Doctor Who Series 6 Discussion (possible Spoilers)

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#1 Doctor Who Series 6 Discussion (possible Spoilers)

Post by Dark Silver »

In honor of the new episode of Series 6 of Doctor who (aka Smith Doctor Series 2), I'm opening up the discussion thread starting with the Series 6 Premier......

Even though the title says spoilers, try to keep Spoilers in the tags please.

The Impossible Astronaut

First off, let me get this out of the way - HOLY SHIT.

I enjoyed the utter hell out of it, everything that occured in the first ten minutes was just...excellent - and we get the exact age of the Doctor twice.

So yeah, now we know how old he is.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Well, we kinda skipped out on a few here, didin't we.

Impossible Astronaut leads to Day of the Moon, where we find Rory, Amy, and River on the run, and The Doctor captured and stuck in 1967.

I will admit the in media res start was a twister, but the true WTF went back to Amy's little reveal in Impossible Astronaut. Seems Amy is NOT pregnant, after 3months on the run from the Silence and the US Gov.

Or is she? The Tardis is playing Schodinger's Cat on that one.

[spoilers]The Silence have been using humanity from the first wheel, leeching off our technology and lifestyles, hiding from us via psychic memory wipes. The Doctor, however, uses their own mental tricks against them in a very twisted, nasty hoist-on-own-petard way that was just fantastic.[/spoilers]

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Post by LadyTevar »

"Curse of the Black Spot"

Arr, mateys, we be becalmed aboard the seas!

Not one of the better shows imho. The resolution with the Siren was rather meh I think. Still a lot of good FXs

[spoilers]The Siren was the holo-doc of a downed alien ship. The pirates were being taken down for treatment, and the Black Spot was simply where the Siren took a sample to see how injured the person was. Of course, in 1700s, nearly all the pirates were suffering from various maladies from the poor sanitation and health of the time.

Episode ends with the pirates sailing off in the repaired spaceship. [/spoilers]

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Post by LadyTevar »

The Doctor's Wife

I should simply say two words: Neil Gaimon. Anything Mr Gaimon writes is sharp, witty, and always highly entertaining, and The Doctor's Wife is all of the above. The lady "Sexy Thing" gives the Doctor fits in the most delightful way, and we learn a LOT about the Intelligence behind the Tardis.

Best Quote: "I stole a Timelord!"

[spoilers]Everyone should know that The Doctor's Wife can only be the Tardis. And she fits him so perfectly.[/spoilers]

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Post by LadyTevar »

"Rebel Flesh" and "The Almost People".

Actually a damn good two-parter, which is sad because it directly sets up and leads into "Good Man Goes to War".

Rebel Flesh/Almost People introduces The Flesh, a biological goo that perfectly mimics the person in the harness, in full mental and physical detail. With TWO Doctors (one a Flesh-clone), the story takes a good hard look at what really makes Humanity human.

Two Matt Smiths also show just out frantic the Doctor's mind truly is.

And... we find out just why Amy has been seeing the Eyepatch Woman all this time.
[spoilers]Amy's been gone since The Impossible Astronaut. The Amy who has been with the Doctor and Rory all this time is Flesh-clone[/spoilers]

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Post by LadyTevar »

A Good Man Goes to War

So, Eyepatch Woman has everything set up, and a trap laid for The Doctor. The Doctor, however, has been gathering Allies. Even worse, the Last Centurian is looking for His Wife.

Personally, I want a few future episodes focusing on the backstories for The Blue Man, the Sontaran Nurse, and Madame Vasharti and her maid. The byplay between the Doctor and Madame Vasharti (and Vasharti and her maid) are really interesting.

The Doctor also discovers The Truth about River Song, and why the only water in the Forest is a river.

[spoilers]River Song is the translation of Melody Pond, family name first. She's Amy and Rory's baby, all grown up.[/spoilers]

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Post by Dark Silver »

And thus we get to....

"A good man goes to war" If you've been doing what I do, and obtaining the episodes from when they air in Great Britain......well, we're at the mid-season break point (gods I hate the fact they did that this time).

This is just excellent in showcasing what the Matt Smith Doctor actually is, and how dangerous he has actually become. River herself says it best in this episode.....
[spoilers]Doctor throughout history has meant "wise man" and "healer" We got that word from you. But the way you are now, and if you continue going like this, you will change the meaning of that word." to paraphrase. Funny enough, in the language of the Gamma forest...the word Doctor does not mean healer or wise man...but Great Warrior. The Doctor himself is responsible for that.[/spoilers]

[spoilers]The Doctor and Rory call in several favors owed our favorite Time Lord, and go after the people holding Amy, and her new born daughter - the Angelican Space Church and the Headless Monks. Rory becomes the Lone Centurion once more, and goes to War while the Doctor's cracks begin to show....[/spoilers]

I'm planning on rewatching all of Series 6 as released in so far, and try to come up with a suitable first half-season post rounding up some of my own theories. Moffat has done some damn good storytelling in this, and has been tying back these events back through Series 5, and some time before.
Last edited by Dark Silver on Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
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