FSTGOD3 Preliminary Diplomacy Thread

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Post by The Silence and I »

Cynical Cat wrote:The blonde noblewoman straightened her heavy cloak and walked towards the Skarklagger. "I am Lady Auraine Dilgarsdotter and I am here at the command of Malevan, Witch King of the Confederacy of Dusk. I come in peace and bring gifts and goodwill."
Out of the crowd inside the gate walked an old Skarklagger leaning on a simple driftwood staff, its gender impossible to distinguish for the humans. It bobed its head in some formal fashion and spoke with a throaty voice, slowly and almost singsong but lacking rhythm and structure, its eyes twinkled with contained excitement.

"For The Allied Water Walker Tribes and for the Eastern Tribe I welcome you landwalker who comes in peace. I am she who is called Lymnno'kitcha, one of few who speak your tongue well. You have a choice: you may see Chief Dollindereum now, or later. Rooms are ready for you if you wish to use them."

She begins to lead inside the courtyard walking slowly. Excited Skarklagger become busy calling attention to their various stands as soon as she leads them through the door. With a wave of her paw and a few very rapid sounds they respectfully grow quiet, watching eagerly.

"Do not mind my people, they wish to trade and haggle with fresh faces. You and your people are welcome to indulge them, but we offer you food and drink as gifts for your stay. Do you wish to see our Chief now?"
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Post by Cynical Cat »

"As your Chief prefers, although I am ready to see him now. Your offer of hospitality is most kind." She made a gesture and four sailors hauled heavy chests forward. She smiled radiantly.
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Post by Charon »

Ingal and her troupe of diplomats and a Leroani guard relaxed somewhat and spoke with the officials that kept them busy. But they remained guarded, never revealing too much beyond the reason they were here. Questions about the Empire were expertly sidetracked into other matters as they waited, making certain not to drink too much.
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Post by The Silence and I »

Cynical Cat wrote:"As your Chief prefers, although I am ready to see him now. Your offer of hospitality is most kind." She made a gesture and four sailors hauled heavy chests forward. She smiled radiantly.
"Chief Dollindereum is ready as I speak, please follow me."

She led the humans through the crowd and into the back end of the settlement, raised for a better view down the hill and into the harbor and further out the sea. Into a wooden building simply adorned with colorful shells and complicated carvings of sea creatures great and small. Inside was lit with open windows along both walls, oiled sheets letting in light but not prying eyes. Several Skarklagger sat on their haunches at the room corners and at the far end a large Skarklagger wearing especially colorful garments adorned with various crystals and gems as well as the common shells and dyed strips sat on a slightly raised driftwood chair.

As Lymnno'kitcha ushered the humans in all eight feet of this large Skarklagger rose and stood before his chair, making a series of hand and head gestures punctuated with some grunts and barks.

"Chief Dollindereum welcomes you here and--" here some guards place wooden benches a few feet in front of the humans "--invites you to sit and rest, although you may stand if it pleases you. He unfortunately does not speak your tongue, I will translate for you."

Advisor Lymnno'kitcha translated for the Chief again:
"He would like to know who you are and what you have come so far to tell him."
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Post by Ra »

OOC: Due to a bit of confusion reading Charon's post, I hadn't realized he had sent a diplomat. I apologize, and will finally get around to meeting them.

Faer Elloth

Captain Celeblest first spotted an unfamiliar vessel just after dawn. Standing on the deck of her vessel, what her people called a "Cair-o-Auth", the ravenhaired elf adjusted her cloak and stepped down onto the main deck.

"Archers to the deck," she commanded. "Prepare for possible contact."

"Captain," her second-in-command called. "Do you know who they are?"

"Humans, oddly enough," Celeblest said. "They are flying diplomatic colors. Bring us about and we'll escort them to port."

"Bring us about, helmsman," the elf said. "Quickly, boy!"

As the elven sailship slowly lurched around, the Captain was uneasy. Faer Elloth often got visitors from Brynmor and Adalstein - from land. No one visited the elven haven from the sea. It was probably due to the elves' large war fleet, but Faer Elloth was a city that felt it needed a massive navy, should the Dreaded Day ever come.

