Artesia: Adventures in the Known World

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#1 Artesia: Adventures in the Known World

Post by Hotfoot »

The Ages of The Known World come,
and the Ages of The Known World go...

The Emperor of Thessid-Gola had been on the verge of recreating the Golden Empire of Dauban Hess when he fell into a Gray Dream from which he has not awakened, even after over four hundred years. And his sleeping body slumped in the highest throne of the Phoenix Courthas been the mark of this Age, the specter hanging over it, an Age in which rather than stepping forward into an Age of Men without gods, or backward into another Age of Legend, the World instead stepped sideways.

And now this dream of an Age is ending, and strange things are afoot in every corner of the World: the Sultan of Thessid-Gola has taken up the Emperor’s cause, and his armies stir to return the Empire to its glory; the heralds of the Isliklidae, dark memories of the Divine King’s time on earth, are moving in the Empire’s halls of power with hidden aims; the Lokhite barbarian hordes have appeared from out of the Unknown World to cast a long and horned shadow over the north; the Usurper has ruled the city-state of Palatia Archaia for almost a century, blending the Old Religion of the goddess Yhera with the state-of-the-art arms, armor, and ships of the Arsenal, and behind him stands the Lord Mott, rumored to be the Philosopher-King in Waiting; and a young woman born with a witch’s gifts has chosen the path of War and rises to power in the Highlands of Daradja. Everywhere the secret Cults of forbidden gods and desires are spreading, and they seem to be whispering in the shadows: the Gray Dream is almost over, and something is coming, something strange and wonderful and never seen before, and the Emperor knows what it is.

Welcome to The Known World.
Welcome to the end of an Age…
The Middle Kingdoms are in Turmoil. The Phoenix Court is marching to war, bandits are growing more bold, and unspeakable horrors from an age passed are returning.

Intrigue. Treasure Hunting. War. Magic. Faith. All are common themes in the Known World.

Magic is everywhere in the Known World, even commoners can know the most basic rituals, either through faith, hermetic lore, alchemy, runic power, or other means, such as the dark occult, that which has been forbidden by all. Some even can rely on strange powers, gifts from the gods that allow them to do marvelous things, such as seeing the dead, or walking in the realms of spirits whilst dreaming.

The hard and fast rules of Artesia do not lend themselves well to a forum game, as such, I am using a very basic stripped down version of the rules. Characters will have points to spread between three basic stats, Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Players will then choose a social class (Bandit, Serf, Artisan, or Lettered), land of origin, and general profession, along with three Major Arcana from the Tarot that they feel best describes their character.

Character histories will be very desirable. Remember that the Known World is a place where horrible things can happen. There may be bonuses for well-written histories.

With regards to magic and special abilities: Note what faith and traditions your character follows, and I will tell you what options you have with regards to magic. For special abilities, you can tell me what sort of things you'd like, and I'll okay it, or I'll give you a list of options based on your Major Arcana and you can choose.

Here are some helpful links for those that don't know much about the setting, but are interested:

The Middle Kingdoms and the rest of the World
DOWNLOAD: 6.2mb History of the Known World (There's also a 32mb version on the download page, but this should work just as well)

So, a long post, I know, but is there any interest? A band of mercenaries could find a lot of trouble to get into here.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Cultures of the Middle Kingdom:

The Athairi:

A subculture of the Middle Kingdoms, they are the remnants of the people of the Golden Realm of An-Athair, which flourished in the great woods of the Erid Wold at the beginning of the Age of Legends. They can be found anywhere in the Middle Kingdoms and Daradja, but their home is in the Erid Wold.

The still hold to the Old Religion, but will do so largely in private and publicly perform the proper gestures to the Divine King.

The Aurians:

The Aurians hold the Eastern Middle Kingdoms, having come far from the north in the Age of Legends and settled (largely by force) in what were once Danian lands. The Aurians were a sea-going folk that claimed descent from Heth, God of the Sea, but they are now considered cursed by Heth and so are widely considered unlucky on the open water.

Aurians are physical, strict, and wholly consumed by the Cult of the Divine King. This last part is due, in part, to the entirely chauvanistic nature of the Aurian culture. The Old Religion had the Great Mother, Yhera, at the head of the Pantheon, while the Divine King was a man become god. Followers of the Old Ways are looked down upon, and women are kept "In their place", by and large in Aurian society.

The Danians:

The Danians hold the Western Middle Kingdoms, and marginalized portions of the Eastern, and are the original inhabitants of the lowlands of Harath Eduins. In their somewhat languid temperament the Danians lie somewhere between their wild Daradjan and Maelite neighbors and the more formal social and political structures of the Aurians. whose embrace of the Divine King has been more total.

Danians put wordplay and conversation above all, and are likely to have strong ties with Daradjan and Athairi.

The Watchtower Kings:

The Watchtower Kings of Maece are the descendants of the Maelite Kings of Uthed Dania that sided with Erlwulf and later Fortias against Githwaine, the last Worm King (Lich King, essentially), and were given lands and titles as a reward for their service. They are a rough and hardy people, though bearing on them the burden of their Maelite cousin's guilt for standing with the Last Worm.

