A D&D Challenge
Moderator: B4UTRUST
#1 A D&D Challenge
Take the following Quiz.
Now make a D&D Character that complies with the result. Dual Classing is not required, but your primary class has to be one of the two listed. Use 28 point buy, and start at level 1. If desired, come up with a backstory. Feel free to author avatar somewhat.
Here's one example, first the test result, then one possible set of stats.
Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. They believe in order and governments that work for the benefit of all, and generally do not mind doing direct work to further their beliefs.
Half-Elves are a cross between a human and an elf. They are smaller, like their elven ancestors, but have a much shorter lifespan. They are sometimes looked down upon as half-breeds, but this is rare. They have both the curious drive of humans and the patience of elves.
Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Secondary Class:
Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.
Mielikki is the Neutral Good goddess of the forest and autumn. She is also known as the Lady of the Forest, and is the Patron of Rangers. Her followers are devoted to nature, and believe in the positive and outreaching elements of it. They use light armor, and a variety of weapons suitable for hunting, which they are quite skilled at. Mielikki's symbol is a unicorn head.
Unknown, Male Half-Elf Rgr(Arch)1: CR 1; Medium Humanoid (Elf); HD 1d8(Ranger (Archery)) ; hp 8; Init +2; Spd 30; AC:15 (Flatfooted:13 Touch:12); Atk +2 base melee, +3 base ranged; +2 (1d8+1, Morningstar); +2 (1d3+1, Unarmed strike); -3/-8 (1d8, Longbow; 1d8+1, Morningstar); SQ: Immunity: Sleep Effects (Ex), Low-light Vision (Ex), +2 Saves vs. Spells and Spell-like Effects; RF: Elven Blood; AL LG; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2; STR 12, DEX 14, CON 10, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 12.
Skills: Climb +2, Concentration +2, Craft (Alchemy) +4, Craft (Bowmaking) +2, Diplomacy +3, Gather Information +3, Handle Animal +3, Heal +4, Hide +3, Listen +5, Move Silently +3, Ride +4, Search +6, Spot +5, Survival +5, Swim +2, Use Rope +4.
Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Point Blank Shot, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Track.
Weapons: Longbow (75 gp); Arrows (20) (1 gp); Arrows (20) (1 gp); Morningstar (8 gp).
Armor: Studded leather (25 gp).
Goods: Backpack (2 gp); Bedroll (1 sp); Chalk, 1 piece (1 cp); Chalk, 1 piece (1 cp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Pouch, belt (1 gp); Rope, hemp (50 ft.) (1 gp); Signal whistle (8 sp); Spade (2 gp); Torch (1 cp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Explorer`s outfit (10 gp); Bowmaker`s tools (5 gp).
Now make a D&D Character that complies with the result. Dual Classing is not required, but your primary class has to be one of the two listed. Use 28 point buy, and start at level 1. If desired, come up with a backstory. Feel free to author avatar somewhat.
Here's one example, first the test result, then one possible set of stats.
Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. They believe in order and governments that work for the benefit of all, and generally do not mind doing direct work to further their beliefs.
Half-Elves are a cross between a human and an elf. They are smaller, like their elven ancestors, but have a much shorter lifespan. They are sometimes looked down upon as half-breeds, but this is rare. They have both the curious drive of humans and the patience of elves.
Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Secondary Class:
Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.
Mielikki is the Neutral Good goddess of the forest and autumn. She is also known as the Lady of the Forest, and is the Patron of Rangers. Her followers are devoted to nature, and believe in the positive and outreaching elements of it. They use light armor, and a variety of weapons suitable for hunting, which they are quite skilled at. Mielikki's symbol is a unicorn head.
Unknown, Male Half-Elf Rgr(Arch)1: CR 1; Medium Humanoid (Elf); HD 1d8(Ranger (Archery)) ; hp 8; Init +2; Spd 30; AC:15 (Flatfooted:13 Touch:12); Atk +2 base melee, +3 base ranged; +2 (1d8+1, Morningstar); +2 (1d3+1, Unarmed strike); -3/-8 (1d8, Longbow; 1d8+1, Morningstar); SQ: Immunity: Sleep Effects (Ex), Low-light Vision (Ex), +2 Saves vs. Spells and Spell-like Effects; RF: Elven Blood; AL LG; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2; STR 12, DEX 14, CON 10, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 12.
