."

"With a nuke?"

"Yes. And it was a complete success. We destroyed the base losing no men at all. We then decided to attack another enemy shipyard."

"And that is where the civilians were."

"Yeah. Our sensors picked up a large civilian population right around the gate. But we thought it was just another spoofing."

"And you didn't want to risk your men running into a trap."

"Exactly. We couldn't be sure if those were civilians or death traps. I decided to play it safe."

"And you sent the bomb."

"And I sent the bomb, destroying another shipyard. The civilians, which may or may not have actually existed, were a sad loss for the greater good."

"If we can establish that it was likely that the civilians did not exist and that moving foot troops in was likely to be deadly, I think you can walk from this. Shep, we have a case."

"Thank you, Frank. I knew you would help me."
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Post by Ra »

*The Asgard shuttle cruises along in hyperspace as two A'millian ships give chase.*

"Two vessels are in pursuit."

"They're my ships."

*Galadriel dropped the shuttle out of hyperspace, where the two A'millian ships moved up.*

"This is the A'millian starship Iyo to Asgard vessel. Identify yourself."

Galadriel didn't bother with radio or pedantic protocols. "This is the Lady Galadriel of Valinor. I have rescued your queen from the Guardian planet, Captain. I was forced to evacuate due to the planet's imminent destruction. Expect her aboard in a moment."

She then turned to the Lady. "Khardem must be removed. When I have the chance, I will return. It is imperative that we find the Jedi Knight, Lady of A'millian."

"I'll do everything I can to see that he goes down, Galadriel, rest assured. I'll also work behind the scenes to pull our forces out of Goa'uld space. And I'll get to work on finding our Jedi."

Galadriel then pulled a small, beautiful crystal out of her pocket, and put it in the Lady's hand. "I give you this so you may fashion a light blade like my own. I must return to Per-Ra. Farewell."

*The Lady nodded with a light smile. Galadriel then pressed a button, activating the transporter. The Lady vanished in blue light, reappearing on the Iyo.*

"Let her go, Captain. She's no threat to us."

"As you wish, m'lady."

"For now, I want those inbound capships stopped. No one violates my space and gets away with it."

*Galadriel's shuttle zipps off into hyperspace, travelling at insane speed back to Goa'uld space.*
Last edited by Ra on Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Cigarette-Smokin KAN


Post by Cigarette-Smokin KAN »

OOC: take a look on this pic to see the Executor survived three ramming Star Destroyersl. No, I ain't wanking. A Guardian vessel equals TWO Star Destroyers, but Star Battleships like Executor or Eclipse class are still more powerful. So no, I'm not wanking. 8-)


Not long after Galadriel and Lady Adam departed, the Eclipse Star Battleship Terror arrives on the planet.

Guardian vessels -Bioships, as they are commonly called- swarms around the mighty Imperial battleship, only to be welcomed by heavy barrages of turbolasers. Fierce battle ensues, but the Terror stands its ground while the Guardian Bioships are decimated one by one by heavy turbolaser fire. Gravity well projectors of the Star Battleship are preventing the Bioships to "phase in" and "phase out" between their attacks. An Eclipse, after all, is magnitudes more powerful than Star Destroyers. Even an Executor, which is an earlier model, has been known to shrug off three Star Destroyers ramming onto its particle shields, in relativistic speed.

However, one should notice a strange phenomenon during the battle; the Guardian does not emmit their paralyzing 'Syreen Song', despite the fact they need it; particularly to battle the technological bememoth constructed by a surprisingly cunning Young Race known as 'humans'.

The Cigarette-Smoking Man, however, is not surprised. Calmly lit his cigarette on the bridge of the Terror, he takes a casual glance at two Agent Smiths accompanying him.

It is the presence of the Smiths that 'muffles' the Guardians of their song. The Agent Smith; one of the successful experiments sponsored by the conspiring Organization during their cooperation with the non-corporeal aliens in the past. The experiment that explains the disappearance of the children with high midi chlorian counts some years ago; the experiment to create a semi-corporeal, synthetic life form which is benefited from both the Force and the Guardian's psychogenetic materials.

'Spiritual Biology' does exist, no matter how cheesy the name sounds.

The Organization is motivated by greed; their bioengineering firm had profited greatly during the cooperation; manipulating the naive nature of the benevolent aliens known as the Ancient Guardians. Palpatine, however, has pushed it too far, and the aliens now turn into genocidal maniacs. Although the Organization failed to stop the Emperor's shenanigan, they have anticipated the upcoming invasion. And still, their motivation is always based on greed.

The Organization is confident that the Empire would win the war; they want the Empire to conquer the aliens instead of eradicating them. Huge profits are already projected based on the future exploitation of the would-be conquered Guardians. Biotechnology has reached their saturation in the Empire, and the Guardians semi-corporeal nature would make a breakthrough in the form of a new scientific field popularly called 'Spiritual Biology'.

And of course, The Organization will hold a total monopoly on the new field.

But the Cigarette-Smoking Man knows better.

He knew more what Palpatine was up to than the Organization. Despite his complex motivations, the CSM is still a human with the very basic instinct to survive; a human that just wants to stay alive. He doesn't want the Nightsister Millenium to come, for sure. The Clash of the Titans must be stopped.

And eradicating the Guardians is the easy way to achieve it.

The Cigarette-Smoking Man is here to perform a job for The Organization; that is true. But among the data he would gather, he would secertly share them with Ra in their effort to eradicate the Guardian.