The fastest way to be killed by a Maecite is to call them a Maelite. As a result, most simply refer to them as the people of the Watchtowers. They take their duty to guard the Wastes of Lost Uthedmael very seriously. Their faith is mixed, but a King of the Sun Court sits on their throne, so the lands are nominally those of the Divine King.

The Highlands of Daradja:

Just north of the Middle Kingdoms in the Mountains of the Harath Eduins is the land of Daradja, once a great Queendom in the distant past of the Golden Age and now a collection of warring Citadels, petty Kings and tyrants, brigand chieftains, ancient Highland clans, and even pirate holds along its rough nothern coastline. It is a rough and dangerous land, filled with an independent and scrappy people with a strong outlaw streak; many are indeed exiles and criminals from other lands, or their hardy descendants.

The faith in Daradja is almost exclusively the Old Religion, and virtually all inhabitants know how to defend their lands. The "True" Highlanders of Daradja refuse to give tribute to any Citadel "King" that claims to rule any part of Daradja, and few of these kinds are fool enough to push the issue.
Last edited by Hotfoot on Fri May 16, 2008 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyTevar »

The Old Religion had the Great Mother, Yhera, at the head of the Pantheon, while the Divine King was a man become god. Followers of the Old Ways are looked down upon, and women are kept "In their place", by and large in Aurian society.
Ok... I so have issues with that. :razz:

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Post by Hotfoot »

So be a Daradjan who beats the crap out of Aurians. They did rape and murder the Spring Queens, and that's why they went from being crazy awesome raiders of the sea to being cursed by the god of the sea for the rest of time.
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Post by LadyTevar »

... Wait... the Aurians raped -whose- Spring Queens? Their own or Darjadia's?

Either way, since the Queens seem to be symbolic or priestesses, it explains why the gods got mad at them.

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Post by Hotfoot »

The Spring Queens, actually, were the High Priestesses of the Great Garden Temple of Geniche, Goddess of the Earth, who was the lover of Heth, God of the Sea, in the Golden Realm of An-Athair, from which the Athairi hail.

So yeah, they done fucked up good.
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Post by Hotfoot »

For anyone interested in the Major Arcana, this is a good site with basic explanations as to what each card entails. Remember to pick three.

Remember that for character histories, I'll want something decently detailed, as best as you can manage, in this style.

Tell me a story
Tell me who you are
Tell me what you can do
Show Me

If you have questions about any details, just let me know, especially if you want your character to have witnessed any major events in their lives.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Well, I do have the concept from when we toyed with Artesia during your visit. So I am interested on a preliminary basis. Will begin work toying with my archer.
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Post by Hotfoot »


On the three basic stats:

Starting points will be 15. This allows for three fives as average stats. You can redistribute as you see fit, but no stat can be greater than 10.
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Post by Hotfoot »

And very quickly, before I sleep, the various magical traditions:

*Cult Lore (Yheran)
*Cult Lore (Islik)
*Cult Lore (Mystery)

Spirit based lores based on religious (or otherwise) cults. Mystery cults are devoted to great mysteries of the Known World, such as the Gray Dream, and are generally not within the scopes of players, barring special exemption. You may, however, learn of them and be initiated later in the game.

*Folk Lore

Another Spirit based lore, this is based on general folk lore throughout the Known World. Not tied to religion, it is still something taken on faith.

*Herbal Lore

Linked to Folk Lore, this is also based on Spirit, but deals with various remedies and concoctions

*Star Lore

Spirit-based divination and purification based on the Stars

*Hermetic Lore

Mind-based magic, based on Hermetic teachings and the "Science" of magic.

*Occult Lore

The darker side of Mind-based magic, this lore is forbidden in all places, and generally requires sacrifices most foul for the powers it gives.

*Alchemical Lore

The art of transmutation and change. This Mind-based art is similar to Herbal remedies, but while the list of Herbal remedies is long and varied, the Alchemical tradition revolves around the many uses of four basic elixers.

*Runic Sigils

Many traditions allow for the use of inscription rituals to put runes on people, places, or things. Different runic languages offer different abilities, but all can be quite useful.
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Post by Shark Bait »

hrm well i'm interested but i have no idea what so ever how to work this system so i will probably need some help...
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Post by Hotfoot »

Not a problem. Just tell me what sort of character you want to play. Give me a concept, and we'll work on it. Marcao should be posting a character he's been working on soon.
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#13 Ulwyn of Calan Toss

Post by Marcao »

Name: Ulwyn of Calan Toss
Watchtower Birthplace: Coastal Keep (Calan Toss)
Social Class and Parent’s Occupation: Mother (Scout), Father (Guard) SL 7
Arcana: The Lovers, The Sword, Justice.
Gifts: True Love, Veteran, Wrathful Visage.
Bindings: Grief, Despair.
Major Skills: Melee Combat, Alchemy, Runic Sigils
Starting Points: Body (7), Mind (5), Spirit (3)

Tell me a story:

There was once a child born to a coastal keep, watched by the sun bull as he moved through the heavens and a red stag. The child was nurtured by the love of his parents and burdened with the responsibilities of the descendants of Maece. He grew quickly, his body shaped by physical trials while his mind was honed by responsibility. The child became a young man and followed in the footsteps of his father, he became a guard his sole desire to carry out the task of the great watchtower kings that came before.