Skills: Climb +2, Concentration +2, Craft (Alchemy) +4, Craft (Bowmaking) +2, Diplomacy +3, Gather Information +3, Handle Animal +3, Heal +4, Hide +3, Listen +5, Move Silently +3, Ride +4, Search +6, Spot +5, Survival +5, Swim +2, Use Rope +4.
Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Point Blank Shot, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Track.
Weapons: Longbow (75 gp); Arrows (20) (1 gp); Arrows (20) (1 gp); Morningstar (8 gp).
Armor: Studded leather (25 gp).
Goods: Backpack (2 gp); Bedroll (1 sp); Chalk, 1 piece (1 cp); Chalk, 1 piece (1 cp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Pouch, belt (1 gp); Rope, hemp (50 ft.) (1 gp); Signal whistle (8 sp); Spade (2 gp); Torch (1 cp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Explorer`s outfit (10 gp); Bowmaker`s tools (5 gp).
Last edited by Hotfoot on Wed May 31, 2006 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Narsil
- Lord of Time
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Okay, let's give it a shot.
Neutral Good characters believe in the power of good above all else. They will work to make the world a better place, and will do whatever is necessary to bring that about, whether it goes for or against whatever is considered 'normal'.
Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.
Primary Class:
Mages harness the magical energies for their own use. Spells, spell books, and long hours in the library are their loves. While often not physically strong, their mental talents can make up for this.
Secondary Class:
Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.
Mystra is the Neutral Good goddess of magic. She is also known as the Lady of Mysteries. Followers of Mystra wear armor and carry shields with her symbol on them. Mystra's symbol is a ring of stars.
Taurnil Anwamanë: male moon elf Wizard 1; CR 1; medium humanoid; HD 1d4+1; hp 5; Init 3; Spd 30 ft.; AC X, touch 13, flat-footed 10; BAB +0; Grp +0; Atk +0 melee (1d6, longsword); Full Atk: +0 melee (1d8, longsword) or +3 ranged (1d6, shortbow); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SQ Elven traits; AL NG; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Skills: Concentration +4, Profession (Librarian) +2, Decipher Script +4, Knowledge (History; Evereska) +2, Knowledge (Arcana) +2, Knowledge (Royalty and Nobility; Evereska) +2, Spellcraft +4, Craft (Writing) +4;
Feats: Scribe Scroll*, Combat Casting, Weapon Proficiency (longsword, rapier, longbow, shortbow, composite shortbow, composite longbow, club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff), .
Spells Known: (3/2): 1 – Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Shield, Mage Armour;
Weapons: Short Bow (30gp), Arrows (40) (2gp), Longsword (15gp)
Goods: Backpack (2gp), Bedroll (1 sp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Pouch, belt (1 gp); Torch (1 cp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Traveller`s outfit (1 gp); Ink (8 gp); Inkpen (1 gp); Parchment (20) (4 gp).
Background: Taurnil is an apprentice librarian in Evereska who's only just begun on adventuring, so there's not much else to say about the lad, really, other than the fact that 'lad' is kind of an odd label for a one hundred and fourty seven year old elf.
Appearance: Typical moon elf. Tall, thin, pointed ears, young looking, dark hair, pale skin, would probably be generally attractive to hundreds upon hundreds of screaming fangirls if played by the right actor, that sort of thing.
Neutral Good characters believe in the power of good above all else. They will work to make the world a better place, and will do whatever is necessary to bring that about, whether it goes for or against whatever is considered 'normal'.
Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.
Primary Class:
Mages harness the magical energies for their own use. Spells, spell books, and long hours in the library are their loves. While often not physically strong, their mental talents can make up for this.
Secondary Class:
Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.
Mystra is the Neutral Good goddess of magic. She is also known as the Lady of Mysteries. Followers of Mystra wear armor and carry shields with her symbol on them. Mystra's symbol is a ring of stars.