No matter. Within less than an hour, the two ships were in port, and several young (by their standards, at least) elven dock workers moored the ships. Captain Celeblest marched up to the city captain of the guard, and said, "We have visitors, it appears, from the Koronan Empire."

"Indeed," nodded the elf, Baron Glawaranu. "I saw their ship approaching, and shall escort them to the Queen's palace."

"They will feel honored then, I think," Celeblest said, smiling slightly. "It is very rare indeed that anyone visits Faer Elloth from the sea."

"You should not be concerned," Glawaranu said. "Yes there is some reason to, but we did not come here and survive along these shores through being in constant fear and paranoia. They are rare visitors to us, and we should show them our hospitality. You may return to your ship, and thank you, Celeblest."

The captain bowed her head slowly, and walked off, back to her warship. Baron Glawaranu tugged at the gray cloak covering his chainmail, and gestured to several warriors to accompany him. Just as this happened, the Queen's second-eldest daughter, Minuial, stepped up, smiling softly.

"Baron," she greeted. "I saw the visiting ship arrive from my window, and will accompany the embassy to my mother's palace."

"We are honored, m'lady," Glawaranu said in a deeply respectful tone.

Quickly now, since the elves had finally gotten around to moving, Baron Glawaranu and Lady Minuial walked down to the docks, and approached the human diplomats.

"We greet you, honored guests, to Faer Elloth," Glawaranu said with a genuine smile. "You are most welcome here, as friends. Ing's blessing be upon you. I am Baron Glawaranu, captain of the guard for this city."

"Welcome," said the Queen's daughter. "I am Lady Minuial, second-eldest daughter of Thiniell, Queen of the Gray Elves. I extend equal blessing upon thee, servants of the Koronan Empire. As you are diplomats, I expect you are eager to meet with my mother."
Last edited by Ra on Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Lia wrote:A party of seven Sh'khen flew across the expanses between the furthest hold on the marshes and the land of the Tauren. Like oversized butterflies of rich green, whorls of paler greens, delicate yellows, hints of scarlet, the beasts trailed banners of purest white.

It was the way of men, the T'eseh assured Nehar. White for peace.

The T'eseh were hardly as sure as the Seedless who steered the great beasts, but the 'honor guard' of six had refused to be parted from N'dhka in this mission. The seventh great plant-beast was directed by a heavily robed figure, the elf kept surported before it perhaps the least sure of all. A tome was strapped across her back, richest green, and she wore robes of brown and gold, matched to the one who steered
Sky-Captain Devlian, wheeled above the party of strange winged creatures that had just crossed the border. A bare couple of weeks of travel seperated the homes and farms of the free men of the Taurian from the slavering jaws of the never to be damned enough snakes, Beltian blast them for their wickedness. So the border was watched heavily. Dreanoch, his hippogiff steed grunted lining up automatically on the led winged beat, clacking his beak has he did so. Awaiting his riders signal to begin the dive, but Devlian held back. Dreanoch was smarter then a horse, but not as smart as a well grown child, still the hippogriff disliked changes.

These were strange beast and stranger riders but they were not snakes. Nor were they hideous walking dead. Therefore they were not a known threat, nor a declared enemy of the nation. Best to be cautious. He urged Dreanoch to drop not on the led beast but to the side of the formation. Waving his enchanted black iron lance, he bellowed in a loud echoing voice.

"Who enters the land of the Taurians?"
Nitram wrote:The riders who had arrived at the North were escorted along a well-made road to a small building that had, nonetheless, sprouted a small little group of facilities around it. The small building admitted each man one at a time, and, after a brief feeling of acceleration, they were in Paltar, the Capital.
The Taurain walked in a close group. Their weapons peacebonded with white cord to show their peaceful intent. They were dizzy with the sheer wonders of the fabled realm. The city floated in the air seemlying without effort! Water flowed as if from nowhere, gardens grew in mid air. The stories did not do the place enough credit, but there was one thing that was... disturbing...

"There are no temples, no shrines, no holy places at all here." Whispered an aide. An edge of fear had creeped into his voice. These poeple were powerful, it was undeniable. But what kinda of men abadoned the gods? Maltian knew he had to nip this in the bud before it caused his men to think the worst.

