Paladin-Hospitaler Alexander and Paladin Nicholas
Paladin-Commander Alan, Archon William, Paladin Andrew, and Paladin Nigel.
Some medium conversions here, mostly with bitz from a pack of Bretonnian Knights of the Realm and some general Marine bitz. The commander is made almost entirely from bitz, as the command squad kit I got comes with five guys. His horse and legs are Bretonnian (with Green Stuff added to flare out the boots, like a Marine's) with a shiny commander's front torso I had lying around and a generic back with a commander's backpack. Bretonnian lance and arm, Marine sergeant's "look over there" arm, commander's head, spare shiny pauldrons and a variety of bitz like his holstered bolt pistol.
The sarge didn't get a good shot, sadly, because he's one of my favorites. A Bretonnian head to make him look very patrician with a Marine wreathe on top, the company champion's sword arm and pauldron, and a diabolically-used bog-standard bolter arm holds the Bretonnian "storm shield." Champion's torso to give him the extra coolness I expect of my sergeants.
Plasma gunner was my prototype and is consequently a little lopsided. The helm caused more trouble than I expected, not only being difficult to position but also blocking his right pauldron and backpack pretty severely. Other than the Bretonnian helm and heraldic mini-shield on his ankle, he's pretty normal.
The champion I'm pretty apathetic toward. He came out well, but just doesn't quite do it for me. Standard champion's bolt pistol/combat shield arm with a Crux pauldron, a standard torso, an upgraded power fist for a weapon (I wanted the sergeant to have the super cool power sword) with the champion's other pauldron there. Simple Bretonnian helm, no fancy designs but much easier to work with. A hanging parchment from his belt rounds him out.
The apothecary I wanted to be pretty cool... they never get much attention, despite their overwhelming awesomeness. Another Bretonnian head for that imperious look, with a Bretonnian sword arm and shield tacked onto his reductor. Otherwise normal apothecary parts, posed for epicness.
Aaand the standard bearer. I had to glue a penny under his base because of the weight of the banner. I like this one, it came out well. A commander's power sword adds to the epic levels, some cloth on his belt, and a fancy eagle Bretonnian helm makes him pretty sweet.
The banner will probably look something like this when I'm done:
Partially painted!
I still have a lot of details to do, as well as the banners and some heraldry, but the main colors are there. I'm not too pleased with the Shining Gold, it's just too bronzey for my taste, but sadly I don't have the Burnished Gold I'd prefer, which is a much lighter, "pure" gold.
A couple shots of (left to right) Nicholas, Alan, and Alexander (surnames are in the works... I have to make their homeworld first ;)). They came out well, though the camera still does not like close-up detail despite my coaxing, so faces, heads, etc. are still hard to see, including the damn wreathe.
Andrew and Archon William. Andrew is mostly done, though I'm still contemplating what color to use for William's horse's barding (can't use his colors of white and purple, wouldn't balance well).
And Nigel. None of his shots came out well and this was the best (I hate this camera). Also mostly done except for the Chapter heraldry which he'll feature prominently, in addition to his own which is done, color-wise (the white/blue).