Yet another verus.

SF: Not to be confused with SyFy....
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#1 Yet another verus.

Post by frigidmagi »

Watched some Farscape today, watched some star wars to. Makes me wonder... In a no holds barred battle to the finish who wins? Crighton and Ka Dargo or Han Solo and Chewie?

Fire off your opinions here.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Stun tongue for the win if unarmed. Solo and Chewie if they get guns as Solo is a gun man and quick draw artist with formidable reputation.
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Post by Stofsk »

The stun tongue is not an overwhelming advantage, particularly if the capability is known to the target. Chricton was able to catch it while under the influence of the Harvey implant in the season 2 cliffhanger, so a regular human with human reactions is cable of at least avoiding the tongue, let alone actually catching it. EDIT: Although, Chricton is an astronaut which makes his reactions a cut above the average (a very wide cut, too I should think), but Han Solo also has speedy reactions too being an ace pilot.

That was from Dargo's son, Dargo himself stunned Chricton, but he had surprise and was also behind him too.

Ranged, it depends on the environment. Han Solo is a quickdraw and could smoke both Chricton and Dargo. If it's an environment where both parties are aware of each other but have to hunt the other down, then Chricton has a degree of spur-of-the-moment resourcefulness that shines through, and in addition he can build traps - something which Han has never really done, and we know how Chewie handles traps...

In melee Chewie wins. Han might have been exaggerating when he said Wookiees are known for ripping arms out of sockets (or he may have been talking about ripping droid's arms out of their sockets), but given the mass of a Wookiee and given how primates that are smaller are capable of similar feats, I don't have any trouble believing Chewie could handle both Chricton and Dargo easily if in melee range. The stun tongue might do something, it might not, but we know that Dargo doesn't just use it all the time. It seems to be something he uses when he has surprise on his side. If he doesn't he just uses his blade.
Last edited by Stofsk on Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

In melee Chewie wins. Han might have been exaggerating when he said Wookiees are known for ripping arms out of sockets (or he may have been talking about ripping droid's arms out of their sockets),
Nope, "Dark Lord" has a wookie Ripping through Clonetrooper armour (And taking a hand off in the process).
Its real allright :twisted:
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