"Steady men. We are not childern to temble at the fact that other nations have different ways are we? Let them be as they are as long as they do not threaten us. No matter what we will remain as Altian made us, we will remain Taurian." He said sternly. His men answered with firm grunts.

Maltian approached the guards of the building he had been directed to met with the Netherese ruler.

"I greet you good sirs, may Beltian shine his light upon you this day. I am Maltian of the Taurian nation. I was told this day I may met with your Prime Minster. My guards will await me here if that is agreeable?" He said.

Eire Confederation

Priestess Alicairen of the goddess Lairen stood on the bow of the heavy warship Iron Grip. The heavy breese whipped her grey gown and dark red hair about her. She reveled in it, feeling her goddess' touch in the wet spring wind. Her sister ships, Steel Hand and Unbreakable Hold sailed beside her and their lighter escorts fanned out around her. The small fleet had one purpose to convey her to the King of the Eire for an audience.

Sea Captain Duiltian, master of the Iron Grip came up behind her.

"My lady we should make port within the hour." He reported. She turned to him and smiled.

"I thank you Captain. I am deeply thankful for your able service this voyage. I had had great fears about crossing the deep blue sea." She said.

"I thank you my lady." The captain said with a bow. Before them the great port city of the Eire grew larger and larger as the ships sailed before the wind, the Axe and Bull horns of the Taurian nation flying high.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Auraine bowed respectfully. "It is the nature of a people with a rising population to expand and so it is with ours. Our leader, in his wisdom, wishes to establish peaceful contact with our neighbors so that we do not encroach upon the territory of others in ignorance. Although the forest demands vigilance, it is not our way to bring violence against those that do not threaten us. We have brought gifts, samples of the bounty of our land that we can trade with our friends, for your consideration."
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Post by SirNitram »

frigidmagi wrote:Maltian approached the guards of the building he had been directed to met with the Netherese ruler.

"I greet you good sirs, may Beltian shine his light upon you this day. I am Maltian of the Taurian nation. I was told this day I may met with your Prime Minster. My guards will await me here if that is agreeable?" He said.
"Welcome, Maltian." The Captain saluted. "Should your guards wish it, the Prime Minister set aside a room with delicacies and relaxation for your personal guard, should they wish it. He wishes me to inform you he regrets not knowing much of your ways, so do not be offended by any missteps in hospitality."

The antechamber that was set aside was certainly.. Exotic. Food of all kinds was laid out, the chairs were comfortable, and soft music wafted from a ball of crystal in the center of a table.

Maltian, on the other hand, was led to the Prime Minister's chambers, where the huge halfbreed stood, bowing at the new diplomat. "Greetings, Maltian of Taurian. Please, take a seat. I am given to understand the ride was long and difficult."
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Post by Charon »

A number of red robed delegates stepped out from their tall odd-looking ship and looked down upon the elves that were on the dock. The dark skinned humans slowly walked down the plank while the sailors continued their duties. A man with scars carved into his skin followed after the delegates as they reached the dock proper. While they looked almost regal, his hands were clasped behind his head as he looked around the area, a piece of straw in his mouth.

The red robed delegates made their way to the tall elven woman and nodded.

"We come from the Koronan Empire, wishing to open discussions with the Yorathan Alliance on several matters of importance."
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Post by The Silence and I »

Cynical Cat wrote:Auraine bowed respectfully. "It is the nature of a people with a rising population to expand and so it is with ours. Our leader, in his wisdom, wishes to establish peaceful contact with our neighbors so that we do not encroach upon the territory of others in ignorance. Although the forest demands vigilance, it is not our way to bring violence against those that do not threaten us. We have brought gifts, samples of the bounty of our land that we can trade with our friends, for your consideration."
Lymnno'kitcha translated this and Dollindereum listened gravely, nodding at several points. After considering briefly he spoke, and Lymnno'kitcha relayed his words.

