Let's make a fucking awesome Sci-Fi Action Flick

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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

frigidmagi wrote:Plot gentlemen let us focus on the plot.
I'm just thinking....
frigidmagi wrote:The Humanity League: A alliance of human and transhuman powers dominated by 3 powers. Memebers can donate military units, ships or cash. It's somewhat like the League Athens founded only without a single ruler.
frigidmagi wrote:The Asseverate: An empire made up of countless alien and human races. Ruled by a transhuman race that sees itself as a race of supermen. They look like greek statues of the idealized human body. They are prettier, stronger, faster and smarter.
How was the humans divided on the first place? Why some of them join the Humanity while some others join the Humanity League? What caused the schism? Also, how did certain humans become transhumans while some others did not?

Furthermore, will there be some Babylon Five-esque "mythical" aspect in the story? For instance, maybe the actual reason they became Transhumans on the first place because they made some "pact with the devil" of some sort --the likes of Lovecraftian Old Ones or B5 First Ones, only more obscure and more eerie.

And the true, hidden reason of the war is not like what it seems... Probably the hidden, true reason why the Asseverate is conquering everyone else is not simply because ideology or economic conquest, but to prepare everyone against the return of those 'Elders'. See, it's like Star Control 2, when the Ur-Quan is conquering everyone else to protect them from the slaughtering Kohr-Ah. Races that are conquered (or surrender themselves) are put in planets encased in protective shield bubble to protect them from the Kohr-Ah Onslaught, while races that choose to become the Ur-Quan's "battle thralls" fight alongside their former conqueror against the Kohr-Ah.

See, maybe such thing could be the true motive of the Asseverate to conquer everyone; maybe the reason they want to achieve "the perfection of humanity" is to prepare for the incoming of the "Old Ones". The problem is that only a few of Asseverate top-brasses know the true reason while the rest of the population are simply ignorant about it. Thus, for an average Asseverate, the reason of the war is just simply to spread their own ideology and/or interests, while for the Humanity League, the reason is simply to defend themselves.

And if the Humanity League win at the end of the story, an old, high-rank Asseveratean will defiantly raise and speak with desperation, "you think you have won? You think you have fought for the good of humanity? Ignorant fools! You never realize what horror you have allowed to enter our universe. Now the entire humanity is doomed!"

(and if you think I have unhealthy obsession with the Old Ones, you're correct.)

Petrosjko wrote:
Comrade Tortoise wrote:Additionally, there is nothing wrong with the Humanity League, even if we go with that as currently stated, having non-human allies
Take it a step further. This is the first time the nonhumans have been in Humanity League forces, so they're looking to prove themselves.

Juicy subplot there.
So are humans the dominant / most advanced race in this universe, just like in, say, Star Wars?
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mayabird »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:
Petrosjko wrote:
Comrade Tortoise wrote:Additionally, there is nothing wrong with the Humanity League, even if we go with that as currently stated, having non-human allies
Take it a step further. This is the first time the nonhumans have been in Humanity League forces, so they're looking to prove themselves.

Juicy subplot there.
So are humans the dominant / most advanced race in this universe, just like in, say, Star Wars?
I'm not so keen on humanity being the dominant/most advanced race thing since it's become such a cliche, unless:

1) Humanity and its descendant species are the only game in town, and the "aliens" are really offshoots that aren't recognizably human anymore, and/or
2) There aren't many alien species, or if there are, it's because one species gave birth to many offshoot species,
3) Technological civilization is a very, very difficult thing to achieve, and most sentient species that arise (and they're not common in the first place) don't make it past Iron Age technology or some other basic level.

That being said, if you are making an alien species, an avian/feathered saurian species would be very cool, as CT stated earlier. If as in #3 they were discovered by someone in the Humanity League at a low level of technology, possibly under threat of extinction from some horrible natural disaster (say, a supervolcano eruption) and then humans of some form or another came to the rescue, they'd really want to prove themselves worthy of it later. Assuming they're noble about it and not a pack of bastards, and I'd rather not have them be a pack of bastards.
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Storytime update 8/31: Frigidmagi might be amused by this one.
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Post by Josh »