Taurnil Anwamanë: male moon elf Wizard 1; CR 1; medium humanoid; HD 1d4+1; hp 5; Init 3; Spd 30 ft.; AC X, touch 13, flat-footed 10; BAB +0; Grp +0; Atk +0 melee (1d6, longsword); Full Atk: +0 melee (1d8, longsword) or +3 ranged (1d6, shortbow); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SQ Elven traits; AL NG; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Skills: Concentration +4, Profession (Librarian) +2, Decipher Script +4, Knowledge (History; Evereska) +2, Knowledge (Arcana) +2, Knowledge (Royalty and Nobility; Evereska) +2, Spellcraft +4, Craft (Writing) +4;
Feats: Scribe Scroll*, Combat Casting, Weapon Proficiency (longsword, rapier, longbow, shortbow, composite shortbow, composite longbow, club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff), .
Spells Known: (3/2): 1 – Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Shield, Mage Armour;
Weapons: Short Bow (30gp), Arrows (40) (2gp), Longsword (15gp)
Goods: Backpack (2gp), Bedroll (1 sp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Pouch, belt (1 gp); Torch (1 cp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Traveller`s outfit (1 gp); Ink (8 gp); Inkpen (1 gp); Parchment (20) (4 gp).
Background: Taurnil is an apprentice librarian in Evereska who's only just begun on adventuring, so there's not much else to say about the lad, really, other than the fact that 'lad' is kind of an odd label for a one hundred and fourty seven year old elf.
Appearance: Typical moon elf. Tall, thin, pointed ears, young looking, dark hair, pale skin, would probably be generally attractive to hundreds upon hundreds of screaming fangirls if played by the right actor, that sort of thing.
Last edited by Narsil on Wed May 31, 2006 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Lawful Good Half-Orc Paladin Fighter
Follower Of Tyr
Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. They believe in order and governments that work for the benefit of all, and generally do not mind doing direct work to further their beliefs.
Half-Orcs are a cross between a human and an orc. Generally, this kind of mating does not occur willingly, so half-orcs are almost never raised by a full set of parents. They tend to be less intelligent and attractive than humans, but are generally stronger and hardier. Violence is a part of their nature, and few half-orcs manage to overcome this to follow other professions. They are generally treated with disdain by other races, if not outright hostility.
Primary Class:
Paladins are the Holy Warriors. They have been chosen by a God/dess to be their representative on Earth, and must follow the code of that deity, or risk severe penalties. They tend towards being righteous, but not generally to excess.
Secondary Class:
Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.
Tyr is the Lawful Good god of justice. He is also known as Tyr Grimjaws, Wounded Tyr, the Maimed God, and Blind Tyr. He appears as a warrior, missing his hand. Followers of Tyr are concerned first and foremost with justice - discovering the truth and punishing the guilty for their crimes. They wear blue and purple robes with a white sash, a white gauntlet on the left hand, and a black gauntlet on the right, to symbolize Tyr's lost hand. Their preferred weapon is the warhammer. Tyr's symbol is a set of scales resting on a warhammer.
Detailed Results:
Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXX (9)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXX (7)
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXX (9)
True Neutral ---- XXXXXX (6)
Chaotic Neutral - (-3)
Lawful Evil ----- (-2)
Neutral Evil ---- (-6)
Chaotic Evil ---- (-6)
Human ---- XXXX (4)
Half-Elf - X (1)
Elf ------ X (1)
Halfling - (-3)
Dwarf ---- XXXXX (5)
Half-Orc - XXXXXXX (7)
Gnome ---- (-1)
Fighter - XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Ranger -- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Cleric -- XXX (3)
Mage ---- (-5)
Druid --- XX (2)
Thief --- (-12)
Bard ---- (-3)
Monk ---- XXXX (4)
Half-orc? *Grumble*
Right. I'll post the character when I have time to make him.
Follower Of Tyr
Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. They believe in order and governments that work for the benefit of all, and generally do not mind doing direct work to further their beliefs.
Half-Orcs are a cross between a human and an orc. Generally, this kind of mating does not occur willingly, so half-orcs are almost never raised by a full set of parents. They tend to be less intelligent and attractive than humans, but are generally stronger and hardier. Violence is a part of their nature, and few half-orcs manage to overcome this to follow other professions. They are generally treated with disdain by other races, if not outright hostility.
Primary Class:
Paladins are the Holy Warriors. They have been chosen by a God/dess to be their representative on Earth, and must follow the code of that deity, or risk severe penalties. They tend towards being righteous, but not generally to excess.
Secondary Class:
Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.