"We know of the need to expand, our people have come to anger over land in the past. I welcome your peace offer and will have a map delivered to you outlining our chosen lands so you do not wonder how far you may expand. We accept your gifts gladly and are willing to offer our own bounty in trade.
Tell me, what do you offer, and what do you desire? I am afraid we do not export many things you cannot yourself make, but we are efficient and--" he appears to smile by lifting the whiskers comprising his 'cheeks'--"do not ask for much in return. Skarklagger do not need as much as landwalkers seem to desire. We do offer pearls, dyes of many colors--you may see most of them on my own person--all the tasty foods of the colder waters here, and if things go well we may offer more exotic items in the future."
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Post by Cynical Cat »

"Pearls and dyes sound quite promising, just as a start," said Auraine. "We can offer silk, wool, steel, and the bounty of the forest. Ointments that will ease pain and close wounds. Potions that will overcome disease. Light crystals. Toys for children," she smiled and gestured.

The sailors opened the lids of the chests, displaying the bounty within. "Malevan, Witch King of Dusk gives these to you as gifts so you may see for yourselves what we have to offer."
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Post by Charon »

The Netherese Republic

The red robed diplomats went completely unnoticed by the population of the city as they made their way to the guards. What did attract the attention of almost every person across the entirity of the city. Was the sudden hole that had appeared. Behind the delegates walked a figure, cloaked with a hood over their face to remain hidden. That person was the cause of the feeling. The natives shifted uneasily as the procession passed by.

"Jonathon. Enough."

"Of course my lords."

As quickly as it had appeared, the feeling was gone. The hole in the magic was gone as quickly as it had come.

The Koronan delegation arrived at the doorstep where the Netherese ruler was, the three red robed men bowing to the guards.

"We have come to speak with your ruler. We come from the Koronan Empire."
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Post by Lia »

frigidmagi wrote:These were strange beast and stranger riders but they were not snakes. Nor were they hideous walking dead. Therefore they were not a known threat, nor a declared enemy of the nation. Best to be cautious. He urged Dreanoch to drop not on the led beast but to the side of the formation. Waving his enchanted black iron lance, he bellowed in a loud echoing voice.

"Who enters the land of the Taurians?"
These beasts were strange, like nothing the Gar had ever seen. Something from the T'eseh's distant stories, the odd arts that came forth from their weavings, but different, larger, alive.

The sh'khen were not swift, mostly gliding, with the ocasional lazy flap. It would not be dificult to follow. The tall, robed figure called out in tones like birdsong and crickets, forgetting, of course, that they could not be understood.

The clearly frightened elven woman held about the waist in front of this figure, however, snapped out of her trance at that, recalling her duty. Long, loose brown hair whipped and fluttered around her as she called out a hurried translation, a squeak in her oddly accented tone making it clear she was still unnerved.

"S'ekya N'dhka of Nehar, Ambassador of the Confederated Tribes of Ehk'reh'tehk, seeks speach with your leaders!" she called above the sounds of wind and the wild beat of her own heart. "I, T'eseh Mitaya, am his Voice, and do speak His Words for you!"

Another stream of that cricket-bird speach, and the figure removed its hood. It was a more brilliant green than the others, its flesh seeming more delicate, more like new grass.

"Speaks N'dhka: I come to speak of barter with your liege lord, oh..." She paused a moment, and the fear was replaced with mirth in those wide green eyes. She resisted the urge to snigger, as well as the temptation to literally translate peoples whose country's name I cannot hope to pronounce..

"...mighty Taureans. We carry with us examples of the wares you might gain, should trade be desired, and tribute for your liege. Our intent is peaceful, as..." The flash of mirth shown in her eyes again, and she found it hard to not glance back at N'dhka. The Gar had just spoken as little flesh-beasts like waving white around when they mean no harm, right?

She began to see why her Mistress had been so fussy about whom she would send to be the voice of the air-troups' leader. Not merely honor, after all.

"...as we fly white," she concluded.
Last edited by Lia on Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Silence and I »

Cynical Cat wrote:"Pearls and dyes sound quite promising, just as a start," said Auraine. "We can offer silk, wool, steel, and the bounty of the forest. Ointments that will ease pain and close wounds. Potions that will overcome disease. Light crystals. Toys for children," she smiled and gestured.