Let's definitely aim to play against stereotypes here, too. No warlike cat aliens or silliness like that.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Bad Guys have been introduced
How was the humans divided on the first place?
I'll explain that when you can explain what the fuck makes you think humanity has ever been unified?
Why some of them join the Humanity while some others join the Humanity League? What
Astrography, commonality of belief, trade, whose solders happened to be standing on whose planet at the time, much the same reason various nations on earth join various alliances and international organizations.
caused the schism?
What schism? They were never united.
Also, how did certain humans become transhumans while some others did not?
Some groups didn't have the resources, the need, or the desire to monkey around with their genetic code or start exchaning parts for metal. Others did. What amakes you think everyone would want it or agree to it? I mean in this universe if you disagree badly enough and you get enough peope who agree with you, you hop on a colony boat and leave.

Poeple drop the idea of humanity all going one way in a unified group. It's fucking silly because we have never done that ever before. If humanity can't unifiy itself and agree on a common direction while living on a single planet, the idea that it will do so when scattered out across millions of planets is living in denial. The member League of Humanity do not share a common religion or political system, some of them are all transhuman, some are place where the population is divided and others are all baseline human.

Let me repeat, my idea is that Humanity Has Never Been Unitied. There was no Federation or Earth Alliance or whatever.

Furthermore, will there be some Babylon Five-esque "mythical" aspect in the story?
Maybe I don't know.
For instance, maybe the actual reason they became Transhumans on the first place because they made some "pact with the devil" of some sort --the likes of Lovecraftian Old Ones or B5 First Ones, only more obscure and more eerie.
Honestly... No, I want the Asseverate and the League of Humanity to be made of human hands and minds. While I'm not opposes to mythical aspects in the story, I want this to be about mortals and then conflicting with each other of their own violation. Not being pawns for some all powerful Elder Races. I'm not much of a Lovecraft fan.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Alright, the following species I would slate as allies of the Humanity League, either as actual members of the league, or as external allies.

Squid Heads: Their actual name being a flash of color on their skin

These creatures stand at 2.3 meters tall and weigh 75 kilograms. They are descended from an aquatic cephalopod like species on a low gravity world. Amphibious, they must keep their gills moist and are tied to the water for breeding, but are otherwise capable of living for extended periods on land.

To support themselves on their low-gravity world they use a system of tighly interlocking muscles, on higher gravity worlds they must move around like a landed octopus unless they are supported by water.

In addition to their standing height, they also posses 3 eye-stalks that are approximately .6 meters in length. They normally communicate via a system of flashing colors generated from their chromatophore-laced skin, however they have adapted a computer system that translates from their brain directly to and from any language they choose.

Social, but also very individualistic, these individuals balk at the idea of being, even benevolently, subjugated by the Asservate.

Effects: If Pilot can be done with a muppet, so can these.


These lanky avians stand at 1.6-1.8 meters in height and weigh 40-50 kilograms. They posses hollow bones and in addition to flight feathers, stretches of skin between their arms and legs, and between their legs ending just above the elongated ankle. They lack a beak, instead having a toothed snout
(think about what a combination between a flying squirrel and archeopterix would look like)

On their homeworld which has a thick atmosphere and lower gravity than earth norm, they are capable of flight and have a natural talent for solving three dimensional problems. In the military they most often hold command positions, or act as pilots and navigators.

These creatures mate for life and value the autonomy of their family units


Hounds: A splice between a german shepherd and human being, these creatures are fiercly loyal to eachother and to what ever else they devote their efforts to. Most common career path: law enforcement or military


Simians: These are uplifted non-human primates of various types. Often face subtle unconscious discrimination due to their disturbing closeness to people. Most common career paths: Academia and military command for chimps, technical work for other smaller primates. often shipboard

Dolphins: self explanatory
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Post by Lord Iames Osari »

Uh... is it too late for me to get in on this?
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Post by Hotfoot »

Lord Iames Osari wrote:Uh... is it too late for me to get in on this?
YES! GO AWAY! :razz:

Nah man, come in and join the fun. Toss out ideas. :cool:
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Post by frigidmagi »

Uh... is it too late for me to get in on this?
None shall be turned away! Feel free to comment.

Okay, here are some suggestions I have. None of this is final so feel free to howl in agreement or disagreement.