Tyr is the Lawful Good god of justice. He is also known as Tyr Grimjaws, Wounded Tyr, the Maimed God, and Blind Tyr. He appears as a warrior, missing his hand. Followers of Tyr are concerned first and foremost with justice - discovering the truth and punishing the guilty for their crimes. They wear blue and purple robes with a white sash, a white gauntlet on the left hand, and a black gauntlet on the right, to symbolize Tyr's lost hand. Their preferred weapon is the warhammer. Tyr's symbol is a set of scales resting on a warhammer.
Detailed Results:
Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXX (9)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXX (7)
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXX (9)
True Neutral ---- XXXXXX (6)
Chaotic Neutral - (-3)
Lawful Evil ----- (-2)
Neutral Evil ---- (-6)
Chaotic Evil ---- (-6)
Human ---- XXXX (4)
Half-Elf - X (1)
Elf ------ X (1)
Halfling - (-3)
Dwarf ---- XXXXX (5)
Half-Orc - XXXXXXX (7)
Gnome ---- (-1)
Fighter - XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Ranger -- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Cleric -- XXX (3)
Mage ---- (-5)
Druid --- XX (2)
Thief --- (-12)
Bard ---- (-3)
Monk ---- XXXX (4)
Half-orc? *Grumble*
Right. I'll post the character when I have time to make him.
Last edited by Rogue 9 on Wed May 31, 2006 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Paladin's Domain, My Blog (Updated 5/18/2009)
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
- LadyTevar
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I Am A: Chaotic Good Elf Bard Ranger
Alignment:Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.
Race:Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.
Primary Class:Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.
Secondary Class:Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Deity:Hanali Cenanil is the Chaotic Good elven goddess of love, beauty, and art. She is also known as the Heart of Gold and Lady Goldheart. Her followers delight in creation and youth, and work to spread happiness, love, and beauty. Their preferred weapon is the dagger.
Detailed Results:
Lawful Good ----- XX (2)
Neutral Good ---- XX (2)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXX (5)
Lawful Neutral -- XX (2)
True Neutral ---- XXXX (4)
Chaotic Neutral - XX (2)
Lawful Evil ----- (-2)
Neutral Evil ---- (0)
Chaotic Evil ---- (-2)
Human ---- (-2)
Half-Elf - XXXXXXXX (8)
Elf ------ XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Halfling - XX (2)
Dwarf ---- (0)
Half-Orc - (-4)
Gnome ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Fighter - (-3)
Ranger -- XXXXXXXX (8)
Paladin - (-6)
Cleric -- (-2)
Mage ---- XXXX (4)
Druid --- (-2)
Thief --- X (1)
Bard ---- XXXXXXXXX (9)
Monk ---- (-6)
Alignment:Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.
Race:Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.
Primary Class:Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.
Secondary Class:Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Deity:Hanali Cenanil is the Chaotic Good elven goddess of love, beauty, and art. She is also known as the Heart of Gold and Lady Goldheart. Her followers delight in creation and youth, and work to spread happiness, love, and beauty. Their preferred weapon is the dagger.
Detailed Results:
Lawful Good ----- XX (2)
Neutral Good ---- XX (2)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXX (5)
Lawful Neutral -- XX (2)
True Neutral ---- XXXX (4)
Chaotic Neutral - XX (2)
Lawful Evil ----- (-2)
Neutral Evil ---- (0)
Chaotic Evil ---- (-2)
Human ---- (-2)
Half-Elf - XXXXXXXX (8)
Elf ------ XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Halfling - XX (2)
Dwarf ---- (0)
Half-Orc - (-4)
Gnome ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Fighter - (-3)
Ranger -- XXXXXXXX (8)
Paladin - (-6)
Cleric -- (-2)
Mage ---- XXXX (4)
Druid --- (-2)
Thief --- X (1)
Bard ---- XXXXXXXXX (9)
Monk ---- (-6)
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
- Dark Silver
- Omnipotent Overlord
- Posts: 5477
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Chaotic Neutral Human Fighter Paladin
Follower Of Tempus
Chaotic Neutral characters are unstable, and frequently insane. They believe in disorder first and foremost, and will thus strive for that disorder in everything they do. This means that they will do whatever seems 'fun' or 'novel' at any given time.
Humans are the 'average' race. They have the shortest life spans, and because of this, they tend to avoid the racial prejudices that other races are known for. They are also very curious and tend to live 'for the moment'.
Primary Class:
Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.