The sailors opened the lids of the chests, displaying the bounty within. "Malevan, Witch King of Dusk gives these to you as gifts so you may see for yourselves what we have to offer."
Lymnno'kitcha translated and Dollindereum began to quickly inspect the contents of the chests. Delighted with what he saw he uttered a series of quick, excited syllables. Lymnno'kitcha barked something in reply, then translated.

"He is very pleased with your gifts, in particular the 'light crystals', your fruits and the healing items. Your cloth is very fine, he is sure our people can find a use for it, but this 'steel' is unknown to us. We have seen it used in many ways but cannot shape it. If we were to aquire the knowledge of its use perhaps we would trade for it, but not this day."

The Chief spoke again.

"Before we hunt for the details there is something you should know. We have recently sent our own envoy to your nation, and the city on the water near it. Even now they reaching your shores. They will learn of you and defer to Dollindereum for negotiation with the Confederacy, but news has reached us that tensions are growing between the city on the water and your nation. It is possible an agreement may be made with this city even now. If this is a problem we need to know soon, we dearly wish to avoid tensions."
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Post by frigidmagi »

Nitram wrote:Maltian, on the other hand, was led to the Prime Minister's chambers, where the huge halfbreed stood, bowing at the new diplomat. "Greetings, Maltian of Taurian. Please, take a seat. I am given to understand the ride was long and difficult."
Maltian sat gratefully. He knew some rulers made it a point to make outsiders stand in their presence at all times. He found it... petty. The Prime Minster was... Huge was the only word for it. Maltian's aunt was a priestess of Annairen so he knew the feel of magic, the Netherese Prime Minster was awash in the smell of it... Only fitting he felt.

"Prime Minster Malkamar, thank for seeing me. Yes I am afraid the ride was difficult. The two empires that sit on the most direct path between us are foul necrocracies, ruled by the walking dead or those who plunge into that magic, Altian curse them. The very difficulties of the trip are in fact a part of the reason I have sent here, which I know must seem an odd thing to you. We are so far away and with so much evil in the lands between us, how could we hope to trade safely? But none the less my lord the PriestKing of the Taurian nation believes we have common interest and there is benefit to contact between us."
Lia wrote:"Speaks N'dhka: I come to speak of barter with your liege lord, oh..." She paused a moment, and the fear was replaced with mirth in those wide green eyes. She resisted the urge to snigger, as well as the temptation to literally translate peoples whose country's name I cannot hope to pronounce..

"...mighty Taureans. We carry with us examples of the wares you might gain, should trade be desired, and tribute for your liege. Our intent is peaceful, as..." The flash of mirth shown in her eyes again, and she found it hard to not glance back at N'dhka. The Gar had just spoken as little flesh-beasts like waving white around when they mean no harm, right?

She began to see why her Mistress had been so fussy about whom she would send to be the voice of the air-troups' leader. Not merely honor, after all.

"...as we fly white," she concluded.
Sky Captain Devlian considered for a moment. Dreanouch kept pace with the strange creatures easily. He had heard of elves, from an adventurer once, but they were all suppose to live east of the lands of the frogmen. He nodded best to take them to the nearest city... Defiant was the nearest city and was strongly held if this was damned snaked trickery. But he rather doubted it was. There was to much of innocence here.

"I will led you to a city, land where I show you. Fly straight, lest you frighten someone into doing foolishness." He said urging the hippogriff into the led and steering them towards the city of Defiant.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Cynical Cat »

"Long ago seven tribes of men came to this region. One settled on the island, where the magic of the woods was weak, and the others settled in the forest. The island people became great sailors, greater sailors than us, and they used their strength to restrict our trade to take for themselves much of the profits of our trade while demanding special rights and privilidges. Then came Malevan and the Firebearers who followed in his footsteps. Their navy burned, but their land was left in peace. We made entreaties for them to join us on favorable terms. They refused."

Auraine paused. "Now they have rebuilt their navy and ships of ours have gone missing. They lie badly when they deny their hand in these things and so we are repaid for our forebearance with piracy and murder. So now we stand on the brink of war."
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Post by Exileman »

((sorry about the wait and if anyone else sent envoys to lahkni, i'll reply to that asap))
Charon wrote:The odd Koronan ship with it's strange sails pulled easily into the harbor and a man cloaked in red robes stepped up into sight.