FTL: Hyperspace, in order to achieve Faster Then Light travel, ships "jump" into the alternate universe of Hyperspace. A much more enetergic and smaller realm than ours, it can be dangerous for unperpared ships. Poetry on the matter descirbes Hyperspace as a boiling, frenized sea of energy.

Humanity-The oldest known space traveling race in the area. However Humanity is not now nor ever has been unified under one rule or law. Space Colonization was undertaken by competeing national/racial/religious groups or by break away groups who wanted nothing to do with their motherlands. The Oldest colonies have histories that streach back for thousands of years. English is the Linga Franca of space traveling humans, although not the native tounage of most human nations and tribes.

On the League of Humanity: It is not a government, it does provide a place for members to work out problem or recieve finial judgement on conflicts between them. It is primary however a defensive pact, go to war on one member of the League and you fight the whole damn League. There are Christians, Zoarstrians, Jews, Muslims, Athiests, Hindus and religions that were founded after humanity spread out to the stars. There are republics, monarcharies, and other sytle of governments as well. There are common grounds, such a guantnee of freedom of speech and religion.

Many League members have non-human allies, there are non-human states that allied to the entire League as well. Some League members even have non-human citizens. This is a more recent development as more non-human races advance into the stars.

The Asseverate: Life in the Asseverate is easy and simple, one is not even required to think. The leaders of the empire ensure that every last citizen is fed, clothed, sheltered and cared for as needed without regard to their orgin or abilities. Culture and the arts are encouraged and protected. All one must do is accept the guidance and blessing of the rulers and do what they are told. After all it's for your own good.

Non-human members in the Asseverate have all the same rights and protections as human members do.

Military weapons and systems:

Hyper capable warships are expensive. They are uitmate expression of humanity's mastery of warfare and science and are viewed as such. The military power of a nation is foremost measured in the fleet of hyper capable warships it can command. Without these a nation cannot hope to strike at it's enemies and instead must endure on the defensive.

Powered Armor the modern battlefield is a dangerous place. Radition, biological and chemical agents, bullets, shells and even direct energy weapons can all be encountered. A single solder or marine may have to stay in a suit capable of protecting him/her for days or even weeks. To this end self contained suits provided the required protection and enchancements a fighter needs to stay effective on the modern battlefield. Suit design and capablities vary from nation to nation of course. Unarmored infantry is used on the battlefield and tends to not fare very well against armored formations.

Armor- Tanks, Troop carriers, Light Armored Vehicles. Some can hover thanks to anti-gravity techonology. Most roll forward on treads and wheels however, as those are easier to repair or replace then a complex anti grav engine. As armored vehicles have evolved so have anti-armor weapons, with troops using everything from computer directed fire and forget rockets to crew served ant-armor railguns

Artillery- Indirect fire weapons. Ranging to large cannons often with computerize range finders to satellite firing missles and beams of energy. Smart missiles are used on harden targets usually while troop formations attract tactical level artillery that fire explosive shells. Motors also fall under this section but are typically carried by infantry solders to provide close in fire support.

Nuclear Weapons- Mostly slung around in the void against warships or orbital emplacements. However attackers have been known to use nuclear weapons to clear beachheads or destroy planet based targets to deny them to the enemy. Rocks are much cheaper however.

Chemical and Biological- Most humans and non-human sapients look upon these weapons with abolsute dread and loathing. This has not stopped them from being used again and again in the history of warfare. In this day and age no one takes any chance anymore that the other side will refrain from unleashing the genie.

Air Power- Fighters and Bombers come in two prime favors. Ground to Air, or Void to Air. Ground to Air units launch from planet side airbases and are unable of breaching atmosphere. Void to Air ships can be launched from a space ship and fly both down the gravity well as well as espacing from it back to their point of orgin. Most Void to Air craft are capable of Ground to Air operations as well.

Thoughts? Moans? Compliants?
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Post by Lord Iames Osari »

Cool. :grin: Ok, so I was thinking a bit about what I haven't seen talked about in the thread much as of yet. Right now everybody seems pretty focused on plot (not that that's a bad thing). But what about characters? I'm assuming we want to avoid cliched characters. I'm not familiar with all the actors that've been mentioned, so I'm not sure about some roles, but does anyone have a sense of any characters/character developments that might be good to toss in?