He found love in an unlikely place, a Daradjan woman, a follower of the Old Religion. It was Leda that showed him that there was more to life than duty and responsibility. She did more than simply love him; she helped him to grow physically, mentally and spiritually. It was her patience and guidance that placed him on the path to learning the alchemical arts. It was her knowledge that guided him to learn the runic Labira Gramata, the riven runes favored by those that follow Yhera. It was the first time that the man had felt complete and whole.

It was not too last. Leda died. The circumstances of her death revolved around a ritual gone wrong, Yhera herself seemed to have claimed her. Distraught by the death of his lover, the man blamed Yhera for her betrayal and turned his back on her teachings. He embraced the teachings of the Divine King. He would never love again, his attention focusing inwards on mastery of himself and his craft.

Tell me who you are:

I am a man. I look inward in order to master myself and have focused fully on the tasks before me. Those tasks are the perfecting of my crafts, for in mastery of myself I will master that around me. I used to believe in Yhera, but those beliefs are gone like last year’s flowers. The Divine King is my guide now, although the whispers of my lost love still linger in my memory. I continue what she taught me in her memory and honor. In the nights when things are quiet, I have begun to fear that the world in of itself is simply a testing ground for our bodies, spirits and minds.

Tell me what you can do:

I am well versed in the art of fighting. I have been in combat in times of judgment and I have always managed to survive. I am cognizant of the intricacies within the art of alchemy and I practice it in memory of the one that is gone. The runes of the Labira Gramata adorn my weapons and armor, shielding me with invisible arms and guiding my blows with unseen eyes.

note: this is an alpha version, it will be refined and expanded upon with time.
Last edited by Marcao on Wed May 21, 2008 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Alexus of Daradaja

Major Arcana

The Emperor
The Tower

Gifts: Terrifying Mask and Courageous Aura

Mind: 5
Soul: 3

Major Skills:
Melee Combat
Mounted Combat

Tell me a Story:
A man was born to a family were knights, but not wealthy. They had a large farmstead and tenants, enough to support them in a manner befitting their station. When their lord called or a feud erupted they were able to march to war.

In time the land passed to him. A dutiful first son, he married the daughter of a wealthy commoner and while the arranged match was not a love match, love bloomed anyway. There was great joy.

After two years, she became pregnant with his son. And then it turned to ash. She died giving birth and two years latter his son grew ill. Healers took his money, but did not save his child. There were poor harvests. Coin trickled away.

So he sold the family lands, clearing his debts. His heart was cold. He rode as a freelance under different banners under the pain became a dull ache.

He is tall and strong, but no giant among men. He is skilled in arms, but not a great champion. He is cunning with a limited education, but not wise enough to be coveted as a councilor. Age has slowed him slightly. Grey has started to appear in his hair and beard. He sees autumn coming and then winter and for the first time in a long time he yearns for hearth and home.

Who Am I?: I am a man. Better than some, worse than other. I make my living with sword and lance and the shedding of blood. I sell my services, but not my conscience. I am not wise, but I am skilled and experience has left its mark upon me. I have known great sorrow, but my heart has not been hardened beyond reach. Some things cannot be borne, not matter how much gold is at stake.

What do I do?
I am a knight. My skills are honed and my body is still strong. I have lost the naviete of youth and gained some precious fragments of wisdom. I know the field of battle, the care of horses, and the managing of a farmstead. I know my letters, although I am not learned.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Both characters are good thus far. I know other people had concepts (and some had fully formed characters), so come on, let's see them. If you have any questions, just ask, either here, in PMs, or via AIM.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Are the people who talked to me still interested, or should I put up a different game offer?
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Post by LadyTevar »

I know.. I know. I need to write up the background. Sorry!

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Post by Hotfoot »

I have two fleshed out characters and four promised characters. Thirdfain, Sharkbait, LadyTevar, and SirNitram, please either get me a basic writeup or let me know if you are no longer interested in the game at this point in time. We can always work you in later if I can get the bare minimum number going.

Otherwise, I'm going to put this game on Haitus and offer something else.
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Post by frigidmagi »

No offense Hotfoot but I would advise against any game offerings. There are to many games going and not enough players here as it stands.
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Post by Hotfoot »

frigidmagi wrote:No offense Hotfoot but I would advise against any game offerings. There are to many games going and not enough players here as it stands.
Dude, I know your stance on it, but I had people who expressed interest, I had a game I wanted to run, and that's that. I have other things I'd like to try to run as well, but if nobody wants to, then they can tell me themselves when I offer the game.
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