"I look forward to the ride through your nations lush environment Lady PohF. I am Harold Jiham."

The diplomat stepped down the plank of the ship, his small entourage following him down, carrying gifts for their hosts. Harold bowed low to the Lord and Lady.

"I bring with me gifts of silk and fine wine for you to indulge in." The entourage handed off the gifts to the servants of the Lady PohF and stepped back once again.
After sending a single horsemen ahead of them to tell the council how many to accomadate in both the councilroom and for rooming, the group made their way through the countryside of LahkNi, with Lady PohF giving a bit of a tour along the way. After they arrive at the capital, Lady PohF tells the envoy that the council will convene tomarrow and that she suggests they get some rest after their journey, but are free to roam the city if they so desire. In the morning, the council convenes with the envoy seated at the other side of the hall. With a booming voice, TifalL, the commander in Chief of LahkNi's military, welcomes the envoy and bids their discussions begin.
((depending on when ra sees this, the representatives from the alliance may be here as well as the koronan representatives sorta took the scenic route to the capital))
Ra wrote:
Dame Ariana Caffyn was dressed in her polished suit of armor, which gleamed brightly in the morning sun, as she stepped aboard the elven scout ship that would bring her on her mission. Behind her, several men worked to load a tribute aboard the ship, and the beautiful stone buildings of Faer Elloth glowed with a pink tone in the sunrise.

"Are we almost ready to set sail, Captain?" she asked.

The elven captain nodded, and said, "Yes, m'lady. We have most of the tribute loaded, and your guards are already below deck."

"Excellent," Dame Ariana smiled. She then looked at one of the elven archers standing on the bow, and said, "Are they coming along too? Your Queen was somewhat uneasy about bringing along even this ship."

"They will serve to defend the vessel in the case of us coming upon pirates or some sea monster," said the Captain. "They - along with myself - will remain below deck when you go to meet with the LahkNi leadership."

"Very well."

Moments later, the elves dropped the sail of their sleek vessel, and it pushed out, soon getting underway as it sailed off to LahkNi. The scout vessel stayed extremely close to the Yorathan coastline as it proceeded, and eventually arced out into the human-coined Mermaid Straight. Little did the Alliance know the Koronans they so wanted to avoid had already beaten them there, but there was still the narrow hope that some accord could be reached with the islanders.
After seeing the ship aproach flying the The Yorathan Alliance symbol, the young man set to watch the seas told his commander who readied their fastest messenger. He then awaited their landing.

"Good day! We were unaware of your intended arrival, but as you are here and have caused no hostilities, neither shall we. We must, however, inquire as to your business."
Last edited by Exileman on Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Charon »

The diplomats stayed within their rooms for the night. The Leroani guard staying with them seemed to have stayed up all night keeping watch over the delegates, despite the assurances of the guards that he could sleep. The crew of the vessel that had brought the delegates also stayed on their ship for the time being.

Come morning, the delegates dressed in their formal robes met in the chambers of the council, their guard stayed posted just outside the room. Harold got to his feet as TifalL finished speaking.

"Honored councilmen. I come from the Koronan Empire as you know. Our nations have been neighbors for many years with only the most informal of trade which itself came to a stop ten years ago when internal strife struck at the heart of the Empire. I bring before you a two-fold proposition. Firstly, the Koronan Empire would like to deal in trade with it's esteemed neighbor. Secondly, the Koronan Empire wishes to pursue a non-agression pact with you.
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Post by Exileman »

((sorry about that charon, but i didn't notice ra sent an envoy until after my initial post, so please just assume they're their as well. Again, sorry))
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Post by The Silence and I »

Cynical Cat wrote:"Long ago seven tribes of men came to this region. One settled on the island, where the magic of the woods was weak, and the others settled in the forest. The island people became great sailors, greater sailors than us, and they used their strength to restrict our trade to take for themselves much of the profits of our trade while demanding special rights and privilidges. Then came Malevan and the Firebearers who followed in his footsteps. Their navy burned, but their land was left in peace. We made entreaties for them to join us on favorable terms. They refused."