@^: Sounds good to me.
Last edited by Lord Iames Osari on Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Not bad. Might I suggest a model for space combat?

There are several primary modes that space combat could potentially take.

1) Fighter Based
2) Cap-ship slug matches
3) hybrid fighter/capship
4) Stealth
5) Hybrid stealth/fighter

I propose we use the hybrid capship/fighter model. For several reasons. The first being that it is the most cinematic of the group. The second is that with technology is high enough that stealth would probably be rendered impossible to irrelevant (first strike no longer of vital importance etc)

I also propose that primary capitalship weapons be antimatter torpedoes and lasers of various power-outputs.
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Post by SirNitram »

Homo Sapiens Animus.
Common Name: Wanderers.

Unique among Transhumans for having evolved naturally away from humanity in the earliest years of space exploration, Wanderers were the key to the eventual dominance of Humanity over space. The first recorded use of their strange abilities was the verified teleportation of Arthur Jennings in 2104 CE, travelling a distance of two thousand kilometers.

The Wanderers quickly began being identified through genetic research, and through mental discipline, began to expand their powers, constantly aided by scientists eager to unlock this new development. The strange realm they accessed.. And at times, travelled through.. Has come to be known as Hyperspace in the vernacular.

Technology based on their 'mental' powers was developed as fast as it could be, and assisted in Humanity's rapid expansion. But as they learned to develop their powers to individual apexs, they kept some secrets from humanity; no need to render yourself defenseless, should your older brother get too rough.

Their powers are the template on which hyperspace, shielding, and FTL sensor/communication technology was based on. At present, however, most of them have parted ways with humanity. They roam the dead stars and ancient debris fields that mark the long-lost species who once strode across the galaxy. They seem to have adopted the position of caretakers of the ancient graveyards, and are trying to peice together who they were, and what killed them. As war returns to the Galaxy, though, the promise of advanced technology from the cracked Dyson spheres, ancient fleet hulks drifting in the void, and other such locals means that they are once again coming to blows with navies.
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Post by Lord Iames Osari »


What about taking an approach more similar to the way David Weber handles naval combat in the later books of the Honorverse series, with major conflicts being long-range missile duels between cap ships, augmented by little fighter-type craft that get in close? I think it strikes a good balance between the capital ship/stealth/fighter extremes, but that's just my opinion.
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Post by frigidmagi »

I to will vote Aye on Fighter/cap ship hybrid.

I also vote Aye on Nitram offerings.

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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Lord Iames Osari wrote:Cool. :grin: Ok, so I was thinking a bit about what I haven't seen talked about in the thread much as of yet. Right now everybody seems pretty focused on plot (not that that's a bad thing). But what about characters? I'm assuming we want to avoid cliched characters. I'm not familiar with all the actors that've been mentioned, so I'm not sure about some roles, but does anyone have a sense of any characters/character developments that might be good to toss in?

@^: Sounds good to me.
Well, we have to have the badass fleet admiral played by Patrick Stewart. He could honestly, be relatively static. Just a badass. I suppose he could have family planetside to make him aaaannngry

also, throw the fag a bone and give him a gay character. Preferably Christian Bale so I can think about 'character developments' at night. But I am flexible :wink:
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
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Post by Lord Iames Osari »

I'll second the inclusion of a gay character, and the Wanderers sound cool to me. I'll be holding off on the question of how naval combat should be handled until we've gotten a bit more feedback.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Lord Iames Osari wrote:I'll second the inclusion of a gay character, and the Wanderers sound cool to me. I'll be holding off on the question of how naval combat should be handled until we've gotten a bit more feedback.
Of course, two would be better... there is ALWAYS at least one romance in these sorts of movies. Trists between soldiers who think they are about to die. And with this many characters in an epic film there is no reason why one such relationship cant stray from the hetero norm.

(IE. I am sick and tired of having no gay romances in anything other than chick flicks.)
Last edited by Comrade Tortoise on Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by Lord Iames Osari »

Sure, go for two.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Sweet. The more norms I can shatter the better. While we are at it, can we NOT have sound in space?


*slates Christian Bale and Ben Browder as the fairies Note: it doesnt matter to me what roles they play. Fighter jocky would be almost too clichebut is a classic, and for some reason clasping each other's hands through power-armored gauntlets right before they die is oddly inspiring to me*
Last edited by Comrade Tortoise on Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Thanks to FM for pointing out to me that romance in same unit=bad.