Eventually the battle stops as the Guardian Bioships are completely eliminated . Captain Laurence Stern approaches the CSM and salutes, "Sir, the aliens have been cleared. You are safe now to land on the planet. Your shuttle is ready."

The Cigarette-Smoking Man nods, drops the cigarette, steps on its butt, and walks to the turbolift. An Agent Smith accompanies him.

In the hangar, a VIP Imperial Shuttle, a Stormtrooper Transport Shuttle, and two escorting Assault Gunboats are ready to perform their mission on the planet.
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Post by Ra »

*As Ra prepared for his day, a hologram of Lord Walper appeared in his sauna. The Goa'uld and his woman of the day hastily put on towels.*

"What the fuck do you want, Borg Boy? Can't you see I'm busy?"

Walper ignored the embarassment of Ra and the woman. It was of no consequence. In fact, the woman didn't even effect his emotions. He uttered a cold reply. "EXPLAIN YOUR INTERFERENCE ON RIWAL PRIME."

Ra pulled a curtain back. "Srenn! Get your ass over here."

Srenn walked up, and glared at Walper's hologram. He then lowed his head obediently. "What does my lord command?"

"Where's the Riwal System?" Ra whispered. "Walper wants to know what I'm doing there, and I don't even know where it is!"

Srenn grimaced, and pondered a moment. He then looked up. "In A'millian space, I believe."


"Shaddap, Walper. I'm thinking. Uh..."

Walper glared. Ra felt a light grip upon his throat. The Borg leader would not tolerate disrespect.

Ra shrugged. "I dunno."


Ra raised an eyebrow. "But I didn't. Frankly, I don't have any control over what she does."


"Lies are irrelevant, right Walper? Why would I lie to my most powerful ally? One that opposes both the Guardians and the Tauri."


"While that may seem to be the case, it's hardly true. My forces, as well as the Trolls, are making as much of a wartime contribution as her. Guardians and A'millians attack us on all fronts, and our combined forces are barely holding the line. I should be mad at you for not offering any aid, especially since I still have to supply the naquada to run your ships. Naquada that's needed for my forces. Forces that are stretched thin, and on the defensive. I'm sure this entire incident was a misunderstanding. I will consult Galadriel when she returns. For now, be patient."


"Just remember that any attack on a Goa'uld citizen will be considered an act of war, Lord Walper. This is my problem, I will deal with her myself." Walper glared, but seemed to agree. Wiith that, his hologram vanished. Ra then turned to his girl. "Now that that's over with..."

Ra and the woman began French-kissing in earnest. Srenn then got a message in his suit radio. "Sir, a ship has penetrated our outer defenses. They're heading right for this system!"

Ra's eyes flashed in violent anger. "Damn it, damn it, damn it to HELL! WHO IS IT?"

Srenn looked ominous. "Imperials."

"Destroy them at once!"
Last edited by Ra on Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
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Post by Ra »

*Galadriel's Asgard shuttle screamed across hyperspace at such high speed that it was damaging the engines. She knew what was about to happen, she had forseen it. A danger she had seen in Darth Kreshna's vision. She paced impatiently across the shuttle's cabin, and then reached into her satchel, pulling out the Ring of Adamant.*

"The Fire Being will not have forgotten this Ring," Galadriel thought. "But I have the strength to resist its evil this time. It will not use Nenya against me."

*She then looked over the alien console, and dropped the sleek shuttle out of hyperspace. The vehicle zoomed past Super Star Destroyer, under several Ha'taks, and rapidly slowed as it docked in one of the Goa'uld vessel's hangars. It was too busy launching Death Gliders to stop the unidentified intruder.*

*Galadriel ran out of the shuttle as its entry ramp lowered. Several Kull Warriors then lowered their weapon-equipped arms, and escorted her to the command bridge. Ra was waiting.*

"We've got a small problem," he said wryly.

"Darth Kreshna wishes to retrieve Patterson."

Ra turned to his oracular Elf. "WHAT? He invaded my space and broke neutrality to get Patterson? That and your little trip to A'millian space makes me wonder if you've got a screw loose!"

Galadriel slapped the Goa'uld in the face. "What I say is the truth, Ra. Patterson must be protected at all costs."

"This is our chance to destroy the Phoenix once and for all," Srenn said sadistically.

"Oh, get a clue, First Prime. Not even she could beat the Phoenix."

Ra then slammed the console, bringing up a hologram of Darth Kreshna. "Look here, asshole. I declared neutrality and formally apologized for what happened on Coruscant. OK? Now begone or we'll reduce your fleet to ashes!"

Kreshna laughed. "I don't fear your fleet, Ra. You're a second-rate power."

"Need I remind you that you're outnumbered twenty to one, and that Baal's reinforcements are inbound? Or that I have the Great Eyes aboard this ship, ready to electrocute your asses?"

"Hand over Irene, or I will destroy you."

"OH MY FUCKING BADNESS. Are you really that utterly stupid? To think that I'd buy a grabasstical story like that? Ooh, I'm gonna risk a big war just to get my old flame back, because she might be with ol' Snakey. Why are you here?" Ra stepped closer. "WHY are you here?"

Kreshna's eyes blazed. Ra returned an even brighter eye flash, but he ignored it. "Is she?"

"No. She doesn't like how my voice sounds. Her loss..."

"Hand her over, Ra! I won't say it again."

"I need Major Patterson on this merry quest of mine. Think of me, her, and the Lady of Valinor here as... the Three Musketeers."

Kreshna raised an eyebrow.

"It's from Tauri fantasy. Merry band, that sort of thing?"


Ra leaned forward, and smiled evilly. "No."
Last edited by Ra on Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."