Auraine paused. "Now they have rebuilt their navy and ships of ours have gone missing. They lie badly when they deny their hand in these things and so we are repaid for our forebearance with piracy and murder. So now we stand on the brink of war."
The usual translation, and a flurry of conversation before,
"Dollindereum does not desire relations with two nations at war. Upon their return our envoy will be instructed to return to the city on the water without Dollindereum's consent to any treaty they may have begun. We intend to trade with your nation as soon as you are able, but as you may have noticed we have no water craft and will have to carry our goods ourselves across land which has few paths. If your merchants will come here that removes that problem for us and we are willing to provide free water, housing and food for your traders as part of such an agreement. But surely you have ideas as well?"

Another exchange,

"Dollindereum also wishes to convey his regret and sorrow for the troubles you have in your home. No one should have to fight their own kind."
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Post by Cynical Cat »

"Your condelences are appreciated," said Auraine. I shall return and tell our merchants that you are receptive to trade. May whatever benevolent spirits you honor watch over you and keep you safe."
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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The Silence and I
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Post by The Silence and I »

Cynical Cat wrote:"Your condelences are appreciated," said Auraine. I shall return and tell our merchants that you are receptive to trade. May whatever benevolent spirits you honor watch over you and keep you safe."
Both Skarklagger make respectful gestures only a Skarklagger can as Auraine turned to leave. At the door another Skarklagger came up and offered a map of the tribe lands, tipped his tail and was off again.

In their own language Dollindereum said "My thanks old friend, I almost lost what you called my 'regal composure' looking at these gifts. What marvels they offer! Have WarMaker Terikehh send his fastest Water Lord and a small company, have them travel towards the island and intercept Water Master Shante and the others. Tell Shante to wait just long enough before turning back to believe he actually traveled all the way here and back, but less time than he might have actually. Surely those men have heard how fast we swim! Our Ambassador is then to tell the city leaders I respectfully cannot agree to the conditions and wish them good luck in their future dealings."

She tipped her chin and clacked her teeth before leaving to do his bidding.
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Post by Masterharper »

"If your people were to expand to the East, that would indeed assist greatly in forming a trade route. Our empire would, ourselves set up a port in the Northern portion of the continent as well to ease trade routes between our nations as well." Tobias did not discuss anything but business however, and left the bear's dreams to her own. The Northern country was of no concern to the Koronan Empire, save what they could gain in trade, the same as no doubt the Morkan would feel towards the Kainan.

"As for what comes from our lands. We chiefly export cotton and fine cloth, though spices, wine, and fish also feature among our usual exports as well. Kainan knowledge comes at a steeper price. What of your nation? What does it have to offer?"
"The Morsum has always been self sustained. We mine ore from the mountains; collect furs from the great beasts that roam our lands, even ivory; cure whale and fish-leather for it's utility, as such there is a surplus of whale and fish oil--we have little use for it; the lands in our south are heavily forested, though we harvest timber, there is little use for it here in Morkan lands, trading vessels aside." Helalsius considers a moment. "I suppose you would say that we have a surplus of unfinished goods, Outsider. I know little of your nation, or your people's needs."

The bear seems as though she will pause again, but speaks abruptly, "I am curious, could grains, or other foodstuff be traded? Is there a means of exchanging such a thing with your nation?"


Changing Gears:
A message from the Hand of N'ohd: To The Beloved of Chemosh (Ilithian)

Count Barlovich sat at his desk, the flickering light of ten candles, spread about the room, dripping their wax across the form of skull-shaped candleholders played shadows across the paper as the quill scratched out in black ink across an old yellow parchment. His desk was a simple writing one, with a folding-up cover, as well as a tall mirror upon the back of it: eerily the elaborate baroque style cloting and quill moved of their own accord, the vampire's reflection. The stained glass windows of the room rising up into the darkness that hid the unseen ceiling. An unlit candleabra hung motionless, ages of dust upon it's unused frame and chain. Outside, a murder of ravens sing their dreadful chorus of chaos. Barlovich's pen seemed to direct the dark orchestra.

The quill flourishes, a signature at the bottom, and the Count stands, his cape whirling about as he turns and proclaims nobly and proudly, "It is finished!"

