Mind you, I'm with Arms Control Wonk's Jeffery Lewis, from the League of Atomic Scientists.
A few hundred tons to a kiloton, based on seismic readings, indicates you fail, Kim. You fail at a fission device.
As they say, more as it breaks.
Moderator: frigidmagi
Perfect combination if you ask me. Warhead won't go off but that's okay because it isn't going to hit anything anyway.frigidmagi wrote:So he can't launch a missle and he can't achieve fission?
Was that last sentence an intentional pun? But yeah, he fails at 1945 technology.SirNitram wrote: A few hundred tons to a kiloton, based on seismic readings, indicates you fail, Kim. You fail at a fission device.
As they say, more as it breaks.
China wishes that North Korea was only as bad as France. At least the French doen't steal other people's trains.frigidmagi wrote:No. no they don't.
China is in a hell of a snit I hear. Not only has N Korea gone against their wishes (welcome to the club of having allies that constantly annoy you! N Korea is now your France.) but they failed, this not only makes N Korea look dumb, but to China's way of thinking it's made them look dumb to.
Because the North Koreans have t3h nukes!!! Fear them!!!Dark Silver wrote:Ok..two failed nuclear tests, and failed ICBM testings.
So.......how exactly are we to be scared?