Thus, change that to Romance between a fighter pilot and an infantryman.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
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There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by Lord Iames Osari »

If it's a pure shot in space (i.e., we're not looking at it from inside a cockpit or bridge), I'll go along with no sound, but when a weapon hits a ship, I think some sound would result from the impact.
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Post by frigidmagi »

We're gonna need more naked chicks to make for this to the hetro guys. Hotfoot can you have one of the pilot chicks or something sleeping with a guy?

Now really can I get some votes on Nitram's idea?
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Post by Lord Iames Osari »

In case it wasn't clear, I like it a lot. It's got my vote. I'd like to know a bit more about what secrets the Wanderers are keeping. Stuff like that is begging to be revealed at a dramatic moment.
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Post by Hotfoot »

frigidmagi wrote:I to will vote Aye on Fighter/cap ship hybrid.

I also vote Aye on Nitram offerings.

I'm for naval combat being huge ships with smaller escorts darting between, though I'm not terribly fond of psionics being the basis for hyperspace. That's just my personal preference, mind you. I'm cool with telepaths being in the mix though.

I can do homosexual romance (or rather, I don't have a problem with it. How well it works, we'll have to see), so that's fine.

I'm of the opinion that space combat should be largely without sound. However, in the interests of keeping things interesting, when the camera comes near a specific ship, you will hear the sounds from that ship, faintly. The sounds of impact, weapons firing, bulkheads rending, etc. This would of course get louder as the camera goes inside. Radio chatter would also be something heard from outside. Yes, I know, not entirely realistic, but also not the same old same old.

I'll get to work on the cast of characters for the first movie shortly.

Also, I do not plan on having there be some sort of grand plan or elder races pulling strings. There may be some secrets of old, but what is going on is the result of the events of this age.
Last edited by Hotfoot on Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hotfoot »

The character roster for the first film, I'll edit this as I go. Suggestions are welcome.

Commodore Richards - Task force commander. Older man, good with tactics, bad with politics. He should have gone up in rank years ago, but his temper has held him back.
Commander <Input from CT> - CAG, Avian
Lieutenant Wen - Fighter Ace, Squadron Leader of Gamma Squad. Serious and driven, she sometimes loses herself in combat when she hits her "zone".
Captain Foster - Captain of the insertion ship carrying the bulk of the ground forces, transatmo fighters. He's travelled up the ranks quickly and shows a sharp mind, but he lacks a bit of experience.
Commander Griffen - Foster's XO
Fighter Squads Alpha through ??? - Transatmo fighter units.

Major Williams - Ground force commander. Life-long friends with Commodore Richards. Plays politics a bit better than his friend, which is why he was able to pull the strings to get him assigned to this mission. Williams is well respected by the troops under his command, largely because he listens to his men and will do whatever he can for them.
Captain Griggs - Unit Commander for the special forces team, a hardass amongst hardasses. His age prevents him from going out to do what needs to be done, but he keeps his Lieutenants in shape to make sure they're doing their jobs. He carries a stunstick to remove them from command in the event of a Charlie Foxtrot.
Squad Breakdown:
Squad Leader (Fireteam Leader Alpha)
Fireteam Leader Bravo
Tech Specialist (Alpha)
Demolitions (Bravo)
Heavy Weapons (x2)
Powered Suit Support (x2)
Rifleman (x2)

Ten strong squad, broken down into two 5 man fireteams, 4 if powered suit support is not available.

Going to spend a little more time on the squad, as this is going to be far more detailed and important.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

The Avian commander should probably have an English name, and something in his native tongue, the issue being that his given name would probably be unpronounceable in english (a screech of some kind)

I would propose something like answering to Commander Talon. As it would fit him. He would probably view himself as sort of a father figure (a stern father figure) to anyone under his command. This would foster a fair amount of loyalty

As for the transatmo fighters, there is no reason why we wouldnt have fighter squadrons Alpha through omega depending on carrier capacity and number of fighters. We could even go through the greek alphabet a few times. (squadron Alpha Gamma for example)

Hotfoot, I will have to catch you on AIM, as I have dibs on 2 humans...
Last edited by Comrade Tortoise on Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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