Brace yourself it's the Magi-Opinion Time.A French Muslim couple have opposed a government decision to contest a court ruling annulling their marriage because the bride lied about being a virgin.
Her lawyer has said she accepts the judgement of a court in Lille and simply wants to get on with her life.
The court granted the man's request for an annulment after ruling he had been tricked into the marriage.
It sparked an emotional debate and angered feminists who said it amounted to a fatwa against women's liberty.
According to media reports, the husband, an engineer in his thirties, married the trainee nurse in the summer of 2006, having been assured by her that she had never previously had a boyfriend.
Under the French civil code, a marriage can be annulled if a spouse has lied about an "essential quality" of the relationship.
Lawyers for the couple say both their clients have accepted the court decision to annul their marriage and they are unhappy about the emotional public debate their case has triggered.
She told me: 'I refuse this. I don't agree with this appeal... I don't know who decided that they would think for me - I haven't asked for anything'
Charles-Edouard Mauger
Lawyer for the wife
Some women ministers in the French government have called the court's ruling "a real fatwa against the emancipation of women" and "a ruling handed down in Kandahar".
Feminists argue the decision is unfair because a woman would not be able to cancel her marriage if she thought her husband was not a virgin.
Critics have also asked if the judge would have ruled the same way if the marriage was not between two Muslims.
But a lawyer for the husband has said the ruling had nothing to do with religion - but rather breach of contract, because the bride had lied about what the husband saw as an essential quality in his wife.
Now the French government has decided to ask the public prosecutor to appeal against the decision lest it set a precedent where people can legally insist on virginity as a requirement for marriage.
The only problem is the wife is not happy about this. Indeed, her lawyer says she is furious that someone else is making decisions on her behalf.
And the husband's lawyer has complained the government has contradicted its earlier position because of "uproar in the media".
Note: Magi's Opinions have not been cleared by anyone. We do not guantnee that you'll agree, favor or even like what is about to be typed.
Husband: Okay dude... Pathetic, seriously. Aiiiieee I can only marry a pure virgin! Betrays a lack of confidence to me there, and yeah for the record I am religious. Balls. Grow some.
Wifey: Oh Come On! If you had to lie to him about this what made you think he was gonna be worth shit as a husband? Spine. Grow one.
Feminists: You gotta be kidding me right? You think forcing them to stay together is gonna be some huge victory for women's lib? Did ya change the bloody defination when I wasn't looking? Are you thinking about what she wants? Never mind that, are you even thinking about her health and safety? Come on this is not going to get ya anywhere in addressing the problems of Muslim women. Brains. Grow Some.