Secondary Class:
Paladins are the Holy Warriors. They have been chosen by a God/dess to be their representative on Earth, and must follow the code of that deity, or risk severe penalties. They tend towards being righteous, but not generally to excess.
Tempus is the Chaotic Neutral god of war. He is also known as the Lord of Battle and the Foehammer. His followers believe in the glory and joy of battle, and are never far from it. They typically wear battered armor, and carry a variety of weapons, but do not use missile weapons. Tempus's symbol is a flaming sword.
Detailed Results:
Lawful Good ----- XX (2)
Neutral Good ---- (-2)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXX (5)
Lawful Neutral -- (0)
True Neutral ---- (0)
Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXX (6)
Lawful Evil ----- XX (2)
Neutral Evil ---- (0)
Chaotic Evil ---- XXXXX (5)
Human ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Half-Elf - (-5)
Elf ------ X (1)
Halfling - (-5)
Dwarf ---- X (1)
Half-Orc - XXXXXXX (7)
Gnome ---- XXX (3)
Fighter - XXXXXXX (7)
Ranger -- (-2)
Paladin - XXXX (4)
Cleric -- (-1)
Mage ---- X (1)
Druid --- (-9)
Thief --- XXX (3)
Bard ---- XXXX (4)
Monk ---- (-3)
Follower Of Tempus
Chaotic Neutral characters are unstable, and frequently insane. They believe in disorder first and foremost, and will thus strive for that disorder in everything they do. This means that they will do whatever seems 'fun' or 'novel' at any given time.
Humans are the 'average' race. They have the shortest life spans, and because of this, they tend to avoid the racial prejudices that other races are known for. They are also very curious and tend to live 'for the moment'.
Primary Class:
Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.
Secondary Class:
Paladins are the Holy Warriors. They have been chosen by a God/dess to be their representative on Earth, and must follow the code of that deity, or risk severe penalties. They tend towards being righteous, but not generally to excess.
Tempus is the Chaotic Neutral god of war. He is also known as the Lord of Battle and the Foehammer. His followers believe in the glory and joy of battle, and are never far from it. They typically wear battered armor, and carry a variety of weapons, but do not use missile weapons. Tempus's symbol is a flaming sword.
Detailed Results:
Lawful Good ----- XX (2)
Neutral Good ---- (-2)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXX (5)
Lawful Neutral -- (0)
True Neutral ---- (0)
Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXX (6)
Lawful Evil ----- XX (2)
Neutral Evil ---- (0)
Chaotic Evil ---- XXXXX (5)
Human ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Half-Elf - (-5)
Elf ------ X (1)
Halfling - (-5)
Dwarf ---- X (1)
Half-Orc - XXXXXXX (7)
Gnome ---- XXX (3)
Fighter - XXXXXXX (7)
Ranger -- (-2)
Paladin - XXXX (4)
Cleric -- (-1)
Mage ---- X (1)
Druid --- (-9)
Thief --- XXX (3)
Bard ---- XXXX (4)
Monk ---- (-3)
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
Chaotic Good Human Ranger Fighter
Follower Of Shaundakul
Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.
Humans are the 'average' race. They have the shortest life spans, and because of this, they tend to avoid the racial prejudices that other races are known for. They are also very curious and tend to live 'for the moment'.
Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Secondary Class:
Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.
Shaundakul is the Chaotic Good god of travel and exploration. He is also known as the Rider of the Winds. His followers are typically rangers, and work to protect the land. They typically wear leather armor, and carry long swords and short bows. Shaundakul's symbol is a white hand with the index finger raised.
Lawful Good ----- (-1)
Neutral Good ---- X (1)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXX (4)
Lawful Neutral -- (-3)
True Neutral ---- XX (2)
Chaotic Neutral - XXX (3)
Lawful Evil ----- (-1)
Neutral Evil ---- XX (2)
Chaotic Evil ---- XXX (3)
Human ---- XXXXXX (6)
Half-Elf - XXXXXX (6)
Elf ------ XXXX (4)
Halfling - (-1)
Dwarf ---- XXXX (4)
Half-Orc - (0)
Gnome ---- XXXXXX (6)
Fighter - XXXXXXX (7)
Ranger -- XXXXXXXX (8)
Paladin - (-4)
Cleric -- (-1)
Mage ---- (0)
Druid --- X (1)
Thief --- X (1)
Bard ---- XXXX (4)
Monk ---- (-7)
Follower Of Shaundakul
Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.