In the dark of the night Barlovich throws his window open, ravens begin to take flight and the vampire looks at a nearby one, the bird freezes, meeting his gaze, opens it's beak, and hops slowly on the windowsill toward him. With the agility and speed born of his unlife, Barlovich grabs the bird, tieing the letter deftly about the bir'd leg. "Go. To the Ilithians. Deliver this to one of the Heads of Hydra."

Almost immediatey the bird took off, with a letter upon it's leg, rolled, and bearing the name "Rasss'tah". Even if the lord didn't get it, perhaps someone of reasonable import would. It would be some days later that the raven would find itself in the lush lands of the Ilithian empire, pecking at a window of the largest church of Chemosh that the bird could find.
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Post by Ra »

Faer Elloth
Charon wrote:The red robed delegates made their way to the tall elven woman and nodded.

"We come from the Koronan Empire, wishing to open discussions with the Yorathan Alliance on several matters of importance."
"Very well," said Minuial. "I will take you to the Queen's Palace at once, and arrange rooms for you to stay."

She then turned to Glawaranu, and added, "Send our fastest messengers to the Queen, and to the other leaders as well. They may still be on the road to their cities, however."

"At once, m'lady," the guard captain bowed. He proceeded off toward the barracks stationed alongside Faer Elloth's thick yet picturesque stone walls.

Looking back at the Koronans, Minuial said, "If you would please follow me?"

The beautiful elf turned around, accompanied by the two elven warriors Glawaranu had summoned, who flanked her ceremonially. She then proceeded onward to a golden-white spire in the distance, towering sharply above every other structure in Faer Elloth; the Queen's Palace.

* * *
Exileman wrote:"Good day! We were unaware of your intended arrival, but as you are here and have caused no hostilities, neither shall we. We must, however, inquire as to your business."
The diplomatic detachment had exited the elven ship, while the elves themselves simply tended to the ship and didn't bother drawing attention to themselves.

Walking up, the Knight smiled, and said in a practiced and precise voice, "I am Dame Ariana Caffyn, a Knight in service of the Order of the Silver Gryphon. I have been appointed as embassy representing the Yorathan Alliance in negotiations with your people. On behalf of King Hywel Knethell II, King Frodi Arnesson, and Queen Thiniell, I humbly request to meet with your sovereign to discuss possibilities of a trade and truce between our two lands."
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
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Comrade Tortoise
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Rogue 9 wrote:
Comrade Tortoise wrote:The mage rose on to his feet, and the illusory guard did the same.

"Well, you did summon me sire. I suspect you sent requests for envoys to several nations, I am just the first to show up. Or the only. However I am not without a specific agenda. I would like to discuss the possibility of opening up a trade route between our nations." He pulled a map out of his robes

"The roads are... patchy at best, but there are many nations and city states along a potential trade route here" he pointed to a potential path* which use existing road systems, and a path or two which those would logically take

"Both our nations would benefit from the increased trade, and if we can get our neighbors involved, it would cut the initial investment. Everyone wins. We both get access to unused markets. "

**Path to be determined by exent of existing road networks
The king frowned, brow furrowed in thought.

The robed man on the dais cut in. "Such a project would be a colossal undertaking, fraught with bandits, barbarians, and all kinds of wild beats, to say nothing of the necromancers of Nod'h. The distances are colossal; it could take years to see the benefits."
"Indeed this is true. But if, and only if, we can get the cooperation of other nations along the route, who have an existing road network, we could cut those costs, and the time required."

The amphibian retraced the route which ran from Hylidaeus through the lands of the horsemen to the south, across the wilderness (leaving out the Necromancers) and through the Tauran, then across the ocean

"If we have cooperation, All of our nations increase trade and the costs will be made up in taxes alone. Out here on this penninsula you are relatively isolated with only a few consistent trading partners, but by bridging the gaps in the roads we can connect the nations in the east, to the nations in the west. Bringing food, goods, and materials much more reliably than the equivalent ocean voyage. We are currently sending ambassadors to the other powers who would potentially be involved as we speak, or are preparing to send them, to discuss this very proposal"
Last edited by Comrade Tortoise on Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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