I'm looking for players for a Cthulhutech game. It'll have some elements of a classic CoC investigation game, some of modern post-cyberpunk, and some bits, yes, of horror FPSes. One space is already reserved for Academia Nut, who suggested that I run this game, but the rest of the places are free.
You'll be individuals employed by the Armacham Charter, a co-operation group between the Ashcroft Foundation and the NEG. You will start by being sent to investigate a Charter installation, on the West Coast of Ireland, which has dropped out of messaging contact. The facility is not in any contested areas, but the Dagonites have been known to strike along the coast. As no formal warning was sent, the NEG as a whole has not been alerted, and you certainly get hints that the Charter would prefer it to remain secret. As a result, you're being sent to the nearby village of Ballydehob, to make your way to the facility and find out what happened.
As a group, a Werewolf transport will take you to the village. You'll be assigned a M-15 Ranger AAFV for the duration of the mission, outfitted with a Rocket Pod. Any players who take the "Power Armour Operator" Asset (see below) will be assigned a power armour of their choice, either human or Nazzadi, from either the Core or Vade Mecum. Likewise, you start with the starting gear for your profession, but you can ask me, for anything you think that would be appropriate, and if it's reasonable, it'll probably be granted.
Constraints: This is an infantry/ investigation scale game. That means, no Tagers, Engels, or Mecha. A player or two might be a power armour pilot, but not all the group, and in fact I'll be making Power Armour Pilot a + 3 point Asset (only usable by Soldiers), to show the level of advantage it could provide. Be aware that if you do take it, you'll be spending notable amounts of time outside of it, although I hope to make it so you will be able to use the thing that you paid for.
The following Assets and Drawbacks are mandatory:
Authority - 1 (Armacham Charter)
Duty - 2 (Armacham Charter)
Watched - 1 (Classified Security Rating)
That leaves all characters with two extra point, from the flaws. Note that these do count towards your maximum number of Drawbacks.
I'm not really looking for very abnormal characters; that's why I'm putting a restriction on Whites. They should have personality, be recognisable individuals, but they should also be plausible lowish level operatives. That does mean that, yes, the number of Eldritch Society infiltrators, secret employees of the Chrysalis Corporation, cultist dupes, "My Father was a Hybrid" and other such things should probably be kept in check. This may sound a little extreme in being so explicit, but I've tried to run a Cthulhutech pbp before, and found that, yes, you really do need to clamp down. If you do want to play that kind of character, contact me by PM to discuss it with your concept.
In addition, I'm bumping the timeline forwards, to 2091. Nothing changes, it's just to add a few years to the age of xenomix characters, to allow higher level of things like Education. However, I'd prefer not to see White characters, they're a rarity, and unless you have a very good background, I would ask you to consider what couldn't be done with a Human, Nazzadi or Xenomix parapsychic.
I'm looking for a wide range of characters, not just military types (although some would make sense). All characters should be able to handle themselves, at a low level, in a potential combat situation (1 to 2 dots of Firearms should do it), but there is no need to make every character a dual MP wielding gun ninja. It would be useful, for example, looking at what an investigation would require, for someone to be good with computers, given that it would be pretty bad for you to unable to extract the information when you're actually poking around.