Humans are the 'average' race. They have the shortest life spans, and because of this, they tend to avoid the racial prejudices that other races are known for. They are also very curious and tend to live 'for the moment'.
Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Secondary Class:
Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.
Shaundakul is the Chaotic Good god of travel and exploration. He is also known as the Rider of the Winds. His followers are typically rangers, and work to protect the land. They typically wear leather armor, and carry long swords and short bows. Shaundakul's symbol is a white hand with the index finger raised.
Lawful Good ----- (-1)
Neutral Good ---- X (1)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXX (4)
Lawful Neutral -- (-3)
True Neutral ---- XX (2)
Chaotic Neutral - XXX (3)
Lawful Evil ----- (-1)
Neutral Evil ---- XX (2)
Chaotic Evil ---- XXX (3)
Human ---- XXXXXX (6)
Half-Elf - XXXXXX (6)
Elf ------ XXXX (4)
Halfling - (-1)
Dwarf ---- XXXX (4)
Half-Orc - (0)
Gnome ---- XXXXXX (6)
Fighter - XXXXXXX (7)
Ranger -- XXXXXXXX (8)
Paladin - (-4)
Cleric -- (-1)
Mage ---- (0)
Druid --- X (1)
Thief --- X (1)
Bard ---- XXXX (4)
Monk ---- (-7)
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- LadyTevar
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Heh... give us time, ok? I don't normally play Bards, so I have to figure out how to work it.Hotfoot wrote:I note a distinct lack of actual characters ;)
Interesting group so far though. I see whoever wrote this test used the old, misguided version of CN. A pity, really.
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I will have mine up...shortly
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
Well the point of the challenge is to make a character that best fits your natural answers to the quiz, rather than answering the questions that give you the result that you want.Stofsk wrote:The quiz sucks. I keep getting crap like LG Gnome Fighter/Bard or LG Half-Orc Paladin/Fighter. I know you can get Monk somehow, but I'm just not having any luck getting it.
![Wink :wink:](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
That said, InnocentBystander managed to get a secondary class of Monk, so it is possible.
- Stofsk
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I know, but I'd rather be a monk than a BARD.Hotfoot wrote:Well the point of the challenge is to make a character that best fits your natural answers to the quiz, rather than answering the questions that give you the result that you want.Stofsk wrote:The quiz sucks. I keep getting crap like LG Gnome Fighter/Bard or LG Half-Orc Paladin/Fighter. I know you can get Monk somehow, but I'm just not having any luck getting it.
"Jump jump jump over the pit" while stringing a banjo doesn't have the sort of appeal that Leap of the Clouds does. And also the whole 'my fists are magic weapons' thing too. And Gnomes?!? :eek:
- frigidmagi
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I protest! I got human Choatoic Good Ranger/Paladin. How the fuck does that fucking work!?!
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- Shark Bait
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I got a human Chaotic evil ranger/warrior... why does it allways say I'm evil? I'm not evil I'm a good little catholic boy.
[img=left]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v721/ ... giite1.png[/img]"I reject your reality and substitute my own"
-Adam Savage "Mythbusters"
"Rule 4: Blades don't need reloading."
-Zombie survival guide
"What is burning people but stabbing them with fire?"
-Adam Savage "Mythbusters"
"Rule 4: Blades don't need reloading."
-Zombie survival guide
"What is burning people but stabbing them with fire?"
- Narsil
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Paladin of Freedom. A Chaotic Good variant.frigidmagi wrote:I protest! I got human Choatoic Good Ranger/Paladin. How the fuck does that fucking work!?!
- Dark Silver
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Don't feel bad frigid, I managed to obtain a Chaotic Evil Ranger/Paladin myself once out of the questions
but I stuck with my first one...I still question how I can be Chaotic Neutral though
but I stuck with my first one...I still question how I can be Chaotic Neutral though
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
- LadyTevar
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Because you're a selfish bastard who doesn't like playing by the rules.Dark Silver wrote:Don't feel bad frigid, I managed to obtain a Chaotic Evil Ranger/Paladin myself once out of the questions
but I stuck with my first one...I still question how I can be Chaotic Neutral though
![Twisted Evil :twisted:](./images/smilies/icon_twisted.gif)
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers